2017-01-30 89 views

所以我的表视图没有加载任何东西,我认为这是因为我得到这个警告。它说save函数没有被使用,所以它如何加载一些没有保存的东西。我保存的是用户通过行中的按钮操作选择的行的indexPath和Section部分。Swift编译器警告:调用'save(defaults :)'的结果未被使用


调用的结果 '保存(默认:)' 是未使用的


func saveSorting(_ dataIdBlock: (Any) -> String) { 

    guard let items = self.items else { return } 

    for (section, rows) in items.enumerated() { 
     for (row, item) in rows.enumerated() { 
      let indexPath = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) 
      let dataId = dataIdBlock(item) 
      let ordering = DataHandling(dataId: dataId, indexPath: indexPath) 

      // Warning is here 
      ordering.save(defaults: indexPath.defaultsKey) 



class DataHandling: NSObject, NSCoding { 

var indexPath: IndexPath? 
var dataId: String? 

init(dataId: String, indexPath: IndexPath) { 
    self.dataId = dataId 
    self.indexPath = indexPath 

required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { 

    if let dataId = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "dataId") as? String { 
     self.dataId = dataId 

    if let indexPath = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "indexPath") as? IndexPath { 
     self.indexPath = indexPath 


func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) { 
    aCoder.encode(dataId, forKey: "dataId") 
    aCoder.encode(indexPath, forKey: "indexPath") 

func save(defaults box: String) -> Bool { 

    let defaults = UserDefaults.standard 
    let savedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self) 
    defaults.set(savedData, forKey: box) 
    return defaults.synchronize() 


convenience init?(defaults box: String) { 

    let defaults = UserDefaults.standard 
    if let data = defaults.object(forKey: box) as? Data, 
     let obj = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) as? DataHandling, 
     let dataId = obj.dataId, 
     let indexPath = obj.indexPath { 
     self.init(dataId: dataId, indexPath: indexPath) 
    } else { 
     return nil 


class func allSavedOrdering(_ maxRows: Int) -> [Int: [DataHandling]] { 

    var result: [Int: [DataHandling]] = [:] 
    for section in 0...1 { 
     var rows: [DataHandling] = [] 
     for row in 0..<maxRows { 
      let indexPath = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) 
      if let ordering = DataHandling(defaults: indexPath.defaultsKey) { 
      rows.sort(by: { $0.indexPath! < $1.indexPath! }) 
     result[section] = rows 

    return result 




saveSorting() { "\($0)" } 


// Number of Rows in Section 
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { 

    return self.items?[section].count ?? 0 

// Number of Sections 
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { 

    return self.items?.count ?? 0 


func fetchData() { 

    // Load Data from Server to testArray 

    // request from remote or local 
    data = [testArray] 

    // Update the items to first section has 0 elements, 
    // and place all data in section 1 
    items = [[], data ?? []] 

    // apply ordering 
    applySorting() { "\($0)" } 

    // save ordering 
    saveSorting() { "\($0)" } 

    // refresh the table view 


// Loading 
func applySorting(_ dataIdBlock: (Any) -> String) { 

    // get all saved ordering 
    guard let data = self.data else { return } 
    let ordering = DataHandling.allSavedOrdering(data.count) 

    var result: [[Any]] = [[], []] 

    for (section, ordering) in ordering { 
     guard section <= 1 else { continue } // make sure the section is 0 or 1 
     let rows = data.filter({ obj -> Bool in 
      return ordering.index(where: { $0.dataId == .some(dataIdBlock(obj)) }) != nil 
     result[section] = rows 

    self.items = result 

在发布之前,请务必[在错误上搜索](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bswift%5D+Result+of+call+to+is+unused)。 – rmaddy


[@discardableResult](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0047-nonvoid-warn.md)可以压制你的警告 –




_ = ordering.save(defaults: indexPath.defaultsKey) 

let _ = ordering.save(defaults: indexPath.defaultsKey) 

只是要清楚,这几乎是肯定不会为什么你的tableview没有加载数据。它应该是非常微不足道的。 indexPath.defaultsKey正在保存(假设API工作)。


所以我加载它正确,如果它被保存?任何想法为什么表不加载?我将不胜感激。 – BroSimple


很难说,因为我不熟悉这个“DataHandling”API。你有没有抛出一些断点来看代码在哪里,并没有达到?考虑到所有的归档/解码和编码/解码逻辑,如果存在一些解析错误,我不会感到惊讶。没有在本地运行代码就很难调试这样的东西。 @BroSimple –


如果你需要它,我包含DataHandling代码,我可以尝试使用断点。如果你不介意帮助我,我在github上有这个项目吗?你可以收到这个问题的信用和另一个我已经打开关于同一问题? – BroSimple