2016-05-14 61 views

我在C++中运行二分搜索算法,但它给了我虚假的结果。例如,搜索该值21给我一个C++二进制搜索不能正常工作 - 查找元素不在数组




#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
using namespace std; 

int binarySearch(const int [], int, int, int, int); // function prototype 

int main() 
    const int arraySize = 10; 
    int arr[ arraySize ]; 
    int key; 

    for(int i = 0; i <= arraySize; i++) // generate data for array 
     arr[i] = 2*i; 

    cout << "The array being searched is: " << endl; 

    for (int j = 0; j<=arraySize; j++) // print subscript index of the array 
    cout << setw(5) << j << " "; 

    cout << endl; 

    for (int z = 0; z<=arraySize; z++) // print elements of the array below index 
    cout << setw(5) << arr[z] << " "; 

    cout << "\n" <<"Enter value you want to search in array " << endl; 
    cin >> key; 

    int result = binarySearch(arr, key, 0, arraySize, arraySize); // function call 

    if (result == 1)     // print result of search 
    cout << "Key is found " << endl; 
    cout << "Key not found " << endl; 

    return 0; 
} // end main function 

int binarySearch(const int a[], int searchKey, int low, int high, int length) 
    int middle; 

    while (low <= high){ 

     middle = (low + high)/2; 

     if (searchKey == a[middle]) // search value found in the array, we have a match 
     return 1; 

     if(searchKey < a[middle]) // if search value less than middle element 
      high = middle - 1;  // set a new high element 
      low = middle + 1;  // otherwise search high end of the array 
return -1; 

当你用你的调试器在同一时间逐步执行代码,一条线,没有什么你的调试器告诉你的是你的代码产生错误的结果的原因是什么? –


您的数组是否已分类? –


我一行一行经过,看不到问题,但我认为答案是按照CodingBatman的答案。 – quidproquo



因为你for循环条件<=arraySize要调用undefined behavior。将其更改为<arraySize。在进行此更改时,代码完美适用于示例输入。

通过写int arr[ arraySize ];要创建10个元素(即,从09)的阵列,而在for循环,从0开始和移动,直到10

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谢谢,问题和你所说的一样。此外,函数调用必须进行调整。根据你所说的,调用中的第三个参数应该是“arraySize - 1”而不是“arraySize”。 – quidproquo