2017-02-23 75 views


print("welcome to the quiz") 
Validation = False 

while Validation ==False: 

    name=input("Please enter your name") 
    age=int(input("Please enter your age")) 
    print("Use keboard to play the quiz") 
    play=input("Are you ready for the online safety questions") 
    if play.capitalize()== "Yes": 
     if age >16: 
      print("This quiz might be easier for you") 

     print("welcome to the quiz") 
     Validation = False) 

     question1=input("Q1:What is CEOP?/A:Child Exploitation and Online Protection/B:Child Exploitation and Organised Protectors/C:Criminal Exploration and Online Protection") 
     score = 0 
     if question1.capitalize() == "A": 
      print("WELL DONE") 
      score = score + 5 
     elif question1.capitalize() =="B": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     elif question1.capitalize() =="C": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("so far, you have",score,"marks") 

     question2=input("Q2:When you get an email from someone you do not know, what should you do?/A:Reply and say hello/B:Delete it and mark as spam/C:Forward to your friends") 
     if question2.capitalize() == "B": 
      print("WELL DONE") 
      score = score + 10 
     elif question2.capitalize() =="A": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     elif question2.capitalize() =="C": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("so far, you have",score,"marks") 

     question3=input("Q3:How secret should you keep your passwords?/A:Give them to strangers/B:Give them only to your best friends/C:Never give out passwords except to your parents") 
     if question3.capitalize() == "C": 
      print("WELL DONE") 
      score = score + 15 
     elif question3.capitalize() =="B": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     elif question3.capitalize() =="A": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("so far, you have",score,"marks") 

     question4=input("Q4:When an online contact who frightens you asks to meet you in person what should you do?/A:Arrange to meet them with your best friend/B:Arrange to meet them/C:Report to CEOP") 
     if question4.capitalize() == "C": 
      print("WELL DONE") 
      score = score + 20 
     elif question4.capitalize() =="B": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     elif question4.capitalize() =="A": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("so far, you have",score,"marks") 

     question5=input("Q5:If an email asks you to enter your bank account details because of a problem with your account what should you do?/A:Reply to the email/B:Contact the bank to check if they sent the email/C:Enter your bank account details") 
     if question5.capitalize() == "B": 
      print("WELL DONE") 
      score = score + 25 
     elif question5.capitalize() =="C": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
     elif question5.capitalize() =="A": 
      print("Wrong Answer") 
      print("Wrong Answer")  

     print ("Thank you for doing the quiz", name,".You scored", score, "marks in the quiz") 




validation = False 
while validation ==False: 
    # input age 
    if age > 16: 
     validation = False 

    questions = [ 
     ('question 1 text', 'A'), 
     ('question 2 text', 'C')...] 


    for question_text, correct_answer in questions: 
     user_input = input(question_text) 

     if user_input.capitalize() == correct_answer: 
      score += 5 
      print("well done") 
      print("wrong answer") 

    validation = True 

你可以给我一个例子吗? –


@HurAli:编辑 –


仍然困惑,因为我们粗略的工作,我们需要使用while循环或函数来做到这一点,也需要使用验证。 –



Q = [ 
    "What is CEOP?", #Each question and answer is defined by a number this one is 0 
    "When you get an email from someone you do not know, what should you do?", #This one is 1 
    "How secret should you keep your passwords?", # 2 
    "When an online contact who frightens you asks to meet you in person what should you do?", #And so on 
    "If an email asks you to enter your bank account details because of a problem with your account what should you do?" 

A = [ 
    "A:Child Exploitation and Online Protection/B:Child Exploitation and Organised Protectors/C:Criminal Exploration and Online Protection", 
    "A:Reply and say hello/B:Delete it and mark as spam/C:Forward to your friends", 
    "A:Give them to strangers/B:Give them only to your best friends/C:Never give out passwords except to your parents", 
    "A:Arrange to meet them with your best friend/B:Arrange to meet them/C:Report to CEOP", 
    "A:Reply to the email/B:Contact the bank to check if they sent the email/C:Enter your bank account details", 


QAsked = [] 


def SearchQ(): 
QProposed = random.randint(0,4) 
    if QProposed in QAsked: #If already asked 
     SearchQ()   #Search again 
     print(Question: Q[QProposed]) 
     print(Answer: A[QProposed]) 

请记住from random import randint


if Question == 1: 
    ans = input("Answer: ") 
    if ans.capitalize() == "A": 
     print("WELL DONE") 
     score = score + 25 
    elif ans.capitalize() =="B": 
     print("Wrong Answer") 
    elif ans.capitalize() =="C": 
     print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("That's not an answer") 
if Question == 2: 
    ans = input("Answer: ") 
    if ans.capitalize() == "C": 
     print("WELL DONE") 
     score = score + 25 
    elif ans.capitalize() =="B": 
     print("Wrong Answer") 
    elif ans.capitalize() =="A": 
     print("Wrong Answer") 
     print("That's not an answer") 