2016-08-02 63 views

我需要在提交搜索表单后在网站上执行某些操作。问题是,当我通过浏览器执行此操作时,页面不会重新加载,也不会重定向到任何位置:结果显示在搜索表单下方,不会对链接进行任何更改,但我可以在“新”页面中看到它们HTML。 但是当我使用下面的代码,我不能看到“新”的页面HTML应该是在响应(提供的链接是一个我其实是想用工作):Python3:通过MechanicalSoup提交表单时没有任何反应

import mechanicalsoup 

def fetchfile(query): 

    url = "http://www.italgiure.giustizia.it/sncass/" 

    browser = mechanicalsoup.Browser() 
    page = browser.get(url) 
    search_form = page.soup.find("form", {"id": "z-form"}) 
    search_form.find("input", {"id":"searchterm"})["value"] = query 
    response = browser.submit(search_form, page.url) 

    print(response) # the response is 200, so it should be a good sign 

    # actual parsing will come later... 
    print("1235" in response.text) # quick-check to see if there is what I'm looking for, but I get False 

    # in fact this... 
    print(page.text == response.text) # ...gives me True 







import mechanicalsoup 
import html5lib 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 

def fetchfile(query): 

    url = "http://www.italgiure.giustizia.it/sncass/" 

    browser = mechanicalsoup.Browser() 
    page = browser.get(url) 

    # Using page.find() with the appropriate attributes is also useful 
    # for forms without names 
    FORM = mechanicalsoup.Form(page.find('form', attrs={'id': 'z-form'})) 

    FORM["searchterm"] = query 

    # You can verify the form values are set by doing this: 
    print("Form values: ", vars(FORM)) 

    response = browser.submit(FORM, url) 

    print(response) # the response is 200, so it should be a good sign 
    Results = browser.get_current_page() 
    print("Results: ", Results) 

    # actual parsing will come later... 
    # quick-check to see if there is what I'm looking for, but I get False 
    # print("1235" in response.text) 

    # in fact this... 
    print(page.text == response.text) # ...gives me True 

# fetchfile("1235/2012") 

感谢您的回答,但最终我不得不使用硒,因为提交结果后,我需要下载PDF文件......,似乎没有其他方式比使用硒和“点击“那些结果。我的新问题是robots.txt,但如果我想遵守,我就无能为力了 –