2017-06-16 343 views

我正在绘制使用geopandas的等值线图,我需要绘制自定义表格图例。 This question的答案显示了如何获取contourf图的表格图例。 而我'在代码波纹管使用它:如何为geopandas绘制表格图例

import pandas as pd 
import pysal as ps 
import geopandas as gp 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

pth = 'outcom.shp' 
tracts = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_file(pth) 
ax = tracts.plot(column='Density', scheme='QUANTILES') 

valeur = np.array([.1,.45,.7]) 
text=[["Faible","Ng<1,5" ],["Moyenne","1,5<Ng<2,5"],[u"Elevee", "Ng>2,5"]] 
colLabels = ["Exposition", u"Densite"] 
tab = ax.table(cellText=text, colLabels=colLabels, colWidths = [0.2,0.2], loc='lower right', cellColours=plt.cm.hot_r(np.c_[valeur,valeur])) 

而这里的结果我得到: enter image description here




您正在使用HOT颜色表进行绘制表格。我怀疑地理数据使用另一种颜色地图b默认。尝试为两个操作指定相同的颜色映射表。 –


即使它不起作用,我认为应该修改这一行:text = [[“Faible”,“Ng <1,5”],[“Moyenne”,“1.5 2,5”]]。由于这些NG值应该从我正在绘制的名为'Density'的列中提取。 –


你可以添加一个彩色贴图到你的贴图上,以便像你的图例一样匹配'ax = tracts.plot(column ='Density',scheme ='QUANTILES',cmap ='hot')' –



geopandas图不支持添加图例。它也不提供对绘图对象的访问权限,只返回形状为多边形的轴。 (它甚至不提供PolyCollection来使用)。因此,为这样一个情节创造一个正常的传说是很繁琐的工作。

幸运一些这方面的工作已经beeing在例如笔记本Choropleth classification with PySAL and GeoPandas - With legend

这样做,我们需要利用这个代码,并执行它来自this answer自定义表格的传奇。


def __pysal_choro(values, scheme, k=5): 
    """ Wrapper for choropleth schemes from PySAL for use with plot_dataframe 


      Series to be plotted 

      pysal.esda.mapclassify classificatin scheme ['Equal_interval'|'Quantiles'|'Fisher_Jenks'] 

      number of classes (2 <= k <=9) 


      Series with values replaced with class identifier if PySAL is available, otherwise the original values are used 

     from pysal.esda.mapclassify import Quantiles, Equal_Interval, Fisher_Jenks 
     schemes = {} 
     schemes['equal_interval'] = Equal_Interval 
     schemes['quantiles'] = Quantiles 
     schemes['fisher_jenks'] = Fisher_Jenks 
     s0 = scheme 
     scheme = scheme.lower() 
     if scheme not in schemes: 
      scheme = 'quantiles' 
      print('Unrecognized scheme: ', s0) 
      print('Using Quantiles instead') 
     if k < 2 or k > 9: 
      print('Invalid k: ', k) 
      print('2<=k<=9, setting k=5 (default)') 
      k = 5 
     binning = schemes[scheme](values, k) 
     values = binning.yb 
    except ImportError: 
     print('PySAL not installed, setting map to default') 

    return binning 

def plot_polygon(ax, poly, facecolor='red', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1): 
    """ Plot a single Polygon geometry """ 
    from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch 
    a = np.asarray(poly.exterior) 
    # without Descartes, we could make a Patch of exterior 
    ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha)) 
    ax.plot(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], color=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth) 
    for p in poly.interiors: 
     x, y = zip(*p.coords) 
     ax.plot(x, y, color=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth) 

def plot_multipolygon(ax, geom, facecolor='red', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1): 
    """ Can safely call with either Polygon or Multipolygon geometry 
    if geom.type == 'Polygon': 
     plot_polygon(ax, geom, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth) 
    elif geom.type == 'MultiPolygon': 
     for poly in geom.geoms: 
      plot_polygon(ax, poly, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth) 

import numpy as np 
from geopandas.plotting import (plot_linestring, plot_point, norm_cmap) 

def plot_dataframe(s, column=None, colormap=None, alpha=0.5, 
        categorical=False, legend=False, axes=None, scheme=None, 
        k=5, linewidth=1): 
    """ Plot a GeoDataFrame 

     Generate a plot of a GeoDataFrame with matplotlib. If a 
     column is specified, the plot coloring will be based on values 
     in that column. Otherwise, a categorical plot of the 
     geometries in the `geometry` column will be generated. 


      The GeoDataFrame to be plotted. Currently Polygon, 
      MultiPolygon, LineString, MultiLineString and Point 
      geometries can be plotted. 

     column : str (default None) 
      The name of the column to be plotted. 

     categorical : bool (default False) 
      If False, colormap will reflect numerical values of the 
      column being plotted. For non-numerical columns (or if 
      column=None), this will be set to True. 

     colormap : str (default 'Set1') 
      The name of a colormap recognized by matplotlib. 

     alpha : float (default 0.5) 
      Alpha value for polygon fill regions. Has no effect for 
      lines or points. 

     legend : bool (default False) 
      Plot a legend (Experimental; currently for categorical 
      plots only) 

     axes : matplotlib.pyplot.Artist (default None) 
      axes on which to draw the plot 

     scheme : pysal.esda.mapclassify.Map_Classifier 
      Choropleth classification schemes 

     k : int (default 5) 
      Number of classes (ignored if scheme is None) 


     matplotlib axes instance 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D 
    from matplotlib.colors import Normalize 
    from matplotlib import cm 

    if column is None: 
     raise NotImplementedError 
     #return plot_series(s.geometry, colormap=colormap, alpha=alpha, axes=axes) 
     if s[column].dtype is np.dtype('O'): 
      categorical = True 
     if categorical: 
      if colormap is None: 
       colormap = 'Set1' 
      categories = list(set(s[column].values)) 
      valuemap = dict([(j, v) for (v, j) in enumerate(categories)]) 
      values = [valuemap[j] for j in s[column]] 
      values = s[column] 
     if scheme is not None: 
      binning = __pysal_choro(values, scheme, k=k) 
      values = binning.yb 
      # set categorical to True for creating the legend 
      categorical = True 
      binedges = [binning.yb.min()] + binning.bins.tolist() 
      categories = ['{0:.2f} - {1:.2f}'.format(binedges[i], binedges[i+1]) for i in range(len(binedges)-1)] 
     cmap = norm_cmap(values, colormap, Normalize, cm) 
     if axes == None: 
      fig = plt.gcf() 
      fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') 
      ax = plt.gca() 
      ax = axes 
     for geom, value in zip(s.geometry, values): 
      if geom.type == 'Polygon' or geom.type == 'MultiPolygon': 
       plot_multipolygon(ax, geom, facecolor=cmap.to_rgba(value), alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth) 
      elif geom.type == 'LineString' or geom.type == 'MultiLineString': 
       raise NotImplementedError 
       #plot_multilinestring(ax, geom, color=cmap.to_rgba(value)) 
      # TODO: color point geometries 
      elif geom.type == 'Point': 
       raise NotImplementedError 
       #plot_point(ax, geom, color=cmap.to_rgba(value)) 
     if legend: 
      if categorical: 
       rowtitle = ["Moyenne"] * len(categories) 
       rowtitle[0] = "Faible"; rowtitle[-1] = u"Elevée" 
       text=zip(rowtitle, categories) 
       colors = [] 
       for i in range(len(categories)):      
        color = list(cmap.to_rgba(i)) 
        color[3] = alpha 
       colLabels = ["Exposition", u"Densité"] 

       tab=plt.table(cellText=text, colLabels=colLabels, 
            colWidths = [0.2,0.2], loc='upper left', 
            cellColours=zip(colors, colors)) 
       # TODO: show a colorbar 
       raise NotImplementedError 

    return ax 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    import pysal as ps 
    import geopandas as gp 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

    pth = ps.examples.get_path("columbus.shp") 
    tracts = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_file(pth) 

    ax = plot_dataframe(tracts, column='CRIME', scheme='QUANTILES', k=5, colormap='OrRd', legend=True) 


enter image description here


哦超,这就是我要找的,谢谢你的帮助,努力,解释和代码,你救了我的命! –


虽然我很高兴它可以帮助你,但我衷心希望你的生活不依赖于地图传说的一些代码。 ;-) – ImportanceOfBeingErnest