2017-10-10 79 views


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.lang.Math; 
public class infant{ 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 
int number; 
double ageMonths = 0; 
double ageYears = 0; 
double weightPounds = 0; 
double weightKg = 0; 

System.out.println("Choice 1 input the age in months, then weight in kilograms");   // this tells the user what the numbers 1-4 does when chosen 
System.out.println("Choice 2 input the age in years, weight in kilograms"); 
System.out.println("Choice 3 input the age in months, weight in pounds"); 
System.out.println("Choice 4 input the age in years, weight in pounds"); 

number =sc.nextInt(); 

if(number<=4 && number>=1){             // if statement that makes the user enter a value from 1 to 4 for the switch statment. 
     System.out.println("valid number selection"); 
    }else{ System.out.println("need to choose a number between 1 and 4"); 

switch(number){                 // switch statment that allows the user to choose how they want to enter the height and weight 
    case 1: System.out.println("age in months: "); ageMonths =sc.nextDouble(); 
      System.out.println("weight in kilograms: "); weightKg =sc.nextDouble(); 
      ageYears = ageMonths * 0.0833334;           // this switch statment also converts Kg to pounds and years to months in order for math equation in the if statement at then end of the program to work. 
      weightPounds = weightKg * 2.20462; 
    case 2: System.out.println("age in years: "); ageYears =sc.nextDouble(); 
      System.out.println("weight in kilograms: "); weightKg =sc.nextDouble(); 
      ageMonths = ageYears * 12; 
      weightPounds = weightKg * 2.20462; 
    case 3: System.out.println("age in months: "); ageMonths =sc.nextDouble(); 
      System.out.println("weight in pounds: "); weightPounds =sc.nextDouble(); 
      ageYears = ageMonths * 0.0833334; 
      weightKg = weightPounds * 0.453592; 
    case 4: System.out.println("age in years: "); ageYears =sc.nextDouble(); 
      System.out.println("weight in pounds: "); weightPounds =sc.nextDouble(); 
      ageMonths = ageYears * 12; 
      weightKg = weightPounds * 0.453592; 
    default: System.out.println("you entered in an invalid number"); 


if(ageMonths<=24 && ageMonths>-0.1){          // if statement that makes sure the ages are in the correct range 
    System.out.println("valid age input"); 
    }else if(ageYears>-0.1 && ageYears<=2){ 
     System.out.println("valid age input"); 
    }else{ System.out.println("You entered a invaild age 0 to 24 months only"); 

    if(weightPounds>=4.40925 && weightPounds<=33.0693 || weightKg>=2 && weightKg<=15){  // if statement that makes sure the weight are in the correct range 
     System.out.println("valid weight input"); 
    }else{ System.out.println("You entered a invaild weight 2kg to 15kg only"); 

    if(weightKg >= ageYears * ageMonths/3 + 2 && weightKg <= 5 * ageYears * ageMonths/12 + 5){ // if statement that does a math equation to determine if your infant is healthy or not 
     System.out.println(" your infant is healthy"); 
    }else{ System.out.println(" your infant is not healthy"); 





function checkMonths(double ageMonths){ 
if(ageMonths<=24 && ageMonths>-0.1){          // if statement that makes sure the ages are in the correct range 
System.out.println("valid age input"); 
}else{ System.out.println("You entered a invaild age 0 to 24 months only"); 
function checkYears(double ageYears){ 
if(ageYears>-0.1 && ageYears<=2){ 
    System.out.println("valid age input"); 
}else{ System.out.println("You entered a invaild age 0 to 24 months only"); 

function checkWeights(double weightPounds){ 

if(weightPounds>=4.40925 && weightPounds<=33.0693 || weightKg>=2 && weightKg<=15){  // if statement that makes sure the weight are in the correct range 
    System.out.println("valid weight input"); 
}else{ System.out.println("You entered a invaild weight 2kg to 15kg only"); 




所以基本上你说的是我需要我的switch语句中的重量和年龄的if语句? –


基本上就是这样。但是你不需要复制所有情况下的检查部分,因为你可以形成一个函数。 –


我试着用代码函数checkWeights(双重){ –




if(number<=4 && number>=1){             // if statement that makes the user enter a value from 1 to 4 for the switch statment. 
    System.out.println("valid number selection"); 
}else{ System.out.println("need to choose a number between 1 and 4"); 

