2016-03-15 63 views


 ID Issue_Date index.date other.drugs 
    1: 1 2000-02-08 2011-02-03   1 
    2: 1 2000-04-04 2011-02-03   0 
    3: 1 2000-05-30 2011-02-03   1 
    4: 1 2000-07-25 2011-02-03   1 
    5: 1 2000-08-22 2011-02-03   1 
    1: 2 2007-03-23 2009-04-03   1 
    2: 2 2007-04-04 2009-04-03   1 
    3: 2 2007-04-23 2009-04-03   1 
    4: 2 2007-04-23 2009-04-03   0 
    5: 2 2007-05-21 2009-04-03   1 

other.drugs列是一个指示变量表示在该日期给出的处方是否不在研究兴趣的处方。 index.date是他们进入研究的日期。有超过1000个ID的,只有2个在这里给出。


dt <- dt[, yearend.1 := Issue_Date[1]+365, by = ID] 
dt <- dt[(Issue_Date<=yearend.1), comorbid.1 := sum(other.drugs), by = ID] 
dt <- dt[, comorbid.1:= comorbid.1[!is.na(comorbid.1)][1], by = ID] 
# the last line copies the value to each cell the ID occupies in the data.table for that column instead of having NA's 


 ID Issue_Date index.date other.drugs yearend.1 comorbid.1 
    1: 1 2000-02-08 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 
    2: 1 2000-04-04 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 
    3: 1 2000-05-30 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 
    4: 1 2000-07-25 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 
    5: 1 2000-08-22 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 
    1: 2 2007-03-23 2009-04-03   1 2008-03-22   30 
    2: 2 2007-04-04 2009-04-03   1 2008-03-22   30 
    3: 2 2007-04-23 2009-04-03   1 2008-03-22   30 
    4: 2 2007-04-23 2009-04-03   1 2008-03-22   30 
    5: 2 2007-05-21 2009-04-03   1 2008-03-22   30 

解读:ID 1后,他们的第一个issue_date规定在今年8种其他药物和ID 2遵医嘱30.


years <- seq(730, 3650, 365) 
# number of days in 2-10 years. 
years2 <- seq(2,10,1) 
# numbering the years for column names 
colnames <- paste0("yearend.", years2) 
colnames2 <- paste0("comorbid.", years2) 
# names of columns to be used 

for (i in 1:length(years)) { 
    dt <- dt[, colnames[i] := Issue_Date[1]+years[i], by = ID] 
    dt <- dt[(Issue_Date>=(as.Date(colnames[i], "%d-%m-%Y")) & Issue_Date<(as.Date(colnames[i+1], "%d-%m-%Y"))), 
     colnames2[i] := sum(other.drugs), by = ID] 
    dt <- dt[, colnames2[i]:= colnames2[i][!is.na(colnames2[i])][1], by = ID] 


 ID Issue_Date index.date other.drugs yearend.1 comorbid.1 yearend.2 comorbid.2 yearend.3 comorbid.3 
    1: 1 2000-02-08 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 2002-02-07 comorbid.2 2003-02-07 comorbid.3 
    2: 1 2000-04-04 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 2002-02-07 comorbid.2 2003-02-07 comorbid.3 
    3: 1 2000-05-30 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 2002-02-07 comorbid.2 2003-02-07 comorbid.3 
    4: 1 2000-07-25 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 2002-02-07 comorbid.2 2003-02-07 comorbid.3 
    5: 1 2000-08-22 2011-02-03   1 2001-02-07   8 2002-02-07 comorbid.2 2003-02-07 comorbid.3 





for (i in 1:length(years)) { 
    dt <- dt[, colnames[i] := Issue_Date[1]+years[i], by = ID] 
    dt <- dt[(Issue_Date>=(as.Date(get(colnames[i]), "%d-%m-%Y")) & Issue_Date<(as.Date(get(colnames[i+1]), "%d-%m-%Y"))), 
     colnames2[i] := sum(other.drugs), by = ID] 
    dt <- dt[, colnames2[i]:= get(colnames2[i])[!is.na(get(colnames2[i]))][1], by = ID] 


  • 我没有足够的数据,以便我会得到任何东西从你的暂时的情况Issue_Date>...
  • 也许我错过了一些东西,但在你的循环中,你试图使用colnames[i+1],即yearend.X实际上被创建之前(也许你已经跑了好几次,这就是为什么你不要没有错误?)


    ID Issue_Date index.date other.drugs yearend.1 comorbid.1 
1: 1 00-02-08 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 
2: 1 00-04-04 2011-02-03   0 01-02-07   4 
3: 1 00-05-30 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 
4: 1 00-07-25 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 
5: 1 00-08-22 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 
6: 2 07-03-23 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 
7: 2 07-04-04 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 
8: 2 07-04-23 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 
9: 2 07-04-23 2009-04-03   0 08-03-22   4 
10: 2 07-05-21 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 

i <- 1 
dt <- dt[, colnames[i] := Issue_Date[1]+years[i], by = ID] 
dt <- dt[Issue_Date<get(colnames[i]), 
     colnames2[i] := sum(other.drugs), by = ID] 
dt <- dt[, colnames2[i]:= get(colnames2[i])[!is.na(get(colnames2[i]))][1], by = ID] 

    ID Issue_Date index.date other.drugs yearend.1 comorbid.1 yearend.2 comorbid.2 
1: 1 00-02-08 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 02-02-07   4 
2: 1 00-04-04 2011-02-03   0 01-02-07   4 02-02-07   4 
3: 1 00-05-30 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 02-02-07   4 
4: 1 00-07-25 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 02-02-07   4 
5: 1 00-08-22 2011-02-03   1 01-02-07   4 02-02-07   4 
6: 2 07-03-23 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 09-03-22   4 
7: 2 07-04-04 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 09-03-22   4 
8: 2 07-04-23 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 09-03-22   4 
9: 2 07-04-23 2009-04-03   0 08-03-22   4 09-03-22   4 
10: 2 07-05-21 2009-04-03   1 08-03-22   4 09-03-22   4 
