2017-07-26 60 views
void Solution::rotate(vector<vector<int> > &A) { 
    int n= A.size(); 
int temp[n]; 
for(int j=0;j<n;j++) 
    for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) 
     A[n-i-1][n-1] = A[0][n-i-1]; 

我想再次调用该函数并传递原始数组的子数组,起始点为数组的起点(1,1)和终点作为(n-2,n-2)阵列。 是否有可能在不创建新的矢量的情况下完成它,我的意思是通过传递一些指向该函数的指针?如何通过C++中的函数中的2d向量的子向量


最简单的(和最快的,即优化)这样做是使用扁平'矢量'和从二维映射到一维和副的方式-versa。 – vsoftco


如果要在两个维度上切片,只需传递每个维度的第一个和最后一个索引,然后使用它编辑通过引用*传递的矢量。 –


通过限制尺寸作为参数与矢量应该完成工作。 – MASh






// wrapping class for 2D matrixes 
class Matrix 
    size_t rows, columns; // large, unsigned datatype. Don't want negative 
          // indices, so why allow them? 
    std::vector<int> matrix; // 1D vector. Simple and easy to handle. 
          // also often much faster than vector of vectors 
          // due to improved spatial locality helping 
          // predictability of data access 
    // build zero-filled Matrix 
    Matrix(size_t numrows, size_t numcols) : 
      rows(numrows), columns(numcols), matrix(rows * columns) 

    // 2D to 1D mapping accessor 
    int & operator()(size_t row, size_t column) 
     // check bounds here 
     return matrix[row * columns + column]; 

    // 2D to 1D mapping accessor for constant Matrix 
    int operator()(size_t row, size_t column) const 
     // check bounds here 
     return matrix[row * columns + column]; 

    // dimension accessors 
    size_t getRows() const 
     return rows; 
    size_t getColumns() const 
     return columns; 


class MatrixView 
    size_t mStartRow;  // view offset in row 
    size_t mStartColumn; // view offset in column 
    size_t mRows;   // number of viewed rows 
    size_t mColumns;  // number of viewed columns 
    Matrix & mMat;   // viewed Matrix 

    // using start and endpoints in this constructor. A more ideologically correct 
    // constructor would behave the same as the standard library and take offset 
    // and length as parameters. 
    MatrixView(size_t startrow, 
       size_t startcolumn, 
       size_t endrow, 
       size_t endcolumn, 
       Matrix & mat): 
        mRows(endrow - startrow), 
        mColumns(endcolumn - startcolumn), 
     //ensure dimensions make sense 
     if (startrow > endrow || 
      startcolumn > endcolumn || 
      mRows > mat.getRows() || 
      mColumns > mat.getColumns()) 
      throw std::runtime_error("Bad MatrixView dimensions"); 
    int & operator()(size_t row, size_t column) 
     // check bounds here if you want to 
     // look at the source matrix plus offsets 
     return mMat(row+mStartRow, column+mStartColumn); 

    // 2D to 1D mapping accessor for constant Matrix 
    int operator()(size_t row, size_t column) const 
     // check bounds here if you want to 
     return mMat(row+mStartRow, column+mStartColumn); 

    // dimension accessors 
    size_t getRows() const 
     return mRows; 
    size_t getColumns() const 
     return mColumns; 

    // build a new Matrix based on this view 
    Matrix clone() 
     Matrix result(mRows, mColumns); 
     for (size_t row = 0; row < mRows; ++row) 
      for (size_t col = 0; col < mColumns; ++col) 
       result(row, col) = mMat(row+mStartRow, col+mStartColumn); 
     return result; 


// stream formatters 
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Matrix & mat) 
    for (size_t row = 0; row < mat.getRows(); ++row) 
     for (size_t col = 0; col < mat.getColumns(); ++col) 
      std::cout << std::setw(5) << mat(row, col); 
     std::cout << '\n'; 
    return out; 
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const MatrixView & mat) 
    for (size_t row = 0; row < mat.getRows(); ++row) 
     for (size_t col = 0; col < mat.getColumns(); ++col) 
      std::cout << std::setw(5) << mat(row, col); 
     std::cout << '\n'; 
    return out; 

int main() 
    Matrix one(6, 6); // make 6x6 matrix 
    int count = 0; 

    // set inputs to make errors really stand out 
    for (size_t row = 0; row < one.getRows(); ++row) 
     for (size_t col = 0; col < one.getColumns(); ++col) 
      one(row, col) = count++; 

    // print initial matrix 
    std::cout << one << '\n'; 

    // make a view of matrix that leaves off the outside. 
    MatrixView view(1,1,5,5, one); 

    // print the view 
    std::cout << view << '\n'; 

    // get a clone of the view we can pass into a function 
    Matrix clone = view.clone(); 

    // and print the clone 
    std::cout << clone << '\n'; 

在我的创作中,更好的矩阵视图有一个指针,宽度,高度和步幅。不要将它绑定到仅包装矩阵。 – Yakk