2010-01-14 376 views


public delegate BaseItem GetItemDelegate(Guid itemID); 

public static class Lists 
    public static GetItemDelegate GetItemDelegateForType(Type derivedType) 
    MethodInfo method = typeof(Lists).GetMethod("GetItem"); 
    method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { derivedType }); 
    return (GetItemDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetItemDelegate), method); 

    public static T GetItem<T>(Guid itemID) where T : class { // returns an item of type T ... } 

public class DerivedItem : BaseItem { } 

// I can call it like so: 
GetItemDelegate getItem = Lists.GetItemDelegateForType(typeof(DerivedItem)); 
DerivedItem myItem = getItem(someID); // this works great 


public delegate IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetListDelegate(); 

public class BaseItem { } 
public class DerivedItem : BaseItem { } 

public static class Lists 
    public static GetListDelegate GetListDelegateForType(Type itemType) 
    MethodInfo method = typeof(Lists).GetMethod("GetList", Type.EmptyTypes); // get the overload with no parameters 
    method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { itemType }); 
    return (GetListDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetListDelegate), method); 

    // this is the one I want a delegate to, hence the Type.EmptyTypes above 
    public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>() where T : class { return new List<T>(0); } 
    // not the one I want a delegate to; included for illustration 
    public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(int param) where T : class { return new List<T>(0); } 

    public static Type GetItemType() 
    { // this could return any type derived from BaseItem 
    return typeof(DerivedItem); 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
    Type itemType = Lists.GetItemType(); 
    GetListDelegate getList = Lists.GetListDelegateForType(itemType); 
    IEnumerable<BaseItem> myList = (IEnumerable<BaseItem>)getList(); 


  1. 不同的返回类型(T作品,IEnumerable<T>不)[编辑:这是不对的,第一个版本的用途BaseItem,而不是T;哎呀]
  2. 重载(GetItem没有超载,GetList有几个,我只需要在委托GetList()没有PARAMS


public static IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetList<T>() where T : class 


public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetListDelegate(); 

在发布之前的所有阅读中,我知道类型不匹配是此异常的一个常见原因。我在上面每个例子中的返回调用中设置了一个断点,并且在每种情况下变量方法的类型看起来几乎相同。我什么都看不到。只是想我会添加那个珍闻。 – sliderhouserules 2010-01-14 04:20:53


为什么这会变成社区维基? – sliderhouserules 2010-01-14 08:03:13


哇,你编辑自己的帖子够了,它会自动变成一个维基?这是该死的愚蠢。 – sliderhouserules 2010-01-14 08:18:12




// declare this as non-generic 
public delegate IEnumerable GetListDelegate(); 

// do some cast-fu to get the list into a workable form 
List<BaseItem> myList = getList().Cast<BaseItem>().ToList(); 




using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Reflection; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    public delegate IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetListDelegate(); 

    public class BaseItem { } 
    public class DerivedItem : BaseItem { } 

    public static class Lists 
     public static GetListDelegate GetListDelegateForType(Type derivedType) 
      MethodInfo method = typeof(Lists).GetMethod("GetList", Type.EmptyTypes); // get the overload with no parameters 
      method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { derivedType }); 
      return (GetListDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetListDelegate), method); // *** this throws an exception *** 

     // this is the one I want a delegate to, hence the Type.EmptyTypes above 
     public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>() where T : class 
     {// returns a collection of T items ... 
      return new T[0]; 

     // not the one I want a delegate to; included for illustration, maybe my different GetMethod() is my problem? 
     public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(int param) where T : class 
     { // returns a collection of T items ... 
      return new T[0]; 

    public class GenericDelegate 
     public static void Test() 

      // I would call it like so, but first line gets exception, where indicated above 
      GetListDelegate getList = Lists.GetListDelegateForType(typeof(BaseItem)); 
      IEnumerable<BaseItem> myList = getList(); 


public delegate IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetListDelegate(); 

GetListDelegate getList = Lists.GetListDelegateForType(typeof(DerivedList)); 
IEnumerable<DerivedList> myList = getList(); 



我在工作时从大型系统中提取了所有这些代码,并更改了类型名称和内容,以便制作可展示样本。我应该制作了一个示例应用程序,并首先与它一起玩。将DerivedList类型更改为DerivedItem。这是一个复制/粘贴/替换错误。我已经编辑我的问题来解决这个问题。考虑到这一点,你能否重申你的最后一段,因为我没有在那里跟踪你。 – sliderhouserules 2010-01-14 04:47:33