2015-09-06 118 views



有人问这个问题,在我面前,我回答。然而,这个人 删除了他自己的问题,然后才能发送答案。我只是重新问它,所以我可以发布已经写好的答案(希望它可以帮助 其他人)。



Arduino只能检测到按钮的状态(按下或未按下)。因此,您可以使用基于this example的计时器变量,然后您可以保存按钮/按钮释放的时间。


const int buttonPin = 2; 

int buttonState = 0;  // current state of the button 
int lastButtonState = 0; // previous state of the button 
int startPressed = 0; // the time button was pressed 
int endPressed = 0;  // the time button was released 
int timeHold = 0;  // the time button is hold 
int timeReleased = 0; // the time button is released 

void setup() { 
    // initialize the button pin as a input: 
    pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); 
    // initialize serial communication: 

void loop() { 
    // read the pushbutton input pin: 
    buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); 

    // button state changed 
    if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { 

     // the button was just pressed 
     if (buttonState == HIGH) { 
      startPressed = milis(); 
      timeReleased = startPressed - endPressed; 

      if (timeReleased >= 500 && timeReleased < 1000) { 
       Serial.println("Button idle for half a second"); 

      if (timeReleased >= 1000) { 
       Serial.println("Button idle for one second or more"); 

     // the button was just released 
     } else { 
      endPressed = milis(); 
      timeHold = endPressed - startPressed; 

      if (timeHold >= 500 && timeHold < 1000) { 
       Serial.println("Button hold for half a second"); 

      if (timeHold >= 1000) { 
       Serial.println("Button hold for one second or more"); 



    // save the current state as the last state, 
    //for next time through the loop 
    lastButtonState = buttonState; 
