2016-09-06 97 views

中的句子移动结束javascript范围,IE提供moveEnd方法,该方法可将范围的末尾移动给定数量的句子单位。如何在javascript <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Range" rel="nofollow">range</a>对象上使用Chrome



var range = document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 ? document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : new Range(); 
var startNode = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0]; 
var endNode = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0]; 
var endOffset = endNode.childNodes.length; 
range.setStart(startNode, 0); 
for (i = 0; i <= endNode.childNodes.length; i++) { 
    range.setEnd(endNode, i); 
    if (/.+\./.test(range.toString())) 
var newNode = document.createElement("span"); 
newNode.setAttribute('class', 'highlight'); 
.highlight { 
<p><b>John Fitzgerald</b> "<b>Jack</b>" <b>Kennedy</b> (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials <b>JFK</b>, was an American politician who served as the <a href="/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States" title="List of Presidents of the United States">35th President of the United States</a> from January 1961 until <a href="/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy" title="Assassination of John F. Kennedy">his assassination</a> in November 1963. The <a href="/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis" title="Cuban Missile Crisis">Cuban Missile Crisis</a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion" class="mw-redirect" title="The Bay of Pigs Invasion">The Bay of Pigs Invasion</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Partial_Nuclear_Test_Ban_Treaty" title="Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty">Nuclear Test Ban Treaty</a>, the establishment of the <a href="/wiki/Peace_Corps" title="Peace Corps">Peace Corps</a>, developments in the <a href="/wiki/Space_Race" title="Space Race">Space Race</a>, the building of the <a href="/wiki/Berlin_Wall" title="Berlin Wall">Berlin Wall</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Trade_Expansion_Act" title="Trade Expansion Act">Trade Expansion Act</a> to lower tariffs, and the <a href="/wiki/African-American_Civil_Rights_Movement_(1955%E2%80%931968)" class="mw-redirect" title="African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)">Civil Rights Movement</a> all took place during his presidency. A member of the <a href="/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States)" title="Democratic Party (United States)">Democratic Party</a>, his <a href="/wiki/New_Frontier" title="New Frontier">New Frontier</a> domestic program was largely enacted as a memorial to him after his death.</p>




WebPageReader.Sentence = class extends Range { 
    /* Sentence understance everything about sentences 
     It has a starting and ending character, and ends with a sentence terminator 
     It can navigate itself around the page 

    constructor() { 
    this.dom = new WebPageReader.Dom(); 
    this.regex = new WebPageReader.Regex(); 
    this.highlighted = false; 
    this.backupHtml = ''; 
    this.AlignToRange(this.dom.GetSelectedRange() || this.dom.GetFirstRange()) 

    /* public properties */ 
    get CanPrevious() { 
    return !this.StartCharacter.Bof; 

    get CanNext() { 
    return !this.EndCharacter.Eof; 

    set Highlighted(value) { 
    if (value == this.highlighted) return; 
    if (value) 
    this.highlighted = value; 

    /* public methods */ 
    Expand() { 
    this.StartCharacter.Search(this.regex.SentenceTerminator, false); 
    this.StartCharacter.Search(this.regex.NonWhitespace, true); 
    this.EndCharacter.Search(this.regex.SentenceTerminator, true); 

    Next() { 
    this.collapse(false); // collapse to end 

    Previous() { 
    this.StartCharacter.Search(this.regex.SentenceTerminator, false); 
    this.collapse(true); // collapse to start 

    Align() { 
    this.setStart(this.StartCharacter.TextNode, this.StartCharacter.Offset); 
    this.setEnd(this.EndCharacter.TextNode, this.EndCharacter.Offset); 

    AlignToRange(range) { 
    this.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); 
    this.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset); 

    AlignEndPoints() { 
    this.StartCharacter = new WebPageReader.Character(this.dom, this); 
    this.EndCharacter = new WebPageReader.Character(this.dom, this); 

    Highlight() { 
    var selection = window.getSelection(); 
    this.highlighted = true; 

    Unhighlight() { 
    this.highlighted = false; 

    ScrollToMiddle() { 
    var el = $(this.startContainer.parentElement); 
    var elOffset = el.offset().top; 
    var elHeight = el.height(); 
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; 
    var documentHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight; 
    var offset; 

    if (elHeight < windowHeight) { 
     offset = elOffset - ((windowHeight/4) - (elHeight/2)); 
    else { 
     offset = elOffset; 
    window.scrollTo(0, offset); 

    Visualize(label) { 
    const BeginRangeMarker = '\u25BA'; 
    const EndRangeMarker = '\u25C4'; 
    const TextNodeBoundary = '\u2551'; 
    const NewLineIndicator = '\u21B5'; 
    var allTextNodes = this.dom.AllTextNodes; 
    var msg = ''; 
    var intersects = false; 
    for (var t = 0; t < allTextNodes.length; t++) { 
     var textNode = allTextNodes[t]; 
     var value = textNode.nodeValue.replace(/[\n]/g, NewLineIndicator); 
     if (this.intersectsNode(textNode)) { 
     if (!intersects) { 
      if (!allTextNodes[t + 1] || !this.intersectsNode(allTextNodes[t + 1])) 
      // I begin and finish inside this first node 
      msg += `${TextNodeBoundary}${value.substring(0, this.startOffset)}${BeginRangeMarker}${value.substring(this.startOffset, this.endOffset)}${EndRangeMarker}${value.substring(this.endOffset)}`; 
      // I only begin inside this first node 
      msg += `${TextNodeBoundary}${value.substring(0, this.startOffset)}${BeginRangeMarker}${value.substring(this.startOffset)}`; 
     } else if (!allTextNodes[t + 1] || !this.intersectsNode(allTextNodes[t + 1])) 
      // I end in this node 
      msg += `${TextNodeBoundary}${value.substring(0, this.endOffset)}${EndRangeMarker}${value.substring(this.endOffset)}`; 
      // I completely contain this node 
      msg += `${TextNodeBoundary}${value}`; 

     intersects = true; 
     } else if (intersects) { 
    // txtVisualization.value = `${msg}║`; 
    msg = `${label} = ${msg}║`; 

/* Classes */ 
WebPageReader.Character = class { 
    /* the textual surface of a web page is completely tiled over with text nodes 
     a character has the text node on which it sits and the character position (Offset) within that node's text 
    constructor(dom, range) { 
    this.dom = dom; 
    this.TextNode = range.startContainer; 
    this.Offset = range.startOffset; 
    this.Bof = false; 
    this.Eof = false; 

    Search(regex, forward) { 
    var found = false; 
    var buffer = ''; 
    do { 
     if (forward) { 
     buffer += this.toString(); 
     found = regex.test(buffer); 
     regex.lastIndex = 0; 
     if (!this.Next()) return false; 
     } else { 
     if (!this.Previous()) return false; 
     buffer = this.toString() + buffer; 
     found = regex.test(buffer); 
     regex.lastIndex = 0; 
    } while (!found); 
    // roll it one character (get off the match)  
    if (forward) this.Previous(); 
    else this.Next(); 
    return true; // found it 

    Previous() { 
    this.Bof = false; 
    if (this.Offset < 0) { 
     if (!this.dom.getPreviousTextNode(this.TextNode)) { 
     this.Bof = true; 
     this.Offset = 0; 
     return false; 
     this.TextNode = this.dom.getPreviousTextNode(this.TextNode); 
     this.Offset = this.TextNode.nodeValue.length - 1; 
    return true; 

    Next() { 
    this.Eof = false; 
    if (this.Offset > this.TextNode.nodeValue.length - 1) { 
     if (!this.dom.getNextTextNode(this.TextNode)) { 
     this.Eof = true; 
     this.Offset = this.TextNode.nodeValue.length - 1; 
     return false; 
     this.TextNode = this.dom.getNextTextNode(this.TextNode); 
     this.Offset = 0; 
    return true; 

    toString() { 
    return this.TextNode.nodeValue.substring(this.Offset, this.Offset + 1); 
.highlight { 
    background-color: yellow; 
    outline: 1px solid green; 
<input type="button" onclick="prevSentence();" value="Previous" /> 
<input type="button" onclick="nextSentence();" value="Next" /> 
<input type="button" onclick="getSelectionRange();" value="Get Selection" /> 
<input type="text" id="sentenceIndex" /> 
<input type="text" id="sentence" /> 
    <p><b>John Fitzgerald</b> "<b>Jack</b>" <b>Kennedy</b> (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials <b>JFK</b>, was an American politician who served as the <a href="/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States" title="List of Presidents of the United States">35th President of the United States</a> from 
    January 1961 until <a href="/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy" title="Assassination of John F. Kennedy">his assassination</a> in November 1963. The <a href="/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis" title="Cuban Missile Crisis">Cuban Missile Crisis</a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion" 
    class="mw-redirect" title="The Bay of Pigs Invasion">The Bay of Pigs Invasion</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Partial_Nuclear_Test_Ban_Treaty" title="Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty">Nuclear Test Ban Treaty</a>, the establishment of the <a href="/wiki/Peace_Corps" 
    title="Peace Corps">Peace Corps</a>, developments in the <a href="/wiki/Space_Race" title="Space Race">Space Race</a>, the building of the <a href="/wiki/Berlin_Wall" title="Berlin Wall">Berlin Wall</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Trade_Expansion_Act" title="Trade Expansion Act">Trade Expansion Act</a> to 
    lower tariffs, and the <a href="/wiki/African-American_Civil_Rights_Movement_(1955%E2%80%931968)" class="mw-redirect" title="African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)">Civil Rights Movement</a> all took place during his presidency. A member 
    of the <a href="/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States)" title="Democratic Party (United States)">Democratic Party</a>, his <a href="/wiki/New_Frontier" title="New Frontier">New Frontier</a> domestic program was largely enacted as a memorial to him after 
    his death.</p> 

    <p>Kennedy's time in office was marked by high tensions with <a href="/wiki/Communist_states" class="mw-redirect" title="Communist states">Communist states</a>. Kennedy increased the number of American military advisers in <a href="/wiki/South_Vietnam" title="South Vietnam">South Vietnam</a> by 
    a factor of 18 over Eisenhower. In <a href="/wiki/Cuba" title="Cuba">Cuba</a>, a failed attempt was made at the <a href="/wiki/Bay_of_Pigs" title="Bay of Pigs">Bay of Pigs</a> to overthrow the country's dictator <a href="/wiki/Fidel_Castro" title="Fidel Castro">Fidel Castro</a> in 
    April 1961. Kennedy's administration subsequently rejected plans by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to <a href="/wiki/Operation_Northwoods" title="Operation Northwoods">orchestrate false-flag attacks on American soil in order to gain public approval for a war against Cuba</a>. 
    In October 1962, it was discovered Soviet <a href="/wiki/Ballistic_missiles" class="mw-redirect" title="Ballistic missiles">ballistic missiles</a> had been deployed in Cuba; the resulting period of unease, termed the <a href="/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis" 
    title="Cuban Missile Crisis">Cuban Missile Crisis</a>, is seen by many historians as the closest the human race has ever come to <a href="/wiki/Nuclear_war" class="mw-redirect" title="Nuclear war">nuclear war</a> between nuclear armed belligerents.</p> 
