2011-11-24 41 views



'重绘()'不旋转任何东西,而是它的作用是表明漆经理重绘GUI。你应该有一个游戏循环,通常是Swing Timer做旋转运算,然后调用'repaint()'。您还需要在此发布相关来源,而不是链接。你的工作是尽可能让志愿者帮助你,这很有道理 - 因为你要求我们努力帮助你,我们期望你也付出努力并不是不合理的。这样我们就不必点击链接或查看大量的代码。 –


此外,有时令人耳目一新可能显得不平稳。这是因为主线程耗尽了所有的资源,所以在repaint()之后直接使用Thread.sleep(10)来给重绘线程一点点时间以获取其方位并更新屏幕。 –


@JacoVanNiekerk:最好不要在GUI线程(EDT)上调用'Thread.sleep(...)',以免让整个GUI进入睡眠状态。如果他按照我的建议使用Swing Timer,那么这是一个非问题,因为Timer会在后台线程中自动执行并在后台执行此操作。 –



我看了一下你的代码(下面发布),是的,你需要为你的游戏循环使用Swing Timer。另外,你会想在你的JPanel的paintComponent方法中绘制,而不是绘制方法。


import javax.swing.*; 
import java.util.Timer; 
import java.awt.Color; 
import java.awt.Dimension; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 
import java.awt.geom.Line2D; 
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import java.lang.Object; 
import java.lang.Math; 

class Matrix { 
    public double[][] times(double[][] A, double[][] B) { 
     if (A[0].length == B.length) { 
     int i, j, k; 
     int m = A.length; 
     int n = A[0].length; 
     int q = B[0].length; 
     double[][] C; 
     double[] e; 
     C = new double[m][q]; 
     e = new double[n]; 
     for (i = 0; i <= m - 1; i++) { 
      // System.out.println(); 
      for (k = 0; k <= q - 1; k++) { 
       for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++) { 
        e[j] = A[i][j] * B[j][k]; 
        C[i][k] = C[i][k] + e[j]; 
       // System.out.print(C[i][k]+"     "); 
     // System.out.println(m+"@"+n+"@"+q); 
     return C; 
     } else { 
     throw new RuntimeException("Illegal matrix dimensions."); 

    // This method calculates the coordinates of Cube's dots 
    public double[][] dots(double[] angle, String dot) { 
     double[][] turnX = { 
      { 1, 0, 0 }, 
      { 0, Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[0])), 
        (-1 * (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[0])))) }, 
      { 0, Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[0])), 
        Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[0])) } }; 
     double[][] turnY = { 
      { Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[1])), 0, 
        Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[1])) }, 
      { 0, 1, 0 }, 
      { (-1 * (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[1])))), 0, 
        Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[1])) } }; 
     double[][] turnZ = { 
      { Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[2])), 
        (-1 * (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[2])))), 0 }, 
      { Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle[2])), 
        Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle[2])), 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; 
     double[][][] dots = { { { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 } }, { { 0 }, { 100 }, { 0 } }, 
      { { 100 }, { 100 }, { 0 } }, { { 100 }, { 0 }, { 0 } }, 
      { { 100 }, { 0 }, { 100 } }, { { 0 }, { 0 }, { 100 } }, 
      { { 0 }, { 100 }, { 100 } }, { { 100 }, { 100 }, { 100 } } }; 

     double[][] oMat = { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; 
     double[][] am = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; 

     Matrix mx = new Matrix(); 

     if (angle[0] != 0 || angle[1] != 0 || angle[2] != 0) { 
     if (angle[0] != 0 && angle[1] != 0 && angle[2] != 0) { 
      double[][] res = mx.times(turnX, turnY); 
      am = mx.times(res, turnZ); 
     } else if (angle[0] != 0 && angle[1] != 0 && angle[2] == 0) { 
      am = mx.times(turnX, turnY); 
     } else if (angle[0] != 0 && angle[1] == 0 && angle[2] != 0) { 
      am = mx.times(turnX, turnZ); 
     } else if (angle[0] != 0 && angle[1] == 0 && angle[2] == 0) { 
      am = turnX; 
     } else if (angle[0] == 0 && angle[1] != 0 && angle[2] != 0) { 
      am = mx.times(turnY, turnZ); 
     } else if (angle[0] == 0 && angle[1] != 0 && angle[2] == 0) { 
      am = turnY; 
     } else if (angle[0] == 0 && angle[1] == 0 && angle[2] != 0) { 
      am = turnZ; 

     if (dot == "a") { 
      double[][] A3d = mx.times(am, dots[0]); 
      double[][] A = mx.times(oMat, A3d); 
      return A; 
     } else if (dot == "b") { 
      double[][] B3d = mx.times(am, dots[1]); 
      double[][] B = mx.times(oMat, B3d); 
      return B; 
     } else if (dot == "c") { 
      double[][] C3d = mx.times(am, dots[2]); 
      double[][] C = mx.times(oMat, C3d); 
      return C; 
     } else if (dot == "d") { 
      double[][] D3d = mx.times(am, dots[3]); 
      double[][] D = mx.times(oMat, D3d); 
      return D; 
     } else if (dot == "e") { 
      double[][] E3d = mx.times(am, dots[4]); 
      double[][] E = mx.times(oMat, E3d); 
      return E; 
     } else if (dot == "f") { 
      double[][] F3d = mx.times(am, dots[5]); 
      double[][] F = mx.times(oMat, F3d); 
      return F; 
     } else if (dot == "g") { 
      double[][] G3d = mx.times(am, dots[6]); 
      double[][] G = mx.times(oMat, G3d); 
      return G; 
     } else if (dot == "h") { 
      double[][] H3d = mx.times(am, dots[7]); 
      double[][] H = mx.times(oMat, H3d); 
      return H; 
     } else { 
      throw new RuntimeException("Illegal dot name."); 
     } else { 
     throw new RuntimeException("Zero angles."); 


class Paint extends JPanel { 
    public void paint(Graphics g) { 
     // Angles { X , Y , Z} 
     double[] angle = { 35.264, 45, 0 }; 
     Matrix mx = new Matrix(); 
     double[][] A = mx.dots(angle, "a"); 
     double[][] B = mx.dots(angle, "b"); 
     double[][] C = mx.dots(angle, "c"); 
     double[][] D = mx.dots(angle, "d"); 
     double[][] E = mx.dots(angle, "e"); 
     double[][] F = mx.dots(angle, "f"); 
     double[][] G = mx.dots(angle, "g"); 
     double[][] H = mx.dots(angle, "h"); 

     Dimension size = getSize(); 
     int w = (size.width)/2; 
     int t = (size.height)/2; 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; 
     for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i++) { 
     angle[2] = i; 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + A[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (A[1][0]))), 
       (w + B[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (B[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + B[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (B[1][0]))), 
       (w + C[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (C[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + C[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (C[1][0]))), 
       (w + D[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (D[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + D[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (D[1][0]))), 
       (w + A[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (A[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + A[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (A[1][0]))), 
       (w + F[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (F[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + B[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (B[1][0]))), 
       (w + G[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (G[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + C[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (C[1][0]))), 
       (w + H[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (H[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + D[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (D[1][0]))), 
       (w + E[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (E[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + E[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (E[1][0]))), 
       (w + F[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (F[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + F[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (F[1][0]))), 
       (w + G[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (G[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + G[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (G[1][0]))), 
       (w + H[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (H[1][0]))))); 
     g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((w + H[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (H[1][0]))), 
       (w + E[0][0]), (t + (-1 * (E[1][0]))))); 
     // Timer timer = new Timer(100); 
     // timer.start(); 
     try { 
     } catch (InterruptedException ie) { 
     // setFocusable(true); 


public class Cube { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     JFrame frame = new JFrame("Malakhovskyi BS11-01"); 
     frame.add(new Paint()); 
     frame.setSize(640, 480); 
