2011-06-14 69 views




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     <h2>Photo Gallery Images - <?php echo $pageTitle; ?></h2> 
    <div class="fullWidthDiv">Below is a set of images from the gallery you chose. To see additional images, click on the links at the bottom of this section to select the next group of images.</div> 
    <div class="infiniteCarousel"> 
    <div class="wrap"> 
     <ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango"> 
     do { ?> 
      <div class="thumbWrapper"><a class="pictureThumb" href="picture.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['PictureFile']); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y"> 
       <img src="../images/gallery/<?php $raceYear = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['EventOverlay']); echo $raceYear[0]; ?>/<?php echo $row_rsPictures['EventOverlay']; ?>/thumb/<?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureFile']; ?>.jpg" alt="FileName: <?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureFile'];?>"></a><br /> 
if($row_rsPictures['TotalComments'] > 0){ 
    if($row_rsPictures['TotalComments'] < 9){ 
    $commentCount = $row_rsPictures['TotalComments']; 
     } else { 
     $commentCount = "More"; 
echo '<img src="../images/view_comment'.$commentCount.'.png" id="Comment_'.$row_rsPictures['PictureID'].'" width="33" height="25" title="View Comments" alt="View Photo Comments" class="showComment hidden" style="cursor: pointer"/>'; 
} ?> 
<a class="pictureComment" href="postComment.php?imgID=<?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureID']; ?>&rf=gallery"><img src="../images/photo_comment.png" width="33" height="25" title="Comment On This Photo" alt="Comment On This Photo" /></a><a class="facebookShare" rel="nofollow" href="#" class="fb_share_button" onclick="return fbs_click('http://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>/gallery/picture.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['PictureFile']); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>', 'Dragboats.com Photo Gallery')" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="../images/facebook.png" width="24" height="25" title="Share on Facebook" alt="Share on Facebook" /></a><a class="addToCart" href="adToCart.php?imgID=<?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureFile'].'&dbID='.$row_rsPictures['PictureID']; ?>"><img src="../images/addToList.png" width="35" height="25" title="Add To Shopping List" alt="Add To Shopping List" /></a></p> 
      } while ($row_rsPictures = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPictures)); 
      mysql_data_seek($rsPictures, 0); 
    <div id="Comments" style="display: none"></div> 
    <div style="text-align: center; padding-right: 15px; font-size: 10px">Gallery Image Sets: <?php 
$TFM_Previous = $pageNum_rsPictures - 10; 
if ($TFM_Previous >= 0) { 
    printf('...<a href="'."%s?pageNum_rsPictures=%d%s", $currentPage, $TFM_Previous, $queryString_rsPictures.'">'); 
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    if($TFM_LimitPageEndCount != $pageNum_rsPictures) { 
    printf('<a href="'."%s?pageNum_rsPictures=%d%s", $currentPage, $TFM_LimitPageEndCount, $queryString_rsPictures.' " class="pageLinkInActive">'); 
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if($i != $TFM_endLink) echo(" ");} 
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$TFM_Last = $totalPages_rsPictures+1; 
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    printf('...<a href="'."%s?pageNum_rsPictures=%d%s", $currentPage, $TFM_Next, $queryString_rsPictures.'">'); 
    echo "[Next "."10"." of ".$TFM_Last." sets] </a>..."; 
    <div class="columnFooters"> </div> 
    <div class="columnHeadings"> 
     <h2>available print sizes</h2> 
    <div id="sizes"><ul> 
     <li><div style="height: 120px; width: 180px;"><p>20x30<br />$65/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 96px; width: 120px;"><p>16x20<br />$45/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 78px; width: 114px;"><p>13x19<br />$40/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 72px; width: 108px;"><p>12x18<br />$30/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 66px; width: 84px;"><p>11x14<br />$25/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 48px; width: 60px;"><p>8x10<br />$15/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 30px; width: 42px;"><p style="font-size: 10px; line-height: 9px;">5x7<br />$10/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div style="height: 24px; width: 36px;"><p style="font-size: 10px; line-height: 9px;">4x6<br />$5/ea</p></div></li> 
    <div class="columnFooters"></div> 
    <div class="columnHeadings"> 
     <h2>SPECIALTY ITEMS</h2> 
    <div class="fullWidthDiv">Click on the icon to see a sample and additional information or volume discounts</div> 
<div id="specItems"><ul> 
     <li><div><p>Digital File<br><img src="../images/gallery/digital_file.jpg" alt="Digital File" width="100" height="100" /><br> 
     <li><div><p>Keychains<br /> 
      <a class="keychain_sample" href="keychainSample.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>"><img src="keychain.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5];; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y" border="0"></a><br>$5/ea</p></div></li> 
     <div><p>Vertical<br />Calendars<br /> 
      <a class="vertcal_sample" href="vertCalender_sample.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>"><img src="vertCalender.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y" border="0"></a><br>$35/ea</p></div></li> 
     <div><p>Wide<br />Calendars<br /><a class="calendar_sample" href="calender.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>"><img src="calenderSample.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5]; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y" border="0"></a><br>$35/ea</p></div></li> 
     <li><div><p>Mousepads<br /><img src="mousepad.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $sampleFile); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5];; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y" border="0"><br>$17.50/ea</p></div></li> 
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“页面加载错误”是什么? – jeroen 2011-06-14 23:43:38


@ jeroen我想这不是一个错误,只是不正确加载。我不希望它在垂直对齐中显示缩略图,我希望在所有加载完成后显示。在缓慢的连接上加载页面,你就会知道我的意思 – dragboatrandy 2011-06-14 23:48:22


@dtbarne我可能不像你这样知识渊博.....是的,我已经做了大量的调试,使其全部工作。我当然不指望人们为我做所有的工作。我一直在寻找的起点和一些可能的解决方案。我不会认为所有的工作。我发布了整个代码,因为通常当我发布内容时,他们希望看到整个代码以找到解决方案。 – dragboatrandy 2011-06-15 00:11:31




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@ jeroen我试过了,它似乎打破了脚本。不,它是抛出Javascript错误。 – dragboatrandy 2011-06-14 23:49:07


从现在添加的脚本末尾有一个'';'丢失了'。这应该清除你的JavaScript错误。 – 2011-06-14 23:58:19


您可能想要考虑隐藏溢出(width = 1,height = 1 overflow = hidden)而不是完整的'display:none';一些浏览器可能不会加载隐藏元素中的内容。 – Christian 2011-06-15 00:01:06