2017-07-26 83 views


class Foo { 
    public type = 'Foo'; 

// Sync type guard: 
function isFoo(obj: any): obj is Foo { 
    return typeof obj.type !== 'undefined' && obj.type === 'Foo'; 

function useFoo(foo: Foo): void { 
    alert(`It's a Foo!`); 

const a: object = new Foo(); 
if (isFoo(a)) useFoo(a); 


class Bar { 
    public getType =() => new Promise(resolve => { 
     setTimeout(() => resolve('Bar'), 1000); 

// Async type guard: 
async function isBar(obj: any): Promise<obj is Bar> { 
    if (typeof obj.getType === 'undefined') return false; 
    const result = await obj.getType(); 
    return result === 'Bar'; 

function useBar(bar: Bar): void { 
    alert(`It's a Bar!`); 

const b: object = new Bar(); 
isBar(b).then(bIsBar => { 
    if (bIsBar) useBar(b); 

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看起来它不是一个功能呢。也许你可以[提交想法](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues)? – Paleo


当使用tsc 2.0.9和节点7.7.3定位es6时,这似乎工作正常。 –





class Bar { 
    public getType =() => new Promise(resolve => { 
    setTimeout(() => resolve('Bar'), 1000); 
    public barProp: string; // added to distinguish structurally from NotBar 

class NotBar { 
    public getType =() => new Promise(resolve => { 
    setTimeout(() => resolve('NotBar'), 1000); 
    public notBarProp: string; // added to distinguish structurally from Bar 

function useBar(bar: Bar): void { 
    alert(`It's a Bar!`); 

function useNotBar(notBar: NotBar): void { 
    alert(`Nope, not a Bar.`) 

var b: Bar | NotBar = new Bar(); 

if (b instanceof Bar) { 
    useBar(b); // narrowed to Bar, no error 
    isBar(b).then(bIsBar => {   
    useBar(b); // error! widened to Bar | NotBar again 


type Guarded<Y, N = any> = { matches: true, value: Y } | { matches: false, value: N }; 
function guarded<Y, N = any>(v: Y | N, matches: boolean): Guarded<Y, N> { 
    return matches ? { matches: true, value: <Y>v } : { matches: false, value: <N>v }; 

// Async type guard: 
async function isBar<N extends { getType?:() => Promise<any> } = any>(obj: Bar | N): Promise<Guarded<Bar, N>> { 
    if (typeof obj.getType === 'undefined') return guarded(obj, false); 
    const result = await obj.getType(); 
    return guarded(obj, result === 'Bar'); 

isBar(b).then(bIsBar => { 
    if (bIsBar.matches) useBar(bIsBar.value); 

isBar<NotBar>(b).then(bIsBar => { 
    if (bIsBar.matches) useBar(bIsBar.value); else useNotBar(bIsBar.value); 