2012-03-28 127 views

我有一个模拟骰子游戏的任务。作为该程序的一部分,用户输入掷骰子的数量以及掷骰子的次数。如果用户滚动4个骰子,程序应该将这4个值相加,将结果存储在一个数组中,然后按照用户定义的次数重新执行程序。主代码和函数原型是由我们的导师定义的,不能修改。我们必须写这个函数。从函数获取二维数组,返回一个int C++

在主的步骤3中,有两个用于循环。内循环调用有问题的函数。二维数组rollSums [] []被分配给函数的结果。这个数组将被用在另一个函数中。我无法弄清楚如何从函数中正确地填充二维数组。代码和我在函数尝试低于:

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <cstdlib> // needed for functions srand() and rand() 
#include <ctime> // needed for function time() 
#include <cmath> // needed for sqrt() 

using namespace std; 

const int MAXNUMTOROLL=10; 
const int MAXROLLS=100; 

int rollDice(int diceVals[], int numToRoll); 

int main() 
    int sum; 
    int rollSums[MAXNUMTOROLL][MAXROLLS]; 
    int diceVals[MAXROLLS]; 
    double mean[MAXNUMTOROLL], std[MAXNUMTOROLL]; 
    int numToRoll, numRolls; 


    // STEP 1: Ask user to input the maximum number of dice to use: 

    cout << "Please enter the maximum number of dice to use:" << endl; 
     cin >> numToRoll; 
    } while (numToRoll < 0 || numToRoll > MAXNUMTOROLL); 

    cout << "Please enter the number of rolls:" << endl; 

    // STEP 2: Ask user to input the number of rolls to carry out: 
     cin >> numRolls; 
    } while (numRolls < 0 || numRolls > MAXROLLS); 

    // STEP 3: For k=1 to numToRoll, simulated numRolls rolls of the dice 
    // and store the sum of the numbers rolled in the array rollSums[][] 

    for (int k=1;k<=numToRoll;k++) 
     for (int i=0;i<numRolls;i++) 
     rollSums[k-1][i] = rollDice(diceVals, k); 

    return 0; 

int rollDice(int diceVals[], int numToRoll) //function simulating throwing of dice 
int sum=0; 
int i=0; 

return sum; 

你有预期产出的例子吗?你的第3步循环卷每个单独死亡。所以当k = 1时,你将掷出1 numRolls次。当k = 2时,您将为die 2执行相同操作。然后,您还将k的值传递给rollDice函数。我的理解是,如果用户想掷4个骰子,那么你将所有4个掷在一起并存储该总和。但这不是你的代码所做的。你能澄清吗? – Pete 2012-03-28 17:16:53


@Pete如果我滚2个骰子3次我应该有一个像输出:无骰子的掷骰:1 2卷1:4 8卷2:3 9卷3:4 10 – adohertyd 2012-03-28 19:22:07


很抱歉,如果我是一个小致密但我仍然不遵循。祝你好运! – Pete 2012-03-29 01:37:10




#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <cstdlib> // needed for functions srand() and rand() 
#include <ctime> // needed for function time() 
#include <cmath> // needed for sqrt() 

using namespace std; 

const int MAXNUMTOROLL=10; 
const int MAXROLLS=100; 
const bool show_debug = true; 

int rollDice(int diceVals[], int numToRoll); 

int main() 
    int roll_Sums[MAXNUMTOROLL]; 
    int diceVals[MAXROLLS]; 
    //double mean[MAXNUMTOROLL], std[MAXNUMTOROLL]; 
    int numDice, numThrows; 

    //Initialize random number generator with the current time 

    // STEP 1: Ask user to input the maximum number of dice to use: 
    cout << "Please enter the maximum number of dice to use:" << endl; 

    // STEP 2: Validate number of dice input 
     cin >> numDice; 
    } while (numDice < 0 || numDice > MAXNUMTOROLL); 

    //STEP 3: Ask user to input the number of times to throw each dice 
    cout << "Please enter the number of rolls:" << endl; 

    // STEP 4: Validate number of throws input 
     cin >> numThrows; 
    } while (numThrows < 0 || numThrows > MAXROLLS); 

    cout << "\n\nThrowing Dice Now...\n\n"; 

    // STEP 5: Roll the dice 
    //The loop deals with each dice 
    for (int diceCount = 0; diceCount < numDice; diceCount++) 
     //The function call deals with all the throws per dice 
     //Note: roll_Sums array didn't need to be two dimensional, 
     //  also, rollDice gets passed diceVals[] by value and the number of throws to execute 
     roll_Sums[diceCount] = rollDice(diceVals, numThrows); 

     //Debug output 
      //Since roll_Sums is zero based, add one to the visible index so the user doesn't get confused :P 
      cout << "Roll Sum for dice #" << diceCount + 1 << ": " << roll_Sums[diceCount] << endl << endl; 

    return 0; 

//rollDice() returns the sum of all the dice rolls it performed 
int rollDice(int diceVals[], int numToRoll) 
    int sum=0; 

    for(int i=0;i<numToRoll;i++) 
     //Get your random dice rolls 

     //Debug output 
      cout << "Dice Roll # " << i+1 << ": " << diceVals[i] << endl; 

     //Accumulate your value, e.g. "sum" 
     sum += diceVals[i]; 

    return sum; 

这就是我正在寻找的。从第一个函数获得的二维数组完全抛弃了我。感谢您的输入 – adohertyd 2012-04-02 13:18:15


@adohertyd,是的,我在早上凌晨1点看到您的问题,我个人的观点是您的导师/老师在练习中表现得很差,因为它很混乱。很高兴帮助!干杯! – hypervisor666 2012-04-02 20:04:42