2017-06-19 181 views


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Actual_FTE](
[EmpID] [nvarchar](15) NOT NULL, 
[EName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[CCNum] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, 
[CCName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[ProgramNum] [nvarchar](10) NULL, 
[ProgramName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[ResTypeNum] [nvarchar](10) NULL, 
[ResName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[January] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[February] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[March] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[April] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[May] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[June] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[July] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[August] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[September] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[October] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[November] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[December] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[Total_Year] [nvarchar](50) NULL, 
[Year] [nvarchar](6) NULL, 
[Scenario] [nvarchar](10) NULL 


Public Sub UpdateToDatabase() 

Dim sBackupUpdQry As String 
Dim sBackupInsQry As String 

Dim sUpdQry As String 
Dim sInsQry As String 
Dim sExistQry As String 
Dim sWhere As String 

Dim iRows As Integer 
Dim iCols As Integer 

On Error GoTo ErrHandler 

'Find last row and last column 
Dim lLastRow As Long 
Dim lLastCol As Integer 
lLastRow = Cells.Find("*", Range("A4"), xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row ' Find the last row with data 
lLastCol = Cells.Find("*", Range("A4"), xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column ' Find the last column with data 

Dim qryUpdateArray(2000) As String 
Dim qryInsertArray(2000) As String 
Dim qryExistArray(2000) As String 
Dim iRecCount As Integer 
Dim sCellVal As String 
Dim sColName As String 

With Sheets("Main") 

    sBackupUpdQry = "UPDATE Actual_FTE SET " ' predefined value of variable to concatenate for further at the time of updation 
    sBackupInsQry = "INSERT INTO Actual_FTE (" 
    sWhere = "" 

    'starting from row3, which is the header/column-name row 
    'prepare the insert/update queries 
    iRows = 3 
    iRecCount = 1 
    For iCols = 1 To lLastCol 
     sColName = Cells(iRows, iCols) 

     If (sColName = "") Then 
      MsgBox ("Empty Column Name") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     If (iCols = 1) Then 
      sBackupInsQry = sBackupInsQry + sColName 
      sBackupInsQry = sBackupInsQry + ("," + sColName) 
     End If 
    Next iCols 
    sBackupInsQry = sBackupInsQry + ")VALUES(" 

    'loop through each column to add the insert/update data 
    For iRecCount = 1 To lLastRow - 3 
     iRows = iRows + 1 
     sUpdQry = sBackupUpdQry 
     sInsQry = sBackupInsQry 

     For iCols = 1 To lLastCol 
      sColName = CStr(Cells(3, iCols)) 

      sCellVal = CStr(Cells(iRows, iCols)) 
      If (InStr(1, sCellVal, "'")) Then 
       sCellVal = Replace(sCellVal, "'", "''") 
      End If 

      If (iCols = 1) Then 
       sUpdQry = sUpdQry + (sColName + "='" + sCellVal + "'") 
       sInsQry = sInsQry + ("'" + sCellVal + "'") 

       sUpdQry = sUpdQry + ("," + sColName + "='" + sCellVal + "'") 
       sInsQry = sInsQry + (",'" + sCellVal + "'") 

      End If 

     Next iCols 

     sInsQry = sInsQry + ")" 
     sUpdQry = sUpdQry + sWhere 

     'save all queries into string array, maximum 1000 
     qryUpdateArray(iRecCount) = sUpdQry 
     qryInsertArray(iRecCount) = sInsQry 
     qryExistArray(iRecCount) = sExistQry 

    Next iRecCount 

End With 

Call DBConnection.OpenDBConnection 

Dim rsMY_Resources As ADODB.Recordset 
Set rsMY_Resources = New ADODB.Recordset 

Dim cntUpd As Integer 
Dim cntIns As Integer 
cntUpd = 0 
cntIns = 0 

For iRecCount = 1 To lLastRow - 3 
    'check if the asset number exists. 
    'MsgBox qryExistArray(iRecCount) 
    Set rsMY_Resources = oConn.Execute(qryExistArray(iRecCount)) 

    'if exists, update the record; if not, insert a new record 
    If (rsMY_Resources.Fields(0).Value = 0) Then 
     'MsgBox "Insert" 
     'MsgBox qryInsertArray(iRecCount) 
     oConn.Execute qryInsertArray(iRecCount) 
     cntIns = cntIns + 1 
     'MsgBox "Update" 
     'MsgBox qryUpdateArray(iRecCount) 
     oConn.Execute qryUpdateArray(iRecCount) 
     cntUpd = cntUpd + 1 
    End If 
Next iRecCount 

'Clean up 
Set rsMY_Resources = Nothing 

Call DBConnection.CloseDBConnection 
MsgBox ("Actual_FTE table has been updated: " + CStr(cntUpd) + " records have been updated; " + CStr(cntIns) + " new records have been inserted") 

Exit Sub 

ErrHandler: MSGBOX(错误)


谢谢, ħ


请加上实际正在执行的SQL更新的一个例子。运行并显示实际的SQL错误是什么。 –


查询运行良好,没有错误,但不是更新行,而是插入新行。 – Hema


如果你想更新行,你为什么要在代码中插入语句? – Ibo




' construct the where clause 
    sWhere = " Where EmpID = '" + strEmpID + "' 
    and CCNum = '" + strCCNum + "' 
    and ProgramNum = '" + strProgramNum + "' 
    and ResTypeNum = '" + strResTypeNum + " ' 
    and Total_Year = '" + strTotal_year + " ' 
    and Year = '" + strYear + " ' 
    and Scenario = '" + strScenario + " '" 

即使在删除这些空格之后它仍然无法工作!我在表格中只有5行,我正在尝试更新。但每一次,它说:“0记录更新5条插入” – Hema


Debug.Print你'qryExistArray'值之一,其应该在表中匹配的记录:当你运行你会得到一个非零计数SQL? –


@Hema为什么不在执行它之前'Debug.Print sUpdQry'?可能是如果你发布它的调试将是mucheasier。 –




'save all queries into string array, maximum 1000 
    qryUpdateArray(iRecCount) = sUpdQry 
    qryInsertArray(iRecCount) = sInsQry 
    qryExistArray(iRecCount) = sExistQry 

'save all queries into string array, maximum 1000 
    if sExistQry = '1' then 
     queriesArray(iRecCount) = sUpdQry 
     queriesArray(iRecCount) = sInsQry 
    end if 



代码过于复杂,但我不确定它是错误的。 –


插入的原因是因为后来的分支逻辑是错误的。 OP也可以在他们发现记录是否存在的地方分支。 –


我把我的赌注放在“存在”查询成为问题(在这种情况下,运行时无所谓),所以让我们来看看! –