2017-04-20 164 views

我有一个视图,它查询大约100多万行并花费大约10-15分钟来完成它的执行,我想为它提供集群索引,以便它存在于物理架构,并且加载所需的时间更少,但为了提供群集索引,存在一些约束条件,即只允许INNER JOIN,并且视图中不应存在子查询定义如何用INNER JOIN替换此视图中存在的LEFT JOIN以及如何从此视图定义中消除子查询,以便可以对其应用群集索引。将集群索引应用到SQL Server 2012中的视图

CREATE view [dbo].[FTM_ProfileDetailsView] with SCHEMABINDING as 

    select FTM.Id 
    , FTM.EmployeeId 
    , FTM.CustomerId 
    , FTM.AbsenceFirstDate 
    , FTM.BackgroundHistory 
    , FTM.BackgroundHistoryComments 
    , FTM.IsEmployeeAbsent,FTM.ServiceId 
    , Case When isnull(FTM.IsSelfManagement,'')='' THEN cast(0 as bit) ELSE FTM.IsSelfManagement END as IsSelfManagement 
    , PR.ServiceLineId,FTM.ProfileId,PR.StatusId,Status.Status as StatusName 
    , PR.ReasonID 
    , PR.ModifiedDate 
    , PR.WithdrawnReason 
    , PR.CreatedBy 
    , PR.CreatedDate 
    , PR.IsActive 
    , mgrs.usernames as LineManagers 
    , cust.CustomerName 
    , ltrim(rtrim(emp.EmployeeTitle+' '+ emp.FirstName+' '+ emp.Surname)) as EmployeeFullName 
    , FTM.ProfileManagerId 
    , FTM.IsProfileManagement 
    , AM.MonitoringChecks 
    , AM.Frequency 
    , AM.ProfileManagerNotes 
    , AM.TaskDateAndTime 
    , FTM.ProfileManagementCriteriaId 
    ,cast(case when PR.StatusId = 13 then 1 else 0 end as bit) as IsActiveMonitoring 
    , CustServ.CustomerServiceName 
    , BU.Name as BusinessUnit 
    , emp.DASID 
    , emp.DateOfBirth as EmployeeDOB 
    , addr.PostCode 
    , coninfo.Email 
    , (select top 1 
     StatusId from dbo.PR_Profileintervention ProfileInt 
     where ProfileInt.ProfileId=FTM.Profileid 
     order by ProfileInt.Id desc) as LatestInterventionStatusId 
    , (select name from dbo.FTM_Intervention Intr 
     where Intr.Id=(select top 1 InterventionId from dbo.PR_Profileintervention ProfileInt 
     where ProfileInt.ProfileId=FTM.Profileid 
     order by ProfileInt.Id desc)) 
     as LatestInterventionName from FTM_Profile FTM 

    LEFT JOIN dbo.ProfileManagersView mgrs ON mgrs.ProfileID = FTM.ProfileID 
    INNER JOIN dbo.Customer cust on cust.Id= FTM.CustomerId 
    INNER JOIN dbo.Employee emp on emp.Id = FTM.EmployeeId 
    INNER JOIN dbo.PR_Profile PR on PR.Profileid=FTM.ProfileId 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.BusinessUnit BU on BU.Id=PR.BUId 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.PR_dv_Status [Status] on [Status].Id = PR.StatusId 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.CM_ActiveMonitoringDetails AM on AM.ProfileId = PR.Profileid 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.FTM_CustomerServiceMapping CustServ on CustServ.ServiceId = FTM.ServiceId and CustServ.CustomerId = FTM.CustomerId 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.contact con on con.Id = emp.ContactID 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.address addr on addr.Id = con.HomeAddressId 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.contactinfo coninfo on coninfo.Id = con.ContactInfoId 

[从这里开始](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/views/create-indexed-views) –


@ ZoharPeled我已阅读它,我的问题是如何克服这些限制在我的意见定义。 –


没有什么奇妙的技巧“为'Y'开关'X'并且''Z''开关'W'来克服这些限制。如果有,*为什么产品不会自动为你做*?一般情况下,如果原始查询的构造合理但存在限制,那么对查询进行任何理性的重写都会遇到相同或其他限制。 –



我有一个建议。你可以尝试改变你的查询,这样SELECT中的子查询被放置在CROSS APPLY中吗?


       select top 1 StatusId AS LatestInterventionStatusId 
       from dbo.PR_Profileintervention ProfileInt 
       where ProfileInt.ProfileId=FTM.Profileid 
       order by ProfileInt.Id desc 

      ) LatestInterventionStatusId 

       select name AS LatestInterventionName 
       from dbo.FTM_Intervention Intr 
       where Intr.Id=(select top 1 InterventionId 
           from dbo.PR_Profileintervention ProfileInt 
           where ProfileInt.ProfileId=FTM.Profileid 
           order by ProfileInt.Id desc) 


, LatestInterventionStatusId.LatestInterventionStatusId 
, LatestInterventionName.LatestInterventionName 




, emp.DateOfBirth as EmployeeDOB 
, addr.PostCode 
, coninfo.Email 
, p.StatusId as LatestInterventionStatusId 
, p.name  as LatestInterventionName 

from FTM_Profile FTM 

    select TOP 1 Intr.name, ProfileInt.StatusId 
    from dbo.PR_Profileintervention ProfileInt 
     LEFT JOIN dbo.FTM_Intervention Intr ON Intr.Id = ProfileInt.InterventionId 
    where ProfileInt.ProfileId = FTM.Profileid 
    order by ProfileInt.Id desc 
) p 
LEFT JOIN dbo.ProfileManagersView mgrs ON mgrs.ProfileID = FTM.ProfileID 
INNER JOIN dbo.Customer cust on cust.Id= FTM.CustomerId 
INNER JOIN dbo.Employee emp on emp.Id = FTM.EmployeeId 