2010-04-17 130 views





$today = getdate(); 
query_posts('category_name=mycat' . '&year=' . $today["year"] . '&monthnum=' . $today["mon"]); // query_posts() is a WP function 

if (have_posts()) 
    $postDates = array(); 
    while (have_posts()) 
     // The if/while we're in now is called the "WordPress Loop" 

     the_post(); // Sets all the WP variables up for the current post 
     $postDates[] = (int)(the_date("j", "", "", FALSE)); // the_date() is a WP function 

    for ($i = 1; checkdate ((int)(date("n")), $i, (int)(date("Y"))); $i++) 
     // checkdate() is a PHP function which validates a date against the gregorian calendar 
     if (in_array($i, $postDates)) 
      echo "<a href=\"" . get_day_link('','',$i) . "\">" . $i . "</a> "; // get_day_link() is a WP archive function 
      echo $i . " "; 

wp_reset_query(); // Resets the WP variables so everything's back to normal 



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