2016-09-06 66 views



.page-content-wrap { 
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     display: table-cell; 
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     .twitter-review:hover { 
      background: url(http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/f830cd82-e59c-4ab0-bbf4-497b9d8ef175.png) no-repeat #00ACED; 
      background-size: contain; 
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      background-size: contain; 
      -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
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     .instagram-review:hover { 
      background: url(http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/22a66259-53bf-4ddb-83a4-7e31d27b4728.png) no-repeat #E4405F; 
      background-size: contain; 
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     .card { 

     .customer-review { 
      padding: 5px; 
      height: auto; 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card facebook-card odd" > 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-left" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/5541016a-a570-404f-a28a-f13a4eb68708.jpg" alt="Facebook User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Facebook User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the facebook user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card twitter-review even"> 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-left" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/35a6c672-b791-44d7-aae4-93e82e8c4ac4.jpg" alt="Twitter User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Twitter User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the twitter user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card instagram-review odd"> 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-right" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/2434f0a4-306d-48a0-8803-2489c4976ab0.jpg" alt="Instagram User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Instagram User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the instagram user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 



关键帧安全使用。不知道你读到哪里不安全。 IE8不支持,但用于其他浏览器you are fine

问题似乎是background-position-x,这是不是相同的背景位置的水平值。 Read more here.background-position-x尚未得到广泛支持。在Firefox中,它只支持49版本,这将是ship in September。这解释了这个问题。要解决这个问题,只需使用广泛的老学校background-position


.page-content-wrap { 
    padding: 0; 
main { 
    width: 100%; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
main img { 
    width: 33%; 
    border-radius: 100px; 
    max-width: 204px; 
.card { 
    box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0, 15, 94, 0.8); 
    transition: 0.3s; 
    border-radius: 5px; 
    width: 100%; 
    min-width: 200px; 
    height: 150px; 
    display: table; 
.review-container { 
    display: table-cell; 
    width: 100%; 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    text-align: center; 
blockquote { 
    /* margin: 10px;*/ 
.even { 
    background-color: #3A3A3A; 
    /* text-align: right; */ 
.odd { 
    background-color: black; 
main img { 
    /*margin: 15px;*/ 
    width: auto; 
main a:hover { 
    /*background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.5);*/ 
    border-radius: 10px; 
    transition: 0.5s; 
    color: #639811; 
.customer-review { 
    padding: 5px; 
    margin: 5%; 
    float: right; 
.customer-review h4 { 
    width: 200px; 
blockquote { 
    text-align: center; 
/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 

@-webkit-keyframes right-slide { 
    from { 
    background-position: left; 
    to { 
    background-position: right; 
@-moz-keyframes right-slide { 
    from { 
    background-position: left; 
    to { 
    background-position: right; 
/* Standard syntax */ 

@keyframes right-slide { 
    from { 
    background-position: left; 
    to { 
    background-position: right; 
/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 

@-webkit-keyframes left-slide { 
    from { 
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    background-position: left; 
@-moz-keyframes left-slide { 
    from { 
    background-position: right; 
    to { 
    background-position: left; 
/* Standard syntax */ 

@keyframes left-slide { 
    from { 
    background-position: right; 
    to { 
    background-position: left; 
.card:hover { 
    box-shadow: 0 15px 100px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); 
.customer-review:hover { 
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); 
    border-radius: 5px; 
    transition: 0.5s; 
.twitter-review:hover { 
    background: url(http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/f830cd82-e59c-4ab0-bbf4-497b9d8ef175.png) no-repeat #00ACED; 
    background-size: contain; 
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
    animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    color: white; 
.facebook-card:hover { 
    background: url(http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/04c88185-b51d-46b3-a68c-b08bfd1e4922.png) no-repeat #3B5998; 
    background-size: contain; 
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
    animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    color: white; 
.instagram-review:hover { 
    background: url(http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/22a66259-53bf-4ddb-83a4-7e31d27b4728.png) no-repeat #E4405F; 
    background-size: contain; 
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
    -moz-animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    animation-duration: 0.5s; 
    color: white; 
.even:hover { 
    -webkit-animation-name: left-slide; 
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
    animation-name: left-slide; 
    background-position: left; 
.odd:hover { 
    -webkit-animation-name: right-slide; 
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ 
    -moz-animation-name: right-slide; 
    animation-name: right-slide; 
    background-position: right; 
.card img { 
    height: 200px 
.float-right { 
    float: right; 
.card { 
    height: 150px; 
.customer-review { 
    padding: 5px; 
    height: auto; 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card facebook-card odd"> 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-left" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/5541016a-a570-404f-a28a-f13a4eb68708.jpg" alt="Facebook User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Facebook User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the facebook user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card twitter-review even"> 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-left" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/35a6c672-b791-44d7-aae4-93e82e8c4ac4.jpg" alt="Twitter User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Twitter User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the twitter user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 
    <a href="#"> 
    <div class="card instagram-review odd"> 
     <div class="review-container"> 
     <img class="float-right" src="http://stores.inksoft.com/images/publishers/5334/stores/Ozier_Apparel/2434f0a4-306d-48a0-8803-2489c4976ab0.jpg" alt="Instagram User"> 
     <div class="customer-review"> 
      <h4><b>Instagram User</b></h4> 
      Here is where the instagram user's rating story would go. I'm just making this unnecessarily long becuase I may have a little OCD :). 


感谢。整个“不稳定的东西来自https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@keyframes说:”这是一个实验性技术 由于该技术的规格不稳定,请检查兼容性表在各种浏览器中的使用。另外请注意,随着规范的变化,实验技术的语法和行为在未来版本的浏览器中可能会发生变化,“但我刚刚提到,以防万一需要它,不过我还是不确定。说明。 –
