2016-11-15 149 views


我的数据是这样的: con_physical

Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to find premises in an optimal LOCATION 
Insufficient supply of WATER 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises in an optimal LOCATION 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Unreliable supply of ELECTRICITY 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Unreliable supply of ELECTRICITY 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Unreliable supply of ELECTRICITY 
Difficult to find premises in an optimal LOCATION 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises that are not in good CONDITION 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 
Difficult to find premises in an optimal LOCATION 
Difficult to find premises that are not in good CONDITION 
Difficult to find premises that are not in good CONDITION 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to find premises that are not in good CONDITION 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Unreliable supply of ELECTRICITY 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Difficult to find premises in an optimal LOCATION 
Low level of AUTOMATION 
Difficult to find premises CONNECTED TO SERVICES 
Difficult to FINANCE equipment 


hist con_physical, addlabels title("Biggest Physical Resource Constraint", size(small)) xtitle("Percent of Sample") ytitle("") horizontal discrete percent  bcolor(navy) yla(2/8, valuelabel labsize(vsmall) angle(0)) 





我不会用histogram这里作为首选。对于拥有自己的价值标签的类别,graph hbar在大多数方面更为灵活。


sysuse auto, clear 
graph hbar, over(rep78) blabel(total, format(%2.1f) pos(base)) bar(1, bfcolor(none)) 
contract rep78 
graph hbar (asis) _freq, over(rep78) blabel(total, pos(base)) bar(1, bfcolor(none)) 




谢谢,尼克!我必须承认,我对于stackoverflow相当新,所以我不确定附加数据的最佳方式。我尝试添加来自变量的值,我试图创建直方图,但让我知道,如果这不是你想到的! – yogz123


对于Stata问题,您需要任何人都可以读取的示例数据集(例如,使用'sysuse'或'webuse')或示例提供的自包含数据集。 'ssc inst dataex'为后者安装专用命令。 –


您可以通过一些努力阅读您目前的数据,但我认为工程太像无趣的辛勤工作。 (如果它变得不真实,我会删除这个评论。)(另外,为什么我的答案不是你想要翻译你的变量名称?) –