2012-02-15 45 views

我正在使用'简单的HTML Dom'来刮HN的头版(news.ycombinator.com),这很好的大部分的时间。刮HN首页 - Handeling简单的HTML Dom错误


Shameless Promotion



// 2012-02-12 Maximilian (Extract news.ycombinator.com's Front Page) 

// Set the header during development 
//header ("content-type: text/xml"); 

// Call the external PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser (http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/manual.htm) 


// Download 'news.ycombinator.com' content 
//$tmp = file_get_contents('http://news.ycombinator.com'); 
//file_put_contents('get.tmp', $tmp); 

// Retrieve the content 
$html = file_get_html('tc.tmp'); 

// Set the extraction pattern for each item 
$title = $html->find("tr td table tr td.title a"); 
$score = $html->find("tr td.subtext span"); 
$user = $html->find("tr td.subtext a[href^=user]"); 
$link = $html->find("tr td table tr td.title a"); 
$time = $html->find("tr td.subtext"); 
$additionals = $html->find("tr td.subtext a[href^=item?id]"); 

// Construct the feed by looping through the items 
for($i=0;$i<29;$i++) { 


// Check if the item points to an external website 
if (!strstr($link[$i]->href,'http')) { 

$url = 'http://news.ycombinator.com/'.$link[$i]->href; 
$description = "Join the discussion on Hacker News."; 

} else { 

$url = $link[$i]->href; 

// Getting content here 

if (empty($abstract)) { 

$description ="Failed to load any relevant content. Please try again later."; 

} else { 

$description = $abstract; 


// Put all the items together 
    $result .= '<item><id>f'.$i.'</id><title>'.htmlspecialchars(trim($title[$i]->plaintext)).'</title><description><![CDATA['.$description.']]></description><pubDate>'.str_replace(' | '.$additionals[$i]->plaintext,'',str_replace($score[$i]->plaintext.' by '.$user[$i]->plaintext.' ','',$time[$i]->plaintext)).'</pubDate><score>'.$score[$i]->plaintext.'</score><user>'.$user[$i]->plaintext.'</user><comments>'.$additionals[$i]->plaintext.'</comments><id>'.substr($additionals[$i]->href,8).'</id><discussion>http://news.ycombinator.com/'.$additionals[$i]->href.'</discussion><link>'.htmlspecialchars($url).'</link></item>'; 

$output = '<rss><channel><id>news.ycombinator.com Frontpage</id><buildDate>'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'</buildDate>'.$result.'</channel></rss>'; 

file_put_contents('tc.xml', $output); 



<title>Show HN: Bootswatch, free swatches for your Bootstrap site</title> 
<description><![CDATA[Easy to Install Simply download the CSS file from the swatch of your choice and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values. Whole New Feel We've all been there with the black bar and blue buttons. See how a splash of color and typography can transform the feel of your site. Modular Changes are contained in just two LESS files, enabling modification and ensuring forward compatibility.]]></description> 
<pubDate>3 hours ago</pubDate> 
<score>196 points</score> 
<comments>30 comments</comments> 
<title>Louis CK inspires Jim Gaffigan to sell comedy special for $5 online</title> 
<description><![CDATA[Dear Internet Friends,Inspired by the brilliant Louis CK, I have decided to debut my all-new hour stand-up special on my website, Jimgaffigan.com.Beginning sometime in April, “Jim Gaffigan: Mr. Universe” will be available exclusively for download for only $5. A dollar from each download will go directly to The Bob Woodruff Foundation; a charity dedicated to serving injured Veterans and their families.I am confident that the low price of my new comedy special and the fact that 20% of each $5 download will be donated to this very noble cause will prevent people from stealing it. Maybe I’m being naïve, but I trust you guys.]]></description> 
<pubDate>57 minutes ago</pubDate> 
<score>25 points</score> 
<comments>4 comments</comments> 


<title>Build the next Legos: We're hiring an iOS Developer &amp; Web Developer (YC S11)</title> 
<description><![CDATA[Interested in building the next generation of toys on digital devices such as the iPad? That’s what we’re doing here at Launchpad Toys with apps like Toontastic (Named one of the “Top 10 iPad Apps of 2011” by the New York Times and was recently added to the iTunes Hall of Fame) and an awesom]]><![CDATA[e suite of others we have under development. We’re looking for creative and playful coders that have made games or highly visual apps/sites in the past for our two open development positions. As a kid, you probably played with Legos endlessly and grew up to be a hacker because you still love building things. Sounds like you? Email us at [email protected] with a couple links to some projects and code that we can look at along with your resume.]]></description> 
<pubDate>2 hours ago</pubDate> 
<score>14 points</score> 
<comments>7 comments</comments> 
<title>SOPA foe Fred Wilson supports a blacklist on pirate sites</title> 
<description><![CDATA[VC Fred Wilson says Google, Bing, Facebook, and Twitter should warn people when they try to log in at known pirate sites: "We don't need legislation." Fred Wilson says: If they try to pass antipiracy legislation, it will once again be 'war.' (Credit: Greg Sandoval/CNET) Fred Wilson, a well-known ven]]><![CDATA[ture capitalist from New York, says he's in favor of creating a blacklist for Web sites found to traffic in pirated films, music, and other intellectual property. The co-founder of Union Square Ventures told a gathering of media executives at the Paley Center for Media yesterday that he believes a good antipiracy measure would be for Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other major sites to issue warnings to people when they try to connect with a known pirate site. Fred Wilson, a co-founder of Union Square Ventures, says 'Our children have been taught to steal.' (Credit: Union Square Ventures) Wilson favors establishing an independent group to create a "black and white list." "The blacklist are those sites we all know are bad news," he told the audience in New York.]]></description> 
<pubDate>14 points by bproper 2 hours ago | 7 comments</pubDate> 
<score>24 points</score> 
<comments>12 comments</comments> 




他们也有[RSS](http://news.ycombinator.com/rss)你知道... – rid 2012-02-15 20:58:32


@Radu事实上他们这样做,但我试图让:在发布时间,评论数量,发布用户名和提交得分。 – mmackh 2012-02-15 21:00:58




$news = preg_split('/<tr style="height:5px"><\/tr>/',$html->find('tbody',2)->innertext); 


foreach($news as $article){ 
    $article = str_get_html($article) 
    // No upvote arrow found so its not a valid article 
    if(count($article->find('img')) === 0){ 



非常感谢您提出将页面拆分为块的建议。我已经用我的解决方案更新了上面的代码 – mmackh 2012-02-17 10:58:28


嗨,你应该离开这个问题,以便人们可以理解你最初的方法是什么......所以他们可以更清楚地知道你的问题 – 2012-02-17 14:12:34


会这样做,谢谢你的建议 – mmackh 2012-02-17 21:14:32



$array = explode('<tr style="height:5px"></tr>',$html); 
foreach ($array as $post) { 

    if (!strstr($post,'grayarrow.gif')){}else{ 

    $clean .= $post; 


$html = str_get_html($clean.'</body></html>');