2017-07-20 59 views


import Control.Monad 
import Control.Applicative 
import Data.Maybe 

data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Tree 

eqTree :: Tree -> Tree -> Maybe() 
eqTree Leaf   Leaf   = return() 
eqTree (Node l1 r1) (Node l2 r2) = eqTree l1 l2 >> eqTree r1 r2 
eqTree _ _ = empty 

假设你有树木[(Tree, a)]的关联列表,你想找到一个给定树的条目。 (我们可以把它看作类型实例查找问题的简化版)。天真地说,我们必须做O(n * s)的工作,其中n是树的数量,s是每棵树的大小。


(>.>) = flip (.) 

data TreeMap a 
    = TreeMap { 
     tm_leaf :: Maybe a, 
     tm_node :: TreeMap (TreeMap a) 

lookupTreeMap :: Tree -> TreeMap a -> Maybe a 
lookupTreeMap Leaf  = tm_leaf 
lookupTreeMap (Node l r) = tm_node >.> lookupTreeMap l >=> lookupTreeMap r 




可能还想问这个代码审查堆栈交换:) –


我没看到'TreeMap a'如何等同于[[(Tree,a)]''。 – Cirdec


您的'>。>'运算符等同于基本包中包含的Control.Arrow模块的'>>>'运算符。 – Antisthenes



编辑:我想起了对数和衍生物我发现虽然令人作呕挂在朋友的沙发上一个非常有益的事实。可悲的是,那位朋友(已故的伟大的Kostas Tourlas)已经不在我们身边了,但我却因在另一个朋友的沙发上恶心地挂了他而纪念他。

让我们提醒自己试一试。 (很多我的伙伴在早期的时候就在研究这些结构:Ralf Hinze,Thorsten Altenkirch和Peter Hancock在这方面立即想到了。)真正发生的是我们计算t类型的指数,记住那t -> x是一种写作方式x^t

也就是说,我们期望装备类型t,其中函数Expo t使得Expo t x代表t -> x。我们应该进一步期望Expo t适用(zippily)。 编辑:汉考克称这种仿函数“Naperian”,因为他们有对数,而且他们以同样的方式作为功能应用性,与pure是K个组合子和<*>是S.它是立即有Expo t()必须是同构与() ,与const (pure())和​​做(不太多)的工作。

class Applicative (Expo t) => EXPO t where 
    type Expo t :: * -> * 
    appl :: Expo t x -> (t -> x)  -- trie lookup 
    abst :: (t -> x) -> Expo t x  -- trie construction 

把它的另一种方式是,t对数Expo t

(我差点忘了:微积分的球迷应该检查t同构∂ (Expo t)()这种同构性实际上可能是相当有用编辑:。这是非常有用的,稍后我们将它添加到EXPO。)

我们需要一些函子工具箱的东西。身份仿函数是zippiy applicative ...

data I  ::       (* -> *) where 
    I :: x -> I x 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

instance Applicative I where 
    pure x = I x 
    I f <*> I s = I (f s) 


instance EXPO() where 
    type Expo() = I 
    appl (I x)() = x 
    abst f  = I (f()) 


data (:*:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where 
    (:*:) :: f x -> g x -> (f :*: g) x 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

instance (Applicative p, Applicative q) => Applicative (p :*: q) where 
    pure x = pure x :*: pure x 
    (pf :*: qf) <*> (ps :*: qs) = (pf <*> ps) :*: (qf <*> qs) 


instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (Either s t) where 
    type Expo (Either s t) = Expo s :*: Expo t 
    appl (sf :*: tf) (Left s) = appl sf s 
    appl (sf :*: tf) (Right t) = appl tf t 
    abst f = abst (f . Left) :*: abst (f . Right) 


data (:<:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where 
    C :: f (g x) -> (f :<: g) x 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

instance (Applicative p, Applicative q) => Applicative (p :<: q) where 
    pure x   = C (pure (pure x)) 
    C pqf <*> C pqs = C (pure (<*>) <*> pqf <*> pqs) 


instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (s, t) where 
    type Expo (s, t) = Expo s :<: Expo t 
    appl (C stf) (s, t) = appl (appl stf s) t 
    abst f = C (abst $ \ s -> abst $ \ t -> f (s, t)) 


newtype Tree = Tree (Either() (Tree, Tree)) 
    deriving (Show, Eq) 
pattern Leaf  = Tree (Left()) 
pattern Node l r = Tree (Right (l, r)) 

newtype ExpoTree x = ExpoTree (Expo (Either() (Tree, Tree)) x) 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Applicative) 

instance EXPO Tree where 
    type Expo Tree = ExpoTree 
    appl (ExpoTree f) (Tree t) = appl f t 
    abst f = ExpoTree (abst (f . Tree)) 

TreeMap a类型的问题,是

data TreeMap a 
    = TreeMap { 
     tm_leaf :: Maybe a, 
     tm_node :: TreeMap (TreeMap a) 

正是Expo Tree (Maybe a),与lookupTreeMapflip appl

现在,鉴于TreeTree -> x是相当不同的东西,它让我觉得奇怪的是希望代码在“两个”上工作。树相等性测试是查找的一个特例,只是树相等性测试是任何在树上作用的旧函数。然而巧合巧合:为了测试平等,我们必须将每棵树变成自己的自我认识者。 编辑:这正是什么log-diff iso 。


class Matching a b where 
    type Matched a b :: * 
    matched :: Matched a b -> (a, b) 
    match :: a -> b -> Maybe (Matched a b) 

也就是说,我们预计Matched a b以某种方式代表了对一个ab其匹配的。我们应该能够提取这对(忘记它们匹配),我们应该能够采取任何一对,并尝试匹配它们。


instance Matching()() where 
    type Matched()() =() 
    matched() = ((),()) 
    match()() = Just() 


instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => Matching (s, t) (s', t') where 
    type Matched (s, t) (s', t') = (Matched s s', Matched t t') 
    matched (ss', tt') = ((s, t), (s', t')) where 
    (s, s') = matched ss' 
    (t, t') = matched tt' 
    match (s, t) (s', t') = (,) <$> match s s' <*> match t t' 


instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => 
    Matching (Either s t) (Either s' t') where 
    type Matched (Either s t) (Either s' t') 
    = Either (Matched s s') (Matched t t') 
    matched (Left ss') = (Left s, Left s') where (s, s') = matched ss' 
    matched (Right tt') = (Right t, Right t') where (t, t') = matched tt' 
    match (Left s) (Left s') = Left <$> match s s' 
    match (Right t) (Right t') = Right <$> match t t' 
    match _   _   = Nothing 


instance Matching Tree Tree where 
    type Matched Tree Tree = Tree 
    matched t = (t, t) 
    match (Tree t1) (Tree t2) = Tree <$> match t1 t2 


class HalfZippable f where -- "half zip" comes from Roland Backhouse 
    halfZip :: (f a, f b) -> Maybe (f (a, b)) 


Matched (f a) (f b) = f (Matched a b) 

一个很有趣的事情是要表明,如果(Traversable f, HalfZippable f),然后f免费的单子有一阶的统一算法。)


mapOne :: forall a. (Tree, a) -> Expo Tree (Maybe a) 
mapOne (t, a) = abst f where 
    f :: Tree -> Maybe a 
    f u = pure a <* match t u 

,我们可以尝试将它们与这个小工具相结合,利用所有的Expo t S的拉链行为...

instance Monoid x => Monoid (ExpoTree x) where 
    mempty = pure mempty 
    mappend t u = mappend <$> t <*> u 

...但是,再一次,在Monoid实例Maybe x的绝对愚蠢继续阻挠简洁的设计。


instance Alternative m => Alternative (ExpoTree :<: m) where 
    empty = C (pure empty) 
    C f <|> C g = C ((<|>) <$> f <*> g) 


class EXPO b => Matching a b where 
    type Matched a b :: * 
    matched :: Matched a b -> (a, b) 
    match' :: a -> Proxy b -> Expo b (Maybe (Matched a b)) 

data Proxy x = Poxy -- I'm not on GHC 8 yet, and Simon needs a hand here 


instance Matching()() where 
    -- skip old stuff 
    match'() (Poxy :: Proxy()) = I (Just()) 

中的款项,我们需要标记的成功匹配,并在失败的部分与辉煌格拉斯哥pure Nothing填写。

instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => 
    Matching (Either s t) (Either s' t') where 
    -- skip old stuff 
    match' (Left s) (Poxy :: Proxy (Either s' t')) = 
    ((Left <$>) <$> match' s (Poxy :: Proxy s')) :*: pure Nothing 
    match' (Right t) (Poxy :: Proxy (Either s' t')) = 
    pure Nothing :*: ((Right <$>) <$> match' t (Poxy :: Proxy t')) 

对对,我们需要按顺序建立匹配,早辍学如果 第一个组件出现故障。

instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => Matching (s, t) (s', t') where 
    -- skip old stuff 
    match' (s, t) (Poxy :: Proxy (s', t')) 
    = C (more <$> match' s (Poxy :: Proxy s')) where 
    more Nothing = pure Nothing 
    more (Just s) = ((,) s <$>) <$> match' t (Poxy :: Proxy t') 





data K  :: * ->     (* -> *) where 
    K :: a -> K a x 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

data (:+:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where 
    Inl :: f x -> (f :+: g) x 
    Inr :: g x -> (f :+: g) x 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 


class (Functor f, Functor (D f)) => Differentiable f where 
    type D f :: (* -> *) 
    plug :: (D f :*: I) x -> f x 
    -- there should be other methods, but plug will do for now 


instance Differentiable (K a) where 
    type D (K a) = K Void 
    plug (K bad :*: I x) = K (absurd bad) 

instance Differentiable I where 
    type D I = K() 
    plug (K() :*: I x) = I x 

instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :+: g) where 
    type D (f :+: g) = D f :+: D g 
    plug (Inl f' :*: I x) = Inl (plug (f' :*: I x)) 
    plug (Inr g' :*: I x) = Inr (plug (g' :*: I x)) 

instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :*: g) where 
    type D (f :*: g) = (D f :*: g) :+: (f :*: D g) 
    plug (Inl (f' :*: g) :*: I x) = plug (f' :*: I x) :*: g 
    plug (Inr (f :*: g') :*: I x) = f :*: plug (g' :*: I x) 

instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :<: g) where 
    type D (f :<: g) = (D f :<: g) :*: D g 
    plug ((C f'g :*: g') :*: I x) = C (plug (f'g :*: I (plug (g' :*: I x)))) 

它不会伤害我们坚持认为Expo t可微,所以让我们扩展EXPO类。什么是“洞有洞”?这是一个缺少完全可能的输入之一的输出条目的线索。这是关键。现在

class (Differentiable (Expo t), Applicative (Expo t)) => EXPO t where 
    type Expo t :: * -> * 
    appl :: Expo t x -> t -> x 
    abst :: (t -> x) -> Expo t x 
    hole :: t -> D (Expo t)() 
    eloh :: D (Expo t)() -> t 


instance EXPO() where 
    type Expo() = I 
    -- skip old stuff 
    hole()  = K() 
    eloh (K()) =() 


instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (Either s t) where 
    type Expo (Either s t) = Expo s :*: Expo t 
    hole (Left s) = Inl (hole s :*: pure()) 
    hole (Right t) = Inr (pure() :*: hole t) 
    eloh (Inl (f' :*: _)) = Left (eloh f') 
    eloh (Inr (_ :*: g')) = Right (eloh g') 

看到了吗? A Left被映射到左边有洞的树;一个Right映射到右边有一个洞的树。


instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (s, t) where 
    type Expo (s, t) = Expo s :<: Expo t 
    hole (s, t) = C (const (pure()) <$> hole s) :*: hole t 
    eloh (C f' :*: g') = (eloh (const() <$> f'), eloh g') 



newtype DExpoTree x = DExpoTree (D (Expo (Either() (Tree, Tree))) x) 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) 


matchMe :: EXPO t => t -> Expo t Bool 
matchMe t = plug ((const False <$> hole t) :*: I True) 

作业暗示:D f :*: I是comonad。



非常好。我尽可能地寻找将产品转化为产品的指数和操作的操作;我不敢相信我没有想到“对数”。 – Cirdec


此模式同义词可以使一些代码看起来更好'模式匹配::匹配a'=> a - > a' - >匹配a';模式匹配a'< - (匹配 - >(a,a'))' –



{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} 

class BinaryTree t a where 
    leaf :: MonadPlus m => t a -> m a 
    node :: MonadPlus m => (forall r. BinaryTree t r => t r -> m r) -> 
          (forall r. BinaryTree t r => t r -> m r) -> 
          t a -> m a 

的尴尬BinaryTree t r约束和多参数类型的类,因为Tree■不要持有a在他们的树叶return才有必要。如果你真的Tree更丰富,这个皱纹可能会消失。


lookupTreeMap' :: BinaryTree t r => Tree -> t r -> Maybe r 
lookupTreeMap' Leaf = leaf 
lookupTreeMap' (Node l r) = node (lookupTreeMap' l) (lookupTreeMap' r) 


instance BinaryTree TreeMap a where 
    leaf = maybe empty return . tm_leaf 
    node kl kr = tm_node >.> kl >=> kr 


newtype Tree2 a = Tree2 {unTree2 :: Tree} 

tree2 :: Tree -> Tree2() 
tree2 = Tree2 


instance BinaryTree Tree2() where 
    leaf (Tree2 Leaf) = return() 
    leaf _ = empty 

    node kl kr (Tree2 (Node l r)) = kl (tree2 l) >> kr (tree2 r) 
    node _ _ _ = empty 


data TreeF a = Leaf | Node a a 

data Tree = Tree (TreeF Tree) 


-- This looks like a genaralized version of Applicative that can fail 
untreeF :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (a -> m b) -> TreeF a -> m (TreeF b) 
untreeF Leaf   Leaf  = return Leaf 
untreeF (Node kl kr) (Node l r) = Node <$> kl l <*> kr r 
untreeF _   _   = empty 

匹配对Tree S中的基础函子,

untree :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (Tree -> m()) -> Tree -> m() 
untree tf (Tree tf2) = untreeF tf tf2 >> return() 


-- A reader for things that read from a TreeMap to avoid impredicative types. 
data TMR m = TMR {runtmr :: forall r. TreeMap r -> m r} 

-- This work is unavoidable. Something has to say how a TreeMap is related to Trees 
untreemap :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (TMR m) -> TMR m 
untreemap Leaf = TMR $ maybe empty return . tm_leaf 
untreemap (Node kl kr) = TMR $ tm_node >.> runtmr kl >=> runtmr kr 


-- This looks suspiciously like a traversal/transform 
lookupTreeMap' :: (TreeF a -> a) -> Tree -> a 
lookupTreeMap' un = go 
    go (Tree Leaf) = un Leaf 
    go (Tree (Node l r)) = un $ Node (go l) (go r) 
    -- If the traversal is trivial these can be replaced by 
    -- go (Tree tf) = un $ go <$> tf 


eqTree :: Tree -> Tree -> Maybe() 
eqTree = lookupTreeMap' untree 

lookupTreeMap :: MonadPlus m => Tree -> TreeMap a -> m a 
lookupTreeMap = runtmr . lookupTreeMap' untreemap 

对我而言,'lookupTreeMap''看起来像一个变形,特别是''递归模式''的'cata'。实际上,我认为它甚至可能是... – dfeuer