2016-09-27 47 views




problem explained

def main(): 

    #define accumulators 
    monthRain = 0 
    year = 0 
    monthTotal = 0 
    months = 0 
    total = 0 

    #get # of years 
    year = int(input("Enter the number of years to collect data for: ")) 

    #define month total befor it is changed below with year + 1 
    monthTotal = year * 12 

    #define how many months per year 
    months = 12 

    #Find average rainfall per month 
    for year in range(year): 
     #accumulator for rain per month 
     total = 0 
     #get rainfall per month 
     print('\nNext you will enter 12 months of rainfall data for year', year + 1) 
     for month in range(months): 
      print("Enter the rainfall for month", month + 1, end=" ") 
      monthRain = float(input(': ')) 

      #add monthly raingfall to accumulator 
      total += monthRain 
      average = total/monthTotal 

    #total months of data 
    print('\nYou have entered data for', monthTotal,'months') 

    #total rainfall 
    print('\nThe total rainfall for the collected months is:', total) 
    print('The average monthly rainfall for the collected months is:', format(average, '.2f')) 




采取total = 0出来的for循环。每次进入循环时,它都会将total设置为零。把它拿出来放在for循环之前。我认为这会解决它。



我爱你......我会在4分钟内正确选择你的答案 –


没问题。快乐编程 –


这真的是我的大脑........它感觉很高兴知道这是一个小错误,造成这一切,一切工作完美:D –




你是对的....但有人打你2分钟,但谢谢你! –



Enter the number of years to collect data for: 2 
('\nNext you will enter 12 months of rainfall data for year', 1) 
Enter the rainfall for month 1 
: 3 
Enter the rainfall for month 2 
: 4 
Enter the rainfall for month 3 
: 6 
Enter the rainfall for month 4 
: 7 
Enter the rainfall for month 5 
: 9 
Enter the rainfall for month 6 
: 8 
Enter the rainfall for month 7 
: 5 
Enter the rainfall for month 8 
: 3 
Enter the rainfall for month 9 
: 4 
Enter the rainfall for month 10 
: 1 
Enter the rainfall for month 11 
: 8 
Enter the rainfall for month 12 
: 9 
('\nNext you will enter 12 months of rainfall data for year', 2) 
Enter the rainfall for month 1 
: 3 
Enter the rainfall for month 2 
: 6 
Enter the rainfall for month 3 
: 7 
Enter the rainfall for month 4 
: 3 
Enter the rainfall for month 5 
: 4 
Enter the rainfall for month 6 
: 1 
Enter the rainfall for month 7 
: 9 
Enter the rainfall for month 8 
: 7 
Enter the rainfall for month 9 
: 8 
Enter the rainfall for month 10 
: 4 
Enter the rainfall for month 11 
: 5 
Enter the rainfall for month 12 
: 7 
('\nYou have entered data for', 24, 'months') 
('\nThe total rainfall for the collected months is:', 131.0) 
('The average monthly rainfall for the collected months is:', '5.46') 


#define accumulators 
monthRain = 0 
year = 0 
monthTotal = 0 
months = 0 
total = 0 

#get # of years 
year = int(input("Enter the number of years to collect data for: ")) 

#define month total befor it is changed below with year + 1 
monthTotal = year * 12 

#define how many months per year 
months = 12 

#Find average rainfall per month 
for year in range(year): 
    #accumulator for rain per month 
    #get rainfall per month 
    print('\nNext you will enter 12 months of rainfall data for year', year + 1) 
    for month in range(months): 
     print ("Enter the rainfall for month", month + 1, " ") 
     monthRain = float(input(': ')) 

     #add monthly raingfall to accumulator 
     total += monthRain 
     average = total/monthTotal 

#total months of data 
print('\nYou have entered data for', monthTotal,'months') 

#total rainfall 
print('\nThe total rainfall for the collected months is:', total) 
print('The average monthly rainfall for the collected months is:', format(average, '.2f')) 

你是对的....但有人打你2分钟,但谢谢你! –



因为您的循环内有total = 0,所以每年之后是休息。因此,第一年的价值被第二年的价值所覆盖。




你是对的....但有人打你2分钟,但谢谢! –


没关系。很高兴我可以帮助你:) – JHolub