2011-03-29 69 views
  1. IObjectTest是具有 单个布尔测试(对象o)一个接口方法如何实现这个FilteringIterator?

  2. FilteringIterator是迭代器是 与另一迭代 和IObjectTest实例来初始化的实现:新 FilteringIterator(myIterator, myTest)。您的FilteringIterator将 然后允许遍历 'myIterator',但跳过未通过 'myTest'测试的任何 对象。

自“hasNext”操作实际上涉及屡移动底层迭代器 ,直到到达下一个匹配的项目。问题是如何将迭代器移回迭代器,因为hasNext不应该移动基础迭代器。


我已经标记这个“功课”,因为措辞使得它听起来很像是。莱昂,如果不是,请纠正我! – 2011-03-29 15:32:30


是的,是的。谢谢! – Leon 2011-03-29 17:13:11




private boolean hasCached; 
private T cached; 

public boolean hasNext() { 
    if (hasCached) return true; 
    //iterate until you find one and set hasCached and cached 

public T next() { 
    if (hasCached) { 
     hasCached = false; 
     return cached; 
    //iterate until next matches 

如果你想自己做,你可以使用类似于我在下面写的代码。不过,我不建议你使用番石榴的Iterators.filter(Iterator, Predicate)

public class FilteredIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { 
    private Iterator<? extends T> iterator; 
    private Filter<T> filter; 
    private T nextElement; 
    private boolean hasNext; 

    * Creates a new FilteredIterator using wrapping the iterator and returning only elements matching the filter. 
    * @param iterator 
    *   the iterator to wrap 
    * @param filter 
    *   elements must match this filter to be returned 
    public FilteredIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Filter<T> filter) { 
     this.iterator = iterator; 
     this.filter = filter; 


    public boolean hasNext() { 
     return hasNext; 

    public T next() { 
     if (!hasNext) { 
      throw new NoSuchElementException(); 

     return nextMatch(); 

    private T nextMatch() { 
     T oldMatch = nextElement; 

     while (iterator.hasNext()) { 
      T o = iterator.next(); 

      if (filter.matches(o)) { 
       hasNext = true; 
       nextElement = o; 

       return oldMatch; 

     hasNext = false; 

     return oldMatch; 

    public void remove() { 
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 

public interface Filter<T> { 

    * Determines whether elements should be filtered or not. 
    * @param element the element to be matched against the filter 
    * @return {@code true} if the element matches the filter, otherwise {@code false} 
    public boolean matches(T element); 

谢谢。这正是我所期待的。 – 2014-09-12 07:16:24


嗨Roel,任何好理由remove()不能被支持? – Zeiga 2014-09-14 16:40:03


不,所以我更新了代码,将remove调用委托给支持迭代器。好决定! – 2014-09-15 08:20:01



public class PredicateIterator implements Iterator { 

private Iterator iterator; 
private Predicate predicate; 
private Object cached; 
private boolean hasNextCached; 
private boolean hasNext; 

public PredicateIterator(Iterator iterator, Predicate predicate) { 
    this.iterator = iterator; 
    this.predicate = predicate; 

public boolean hasNext() { 
    if (hasNextCached) { 
     return hasNext; 
    } else { 
     return findNextMatch(); 

private boolean findNextMatch() { 
    boolean match = false; 
    while(!match && iterator.hasNext()) { 
     cached = iterator.next(); 
     match = predicate.test(cached); 
    hasNextCached = true; 
    hasNext = match; 
    return match; 

public Object next() { 
    if (hasNext()) { 
     hasNextCached = false; 
     return cached; 
    } else { 
     throw new NoSuchElementException(); 

public void remove() { 
