2011-12-14 46 views



$files = glob("testimonials/*.txt"); 
$filename = $files[rand(0, count($files)-1)]; 
$lines = file($filename); 
$author = array_shift($lines); 
$message = explode("", $lines); 

<p><b>Author:</b> <?php echo $author; ?></p> 
<?php echo $message; ?> 




您的移动/删除第一行,你说这就是作者的名字,是在第二行`$ message`的不换行的其余部分?你可以使用`$线[0]`作者姓名,然后`implode($ lines)`到字符串中使用str_replace()从作者信息中删除作者 – 2011-12-14 21:00:09


作者姓名在第一行,其余的信息在第二行;没有换行符,没有额外的空间。让我试试你的答案。 – gstricklind 2011-12-14 21:13:18




$files = glob("testimonials/*.txt"); 
       //mt_rand is more random 
$filename = $files[mt_rand(0, count($files)-1)]; 

$lines = file($filename); 
//Get authors name 
/*Glue the whole $lines array into a string & remove the author, 
    so whats left is just the message*/ 
$message=str_replace($author,'',implode(' ',$lines)); 

<p><b>Author:</b> <?php echo $author; ?></p> 
<?php echo $message; ?> 


function getTestimonial(){ 
// testimonials for Stay-in-Touch.ca  
$q = array(); 
$q[] = " I was very impressed by your gadget - Grandma used it to show me 
      loads of new photos of her latest batch of great-grandchildren - it's 
      just the thing for her.<br>Philip Exeter, UK "; 
$q[] = "The best time for the tablet was when my mom was in the hospital for three weeks before 
    and after her procedure. J went all around my mom&#39;s house, taking pictures of all her plants with 
    her iPhone (many many plants, and my mom loves them all) and uploading them to the tablet. My mom 
    would just lay in her bed and see how her plants were doing (comments like &#39;oh, it&#39;s flowering 
    this year!&#39;), and it would calm her down. <br> M Toronto"; 
$q[] = "Mum really likes the pictures of the new babiy in the family. She can see how fast he is growing.<br> J Montreal"; 
$thisOne = rand(0,count($q)-1); 
return $q[$thisOne]; 
