2016-03-08 54 views

我试图存储和重新加载对象和它们之间的引用。问题是当我从数据库重新加载数据时,引用设置不正确。LINQ to SQL中的对象引用被错误地保存或加载


[Table(Name = "ClassA")] 
public class ClassA 
    public ClassA() 
     LinksToClassB = new EntitySet<ClassB>(); 

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "Int NOT NULL IDENTITY")] 
    public int ID { get; set; } 

    public EntitySet<ClassB> LinksToClassB { get; set; } //=> 1 to n cardinality 

    public ClassB OneLinkToClassB { get; set; }//=> 1 to 1 cardinality 

[Table(Name = "ClassB")] 
public class ClassB 
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "Int NOT NULL IDENTITY")] 
    public int ID { get; set; } 

    [Column(CanBeNull = true)] 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

public class DatabaseContext : DataContext 
    public Table<ClassA> ClassATable; 
    public Table<ClassB> ClassBTable; 

    public DatabaseContext(string connection) : base(connection) { } 

public class Test 
    string path = @"F:\Temp\Testspace - Forum Database\database.mdf";//path to database 

    public void TestMethod() 
     //creates Database 
     DatabaseContext context = new DatabaseContext(path); 

     if (context.DatabaseExists())//Delete if exists 


     ClassB b1 = new ClassB(); b1.Name = "name 1"; 
     ClassB b2 = new ClassB(); b2.Name = "name 2"; 
     ClassB b3 = new ClassB(); b3.Name = "name 3"; 

     ClassA a = new ClassA(); 

     //now the references will be added to the object a 

     //in 1-n references 

     //and the has-one reference (OneLinkToClassB) 
     a.OneLinkToClassB = b1; 


     context.SubmitChanges(); //store in database 

     //now the database will be reloaded 
     context = new DatabaseContext(path); 

     //Check if all ClassB objects were correctly stored and reloaded 
     foreach (ClassB x in context.ClassBTable) 
      Console.WriteLine(x.ID + "; " + x.Name); 
       -> expected output: 
        1; name 1 
        2; name 2 
        3; name 3 
       -> real output 
        1; name 1 
        2; name 2 
        3; name 3 

       -> check! 

     //check if all ClassA objects were correctly stored and reloaded 
     foreach (ClassA x in context.ClassATable)//context.ClassATable has only one entry 
      Console.WriteLine("check of entitys set"); 

      //check of 1-n references 
      foreach (ClassB b in x.LinksToClassB) 
       Console.WriteLine(x.ID + " has a link to " + b.ID + ", " + b.Name); 
        -> expected output: 
         1 has a link to 1, name 1 
         1 has a link to 2, name 2 
         1 has a link to 3, name 3 

        -> real output 
         1 has a link to 1, name 1 

        -> doesn't match... 

      Console.WriteLine("check of single link"); 

      //check of 1-1 reference 
      Console.WriteLine(x.ID + " has a link to " + x.OneLinkToClassB.ID + ", " + x.OneLinkToClassB.Name); 
        -> expected output: 
         1 has a link to 1, name 1 

        -> real output 
         this line throws an NullReferenceException 





[Table(Name = "ClassA")] 
public class ClassA 
    public ClassA() 
     LinksToClassB = new EntitySet<ClassB>(); 

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)] 
    private int ID; 

    [Association(ThisKey = "ID", OtherKey = "ClassAId")] 
    private EntitySet<ClassB> LinksToClassB;//=> 1 to n cardinality 

    public void addLink(ClassB x) 

    public HashSet<ClassB> getLinks() 
     HashSet<ClassB> collection = new HashSet<ClassB>(); 
     foreach(ClassB x in LinksToClassB) 
     return collection; 

[Table(Name = "ClassB")] 
public class ClassB 
    private EntityRef<ClassA> _classA = default(EntityRef<ClassA>); 

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "Int NOT NULL IDENTITY")] 
    public int ID { get; set; } 

    [Column(CanBeNull = true)] 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

    [Column(CanBeNull = false)] 
    private int ClassAId { get; set; } 

    [Association(ThisKey = "ClassAId", OtherKey = "ID", IsForeignKey = true)] 
    private ClassA ClassA 
      return _classA.Entity; 
      _classA.Entity = value; 

    private ClassA getLink() 
     return _classA.Entity; 

    public void setLink(ClassA x) 
     _classA.Entity = x; 

public class DatabaseContext : DataContext 
    public Table<ClassA> ClassATable; 
    public Table<ClassB> ClassBTable; 

    public DatabaseContext(string connection) : base(connection) { } 

public class Test 
    string path = @"F:\Temp\Testspace - Forum Database\database.mdf";//path to database 

    public void TestMethod() 
     //creates Database 
     DatabaseContext context = new DatabaseContext(path); 

     if (context.DatabaseExists())//Delete if exists 


     ClassB b1 = new ClassB(); b1.Name = "name 1"; 
     ClassB b2 = new ClassB(); b2.Name = "name 2"; 
     ClassB b3 = new ClassB(); b3.Name = "name 3"; 

     ClassA a = new ClassA(); 

     //now the references will be added to the object a 

     //in 1-n references 


     context.SubmitChanges(); //store in database 

     //now the database will be reloaded 
     context = new DatabaseContext(path); 

     //Check if all ClassB objects were correctly stored and reloaded 

     foreach (ClassB x in context.ClassBTable) 
      Console.WriteLine(x.ID + "; " + x.Name); 
       -> expected output: 
        1; name 1 
        2; name 2 
        3; name 3 
       -> real output 
        1; name 1 
        2; name 2 
        3; name 3 

       -> check! 

     //check if all ClassA objects were correctly stored and reloaded 
     foreach (ClassA x in context.ClassATable)//context.ClassATable has only one entry 
      Console.WriteLine("check of entitys set"); 

      //check of 1-n references 
      foreach (ClassB b in x.getLinks()) 
       Console.WriteLine(b.ID + " has a link to " + b.ID + ", " + b.Name); 
        -> expected output: 
         1 has a link to 1, name 1 
         1 has a link to 2, name 2 
         1 has a link to 3, name 3 

        -> real output 
         1 has a link to 1, name 1 
         1 has a link to 2, name 2 
         1 has a link to 3, name 3 

        -> check! 


[Table(Name = "ClassA")] 
public class ClassA 
    public ClassA() 
     LinksToClassB = new EntitySet<ClassB>(); 

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "Int NOT NULL IDENTITY")] 
    public int ID { get; set; } 

    [Association(ThisKey="ID", OtherKey="ClassAId")] 
    public EntitySet<ClassB> LinksToClassB { get; set; } //=> 1 to n cardinality 

    public ClassB OneLinkToClassB { get; set; }//=> 1 to 1 cardinality 

[Table(Name = "ClassB")] 
public class ClassB 
    private EntityRef<ClassA> _classA = default(EntityRef<ClassA>); 

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType = "Int NOT NULL IDENTITY")] 
    public int ID { get; set; } 

    [Column(CanBeNull = true)] 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

    [Column(CanBeNull = false)] 
    public int ClassAId { get; set; } 

    [Association(ThisKey = "ClassAId", OtherKey = "ID", IsForeignKey = true)] 
    public ClassA ClassA { 
      return _classA.Entity; 
     set { 
      // property changed implementation omitted for brevity... 
      _classA.Entity = value; 

谢谢@Nick!我以为我不需要一个孩子去家长协会... – FloFire