2014-09-20 75 views


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-} 

data A = A 

class C a where 
    c :: a -> Bool 

instance C A where 
    c _ = True 

data D a where 
    D :: C a => D a 

toBool :: D a -> Bool 
toBool D = c (undefined::a) 


Could not deduce (C a0) arising from a use of ‘c’ 
from the context (C a) 
    bound by a pattern with constructor 
      D :: forall a. C a => D a, 
      in an equation for ‘toBool’ 
    at test.hs:15:8 
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous 
Note: there is a potential instance available: 
    instance C A -- Defined at test.hs:8:10 
In the expression: c (undefined :: a) 
In an equation for ‘toBool’: toBool D = c (undefined :: a) 

有人能解释这是怎么回事上 ?


'ScopedTypeVariables'要求你明确地写出哪些类型的签名应该被写出来:'toBool :: forall a。 D a - > Bool'。 – user2407038 2014-09-20 05:00:17




toBool :: forall a . D a -> Bool 
toBool D = c (undefined :: forall a . a) -- another forall here? 


toBool :: forall a . D a -> Bool 
toBool D = c (undefined :: a) -- capture `a` from prior scope 


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} 

toBool :: forall a . D a -> Bool 
toBool D = c (undefined :: a) 

注意,以便调用ScopedTypeVariables现在必须手动介绍要特殊对待的forall秒。没有那个手册forall Haskell会自动将它们引入到它通常所用的所有相同位置。