2017-06-20 79 views



with dat as (
      select 1 as id,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp as dt union all 
      select 1,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150102 02:02:51'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150103 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 2,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 2,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 2,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 2,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
      select 1,'20150104 02:02:50'::timestamp 
      )-- select * from dat 
    select id , dt , lag(trunc(dt)) over(partition by id order by dt asc) prev_diff_value 
    from dat 
    order by id,dt desc 
O/P : 
    id dt     prev_diff_value 
    1 2015-01-04 02:02:50 2015-01-03 00:00:00 
    1 2015-01-03 02:02:50 2015-01-02 00:00:00 
    1 2015-01-02 02:02:51 2015-01-02 00:00:00 
    1 2015-01-02 02:02:50 2015-01-02 00:00:00 
    1 2015-01-02 02:02:50 2015-01-01 00:00:00 

嗨,你能更好地解释你想在prev_diff_value列中看到什么吗?滞后函数将前一个作为参考,因此它工作正常,您要求该红移。你为什么想回到一步?也许你可以按年 - 月 - 日分组来划分,所以2015-01-02 02:02:50和2015-01-02 02:02:51会被认为是一样的吗? – MiloBellano


好吧..我知道它返回正确的结果,但prev-diff-value中我期望的值是前一天或早些日子而不是前一行 – Fact




with dat as (
    select 1 as id,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp as dt union all 
    select 1,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:51'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150103 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150104 02:02:50'::timestamp 
,dat_unique_lag as (
    select *, lag(date) over(partition by id order by date asc) prev_diff_value 
    from (
     select distinct id,trunc(dt) as date 
     from dat 
select * 
from dat 
join dat_unique_lag 
using (id) 
where trunc(dat.dt)=dat_unique_lag.date 
order by id,dt desc; 


with dat as (
    select 1 as id,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp as dt union all 
    select 1,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150102 02:02:51'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150103 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 03:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150101 04:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 2,'20150102 02:02:50'::timestamp union all 
    select 1,'20150104 02:02:50'::timestamp 
select id, dt, 
    when lag(trunc(dt)) over(partition by id order by dt asc)=trunc(dt) 
    then case 
     when lag(trunc(dt),2) over(partition by id order by dt asc)=trunc(dt) 
     then case 
      when lag(trunc(dt),3) over(partition by id order by dt asc)=trunc(dt) 
      then lag(trunc(dt),4) over(partition by id order by dt asc) 
      else lag(trunc(dt),3) over(partition by id order by dt asc) 
     else lag(trunc(dt),2) over(partition by id order by dt asc) 
    else lag(trunc(dt)) over(partition by id order by dt asc) 
end as prev_diff_value 
from dat 
order by id,dt desc; 
