2010-12-23 74 views



不完全是一个重复,因为你问BMP到JPG,但你可能也对[转换GIF到JPG或TIF]这个问题感兴趣(http://stackoverflow.com/问题/ 1333901/visual-basic-6-image-conversion-from-gif-to-jpg-or-tif) – MarkJ 2010-12-23 12:23:00


请参阅http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/vbMedia/Saving_Pictures_to_JPG/Using_Intel_JPG_Library/有问题的article.asp Mark提到。 – 2010-12-23 14:57:48




'Convert BMP to JPG with this code. (Note: Requires vic32.dll available from 


Declare Function bmpinfo Lib "VIC32.DLL" (ByVal Fname As String, bdat As BITMAPINFOHEADER) As Long 
Declare Function allocimage Lib "VIC32.DLL" (image As imgdes, ByVal wid As Long, ByVal leng As Long, ByVal BPPixel As Long) As Long 
Declare Function loadbmp Lib "VIC32.DLL" (ByVal Fname As String, desimg As imgdes) As Long 
Declare Sub freeimage Lib "VIC32.DLL" (image As imgdes) 
Declare Function convert1bitto8bit Lib "VIC32.DLL" (srcimg As imgdes, desimg As imgdes) As Long 
Declare Sub copyimgdes Lib "VIC32.DLL" (srcimg As imgdes, desimg As imgdes) 
Declare Function savejpg Lib "VIC32.DLL" (ByVal Fname As String, srcimg As imgdes, ByVal quality As Long) As Long 

' Image descriptor 
Type imgdes 
    ibuff As Long 
    stx As Long 
    sty As Long 
    endx As Long 
    endy As Long 
    buffwidth As Long 
    palette As Long 
    colors As Long 
    imgtype As Long 
    bmh As Long 
    hBitmap As Long 
End Type 

    biSize As Long 
    biWidth As Long 
    biHeight As Long 
    biPlanes As Integer 
    biBitCount As Integer 
    biCompression As Long 
    biSizeImage As Long 
    biXPelsPerMeter As Long 
    biYPelsPerMeter As Long 
    biClrUsed As Long 
    biClrImportant As Long 
End Type 


Private Sub ConvertToJPEG(bmp_fname As String, jpg_fname As String, Optional quality As Long) 
    Dim tmpimage As imgdes ' Image descriptors 
    Dim tmp2image As imgdes 
    Dim rcode As Long 
    'Dim quality As Long 
    Dim vbitcount As Long 
    Dim bdat As BITMAPINFOHEADER ' Reserve space for BMP struct 
    'Dim bmp_fname As String 
    'Dim jpg_fname As String 

    'bmp_fname = "test.bmp" 
    'jpg_fname = "test.jpg" 

    If quality = 0 Then quality = 75 

    ' Get info on the file we're to load 
    rcode = bmpinfo(bmp_fname, bdat) 
    If (rcode <> NO_ERROR) Then 
    msgbox "error: Unable to get file info" 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 

    vbitcount = bdat.biBitCount 
    If (vbitcount >= 16) Then ' 16-, 24-, or 32-bit image is loaded into 24-bit buffer 
    vbitcount = 24 
    End If 

    ' Allocate space for an image 
    rcode = allocimage(tmpimage, bdat.biWidth, bdat.biHeight, vbitcount) 
    If (rcode <> NO_ERROR) Then 
    msgbox "error: Not enough memory" 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ' Load image 
    rcode = loadbmp(bmp_fname, tmpimage) 
    If (rcode <> NO_ERROR) Then 
    freeimage tmpimage ' Free image on error 
    msgbox "error: Cannot load file" 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 

    If (vbitcount = 1) Then ' If we loaded a 1-bit image, convert to 8-bit grayscale 
     ' because jpeg only supports 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit color images 
    rcode = allocimage(tmp2image, bdat.biWidth, bdat.biHeight, 8) 
    If (rcode = NO_ERROR) Then 
     rcode = convert1bitto8bit(tmpimage, tmp2image) 
     freeimage tmpimage ' Replace 1-bit image with grayscale image 
     copyimgdes tmp2image, tmpimage 
    End If 
    End If 

    ' Save image 
    rcode = savejpg(jpg_fname, tmpimage, quality) 
    freeimage tmpimage 
    Kill bmp_fname 
    msgbox "picture saved: " & jpg_fname 

End Sub 

VIC32.DLL只有约250 kb。维克托图书馆的价格只有499美元,没有分配版税 – 2010-12-23 09:13:37


From here:

虽然有各种可用来保存其它格式的文件第三方控件,这些往往是“每座”有不可接受的许可政策及可不得了昂贵。本文介绍如何使用免费的JPEG DLL库来保存VB图片。

PS:支付$ 500,像VIC32库只保存JPG图像似乎太多...



shell "convert.exe image.bmp image.jpg" 

当文件在网络共享中时,它不起作用。我怎样才能解决这个问题? – Rick 2011-05-16 13:57:40


@Rick先将它们复制到本地驱动器上?我不知道ImageMagick不能在网络共享中使用文件。我对网络共享没有任何经验。 – Robert 2012-04-08 08:54:01


您可以use GDI+从VB6到保存为JPG。


虽然警告:GDI +在Windows服务中不安全,并且它在IIS下似乎也不安全。 – Bob77 2012-07-05 01:03:22


那么,对于XP SP1和更高版本,您可以使用提供的工具:WIA 2.0库。


Option Explicit 
'Requires a reference to: 
' Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition Library v2.0 

Private Const TIFF_LZW As String = "LZW" 
Private Const TIFF_RLE As String = "RLE"  'Pixel Depth must be 1. 
Private Const TIFF_CCITT3 As String = "CCITT3" 'Pixel Depth must be 1. 
Private Const TIFF_CCITT4 As String = "CCITT4" 'Pixel Depth must be 1. 
Private Const TIFF_Uncompressed As String = "Uncompressed" 

Private Sub ImgConvert(_ 
    ByVal InFileName As String, _ 
    ByVal OutFileName As String, _ 
    ByVal OutFormat As String, _ 
    Optional ByVal Quality As Integer = 100, _ 
    Optional ByVal Compression As String = TIFF_LZW) 

    Dim Img As WIA.ImageFile 
    Dim ImgProc As WIA.ImageProcess 

    Set Img = New WIA.ImageFile 
    Img.LoadFile InFileName 
    Set ImgProc = New WIA.ImageProcess 
    With ImgProc.Filters 
     .Add ImgProc.FilterInfos("Convert").FilterID 
     .Item(1).Properties("FormatID").Value = OutFormat 
     If OutFormat = wiaFormatJPEG Then 
      .Item(1).Properties("Quality").Value = Quality 
     ElseIf OutFormat = wiaFormatTIFF Then 
      .Item(1).Properties("Compression").Value = Compression 
     End If 
    End With 
    Set Img = ImgProc.Apply(Img) 

    On Error Resume Next 
    Kill OutFileName 
    On Error GoTo 0 
    Img.SaveFile OutFileName 
End Sub 

Private Sub Main() 
    ImgConvert "sample.bmp", "sample.jpg", wiaFormatJPEG, 70 
    ImgConvert "sample.bmp", "sample.gif", wiaFormatGIF 
    ImgConvert "sample.bmp", "sample.png", wiaFormatPNG 
    ImgConvert "sample.bmp", "sample.tif", wiaFormatTIFF, , TIFF_Uncompressed 
    MsgBox "Complete" 
End Sub 

对于XP,你需要将它部署:Windows® Image Acquisition Automation Library v2.0 Tool: Image acquisition and manipulation component for VB and scripting






Shell("ffmpeg.exe -i YourFile.bmp -q <qualityNumber*> ConverTo.Any") 

* write ffmpeg /?在cmd知道使用情况