2012-04-05 44 views



MySQL download page下载ODBC connector


在您的VB6项目中,选择对Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library的引用。如果您拥有Windows Vista或Windows 7,则可能还有一个6.0库。如果您希望程序在Windows XP客户端上运行,那么最好使用2.8库。如果您的Windows 7使用SP 1,则由于SP1中存在兼容性问题,您的程序将无法在规格较低的其他系统上运行。您可以在KB2517589中阅读有关此错误的更多信息。


Private Sub RunQuery() 
    Dim DBCon As adodb.connection 
    Dim Cmd As adodb.Command 
    Dim Rs As adodb.recordset 
    Dim strName As String 

    'Create a connection to the database 
    Set DBCon = New adodb.connection 
    DBCon.CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    'This is a connectionstring to a local MySQL server 
    DBCon.Open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Option=3;" 

    'Create a new command that will execute the query 
    Set Cmd = New adodb.Command 
    Cmd.ActiveConnection = DBCon 
    Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText 
    'This is your actual MySQL query 
    Cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Name from Customer WHERE ID = 1" 

    'Executes the query-command and puts the result into Rs (recordset) 
    Set Rs = Cmd.Execute 

    'Loop through the results of your recordset until there are no more records 
    Do While Not Rs.eof 
     'Put the value of field 'Name' into string variable 'Name' 
     strName = Rs("Name") 

     'Move to the next record in your resultset 

    'Close your database connection 

    'Delete all references 
    Set Rs = Nothing 
    Set Cmd = Nothing 
    Set DBCon = Nothing 
End Sub 

谢谢你,但它返回我“无法连接到MySQL服务器上......”每次我尝试连接的时间...我已经检查了服务器,用户,并通过 - 一切是正确的 – f1nn 2012-04-05 10:23:56


顺便说一句,当然我使用连接字符串进行远程访问 – f1nn 2012-04-05 10:24:46


什么是完整的错误信息? – Martin 2012-04-05 11:14:37