2017-02-27 27 views




Dim randomvalue As Integer 

    'Making this array so that each data entry has 14 bytes to it 

    Dim array1(91) As Integer 

    array1(1) = 14 
    For x = 2 To 91 
     array1(x) = array1(x) + 14 

    Dim n1, n2, n3, n4 As Integer 

    'Array with names of fixed lenght, I want to take a name from only these 9: 

    Dim array2(9) As String 
    array2(1) = "aleen" 
    array2(2) = "talha" 
    array2(3) = "waddi" 
    array2(4) = "hasna" 
    array2(5) = "hassa" 
    array2(6) = "zainn" 
    array2(7) = "faqeh" 
    array2(8) = "furru" 
    array2(9) = "ibrah" 

    'There is a structure above submain with studentname/rollnumber/class all declared as string 

    Dim newstudent As student 
    Dim studentstream As New FileStream("C:\Users\Students\Desktop\A2Filing.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate) 
    Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(studentstream) 

    While Console.ReadLine <> "A" 
     Console.WriteLine("Press any key other than 'A' if you want to make another entry into the file") 

     'CInt(Math.Floor((upperlimit - lowerlimit + 1) * Rnd())) + lowerlimit 
     'Randomize a number b/w 1-9 to get a studentname from the array 

     randomvalue = CInt(Math.Floor((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1 
     newstudent.studentname = array2(randomvalue) 

     n1 = Rnd() + (Rnd() * 50) 
     n2 = Rnd() * 10 
     n3 = Rnd() * 255 
     n4 = Rnd() * Rnd() 
     newstudent.rollnumber = Convert.ToString(Left(n1, 1) + Left(n2, 1) + Left(n3, 1) + Left(n4, 1)) 

     newstudent.studentclass = "A2" 

     'Randomize a number between 91 and 1 to place the data in 

     Dim randomvalue2 As Integer 
     randomvalue2 = CInt(Math.Floor((91 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1 
     studentstream.Position = array1(randomvalue2) 

    End While 




  • array1项目,你init将全部是14,你必须将其更改为以下,但由于我稍后会说,不需要定义这样的数组!

    For x = 2 To 91 
        array1(x) = array1(x - 1) + 14 'modified to array1(x - 1) 
  • bw.Write之前,你有这样的:studentstream.Position = array1(randomvalue2)这将覆盖文件位置! array1中的所有项目都等于14.这就是为什么你总是得到一个小文件大小(没有什么比这更少的了)。你不需要这样设置位置。 只需从代码中删除该行以便一个接一个追加数据。

  • 根据文档,如果您使用BinaryWriter来编写字符串,它将以字符串长度作为前缀! see this question

    Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(studentstream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) 
    bw.Write("A") 'writes: 1 A => where 1 is length of string "A" 
    bw.Write("BC") 'writes: 2 B => where 2 is length of string "BC" 
    'note that for Unicode Encoding, it will be 2 bytes per char 
    Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(studentstream, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode) 
    bw.Write("A") '2 A 0  where 2 is length of unicde string [A 0] 
    bw.Write("BC") '4 B 0 C 0 where 4 is length of unicde string [B 0 C 0] 
  • 如果你想要写串不长的前缀,你可以用System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str)将其转换为字节数组:

  • 另一种选择也将使用StreamWriter而不是BinaryWriter,因为它似乎你不需要它。 see this link

  • 请注意,它最好用Using块打开文件。否则,当您完成时,请不要忘记拨打Close方法(studentstream.Close())。如果你不这样做,你可能会丢失最后一块或整个数据!

    Using studentstream As New FileStream("C:\...\Desktop\A2Filing.dat", FileMode.Create) 
  • 使用FileMode.Create覆盖文件,如果它已经存在


谢谢!它的工作,我决定保留这个studentstream.Position = array1(randomvalue2),因为我不想追加数据到文件,我想把它放在一个随机的地方(做一个溢出thingy:一个while循环,不断添加+ 1到studentstream.position,直到它遇到一个空的空间) –