2011-10-08 106 views






是的,多边形填充图案可以通过首先以纯色绘制多边形然后使用带有预加载的黑白图案图像的& =操作符来实现。

// preload several pattern images (black and white versions of the desired fill patterns) 
CImg<unsigned char> *fillPatternImages[ NumFillPatterns ] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; 
fillPatternImages[ 0 ] = new CImg<unsigned char>("256x256_bw_dotted_fill.png"); 
... etc. for all patterns you want to use 

// create an empty image 
CImg<unsigned char> image(256, 256, 1, 4, 0); 

// draw the polygon (or in the case of my code, any number of polygons) on the image in a solid color 
if (nShapeType == SHPT_POLYGON && fillPattern != FILL_PATTERN_NONE) 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nShapeCount ; i++) 
    SHPObject *psShape; 
    psShape = SHPReadObject(hSHP, panHits[ i ]); 

    for (int part = 0 ; part < psShape->nParts ; part++) 
     int numPoints; 
     if (part < (psShape->nParts - 1)) 
     numPoints = psShape->panPartStart[ part + 1 ] - psShape->panPartStart[ part ]; 
     numPoints = psShape->nVertices - psShape->panPartStart[ part ]; 
     CImg<int> pointImage(numPoints, 2, 1, 1, 0); 
     int s = psShape->panPartStart[ part ]; 
     for (int p = 0 ; p < numPoints ; p++) 
     int screenX; 
     int screenY; 
     GetTileXYFromMercatorLonLat((float)psShape->padfX[ s + p ], (float)psShape->padfY[ s + p ], x, y, z, &screenX, &screenY); 
      pointImage(p, 0) = screenX; 
      pointImage(p, 1) = screenY; 
     image.draw_polygon(pointImage, fillColor); 


// to achieve a non-solid pattern, & the image with a pre-loaded pattern image 
if (fillPattern > -1) 
    image &= *fillPatternImages[ fillPattern ]; 