2017-06-29 56 views


    "field": "value", 
    "field2": "value", 
    "field3": "value" 

我如何添加这类似于“热衷”对象敏锐的事件作为一个属性,所以我可以参考各个领域,即。 my_property.field1




var client = new Keen({ 
     projectId: 'PROJECT_ID', 
     writeKey: 'WRITE_KEY' 
    var tweet_event = { 
     keen: { 
     timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), // time the tweet happened 
     field: "value", // values you mentioned 
     field2: "value", 
     field3: "value, 
     tweet: { // other properties you might have 
     author: "@michellewetzler", 
     text: "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. (Marcus Aurelius)" 
    // Record the event (send it to Keen IO) 
    client.recordEvent('tweets', tweet_event, function(err, res){ // name your collection here 
     if (err) { 
     document.getElementById('yeah').innerHTML = "Something is amiss. Check console for errors. Did you forget a comma perhaps? Or a curly brace?" 
     else { 
     document.getElementById('yeah').innerHTML = "You just sent an event to Keen IO!" 


var client = new Keen({ 
    projectId: "PROJECT_ID", 
    readKey: "READ_KEY" 

// count the number of tweets where field = value 
var count = new Keen.Query("count", { 
    event_collection: "tweets", 
    timeframe: "this_14_days", 
    filters: [ 
     property_name: "field", 
     operator: "eq", 
     property_value: value 

// Send query 
client.run(count, function(err, response){ 
    // if (err) handle the error 
    console.log('result is: ', response.result); 