2008-08-28 73 views



Hejlsberg描述了为何不与布鲁斯·埃克尔实现该特性in an interview






我想知道为什么几个人在这里发布答案有这么多的理解概念的麻烦。在我的情况下,我想对任何整数或枚举类型执行&, - 和〜。精心设计的语言如Scala允许这样的泛型。 (即使像C++这样的蹩脚语言也允许它们) – 2013-10-19 05:52:53


另一种方法是创建一个自定义类和该类的约束,然后为每个想要支持的值类型创建隐式转换运算符。您必须在自定义约束类中实现每个&, - 和〜运算符。 – samjudson 2013-10-21 08:20:41




static bool GenericFunction<T>(T value) 
    where T : operators(+, -, /, *) 


static bool GenericFunction<T>(T value) 
    where T : Add, Subtract 

不幸的是你只有接口,基类和关键字struct(必须是数值型),class (必须是引用类型)和new()(必须具有默认构造函数)

您可以将该数字包装在其他类似内容中(类似到INullable<T>),如here on codeproject



我不知道你是否看过MiscUtil对泛型操作符的支持... http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/miscutil/usage/genericoperators.html – 2009-08-12 20:03:57


是的 - Jon Skeet指给我他们的其他东西而之前(但在今年之后的老回应) - 他们是一个聪明的想法,但我仍然喜欢适当的约束支持。 – Keith 2009-08-13 11:23:11


等等,`T:运算符(+, - ,/,*)`是合法的C#吗?对不起,新手问题。 – kdbanman 2015-07-08 20:00:00



static bool IntegerFunction<T>(T value) where T: struct 


static bool IntegerFunction<T>(T value) where T: struct, IComparable 
, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable<T>, IEquatable<T> 







我想唯一的解决办法是做一个运行时检查,不幸的是可以防止在编译时拾取问题。那会是这样的: -

static bool IntegerFunction<T>(T value) where T : struct { 
    if (typeof(T) != typeof(Int16) && 
     typeof(T) != typeof(Int32) && 
     typeof(T) != typeof(Int64) && 
     typeof(T) != typeof(UInt16) && 
     typeof(T) != typeof(UInt32) && 
     typeof(T) != typeof(UInt64)) { 
    throw new ArgumentException(
     string.Format("Type '{0}' is not valid.", typeof(T).ToString())); 

    // Rest of code... 




+1,但是,如果它依赖于约束所定义的操作,//剩余的代码...可能无法编译。 – Nick 2012-09-10 14:23:50


Convert.ToIntXX(value)可能会帮助编译“//其余代码” - 至少直到IntegerFunction的返回类型也是T类型,那么你就会瘫痪。 :-p – yoyo 2014-07-08 06:32:14


-1;这不符合@Nick给出的理由。当您尝试在`//其余代码...'中执行任何算术运算时,例如`value + value`或`value * value`,您将遇到编译错误。 – 2017-10-25 21:15:03



此外,由于您只是想允许该函数在int数据类型上工作,因此您不应该为每个特定大小需要单独的函数。只需在最大特定类型中使用参数,程序就可以自动将更小的数据类型上传到它。 (即在调用时传递Int16将自动转换为Int64)。




考虑一个类直方图。让它具有通用参数是有意义的,因此编译器可以针对字节,整数,双精度,小数,BigInt等进行优化。但同样你需要防止你可以创建一个例如直方图,因为 - 与Tron交谈 - 它不计算。 (字面上:) :) – sunside 2010-05-11 22:14:33




static bool IntegerFunction(Int64 value) { } 


static bool IntegerFunction(Int64 value) { } 
static bool IntegerFunction(Int16 value) { } 


您使用的是什么版本的.NET?如果您使用的是.NET 3.5,那么我的(免费等)有generic operators implementation

这有像T Add<T>(T x, T y)和其他变种算法在不同类型(如DateTime + TimeSpan)的方法。



你可能也想知道,dynamic(4.0)进行排序,解决了这个问题,也间接地 - 即

dynamic x = ..., y = ... 
dynamic result = x + y; // does what you expect 


/// <summary> 
/// Generic object copy of the same type 
/// </summary> 
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to copy</typeparam> 
/// <param name="ObjectSource">The source object to copy</param> 
public T CopyObject<T>(T ObjectSource) 
    T NewObject = System.Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); 

    foreach (PropertyInfo p in ObjectSource.GetType().GetProperties()) 
     NewObject.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name).SetValue(NewObject, p.GetValue(ObjectSource, null), null); 

    return NewObject; 



public struct Foo<T> 
    public T Value{ get; private set; } 

    public static Foo<T> operator +(Foo<T> LHS, Foo<T> RHS) 
     return new Foo<T> { Value = LHS.Value + RHS.Value; }; 


public struct Foo<T> 
    public T Value { get; private set; } 

    public static Foo<T> operator +(Foo<T> LHS, Foo<T> RHS) 
     return new Foo<T> { Value = LHS.Value + (dynamic)RHS.Value }; 


  1. 性能。所有值类型都被装箱。
  2. 运行时错误。你“击败”编译器,但是失去了类型安全性。如果泛型没有定义操作符,则执行过程中会抛出异常。


interface INumericPolicy<T> 
    T Zero(); 
    T Add(T a, T b); 
    // add more functions here, such as multiplication etc. 

struct NumericPolicies: 
    // add more INumericPolicy<> for different numeric types. 
    int INumericPolicy<int>.Zero() { return 0; } 
    long INumericPolicy<long>.Zero() { return 0; } 
    int INumericPolicy<int>.Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } 
    long INumericPolicy<long>.Add(long a, long b) { return a + b; } 
    // implement all functions from INumericPolicy<> interfaces. 

    public static NumericPolicies Instance = new NumericPolicies(); 


static class Algorithms 
    public static T Sum<P, T>(this P p, params T[] a) 
     where P: INumericPolicy<T> 
     var r = p.Zero(); 
     foreach(var i in a) 
      r = p.Add(r, i); 
     return r; 



int i = NumericPolicies.Instance.Sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); 
long l = NumericPolicies.Instance.Sum(1L, 2, 3, 4, 5); 
NumericPolicies.Instance.Sum("www", "") // compile-time error. 

的解决方案是编译时的安全。 CityLizard Framework提供.NET 4.0的编译版本。该文件是lib/NETFramework4.0/CityLizard.Policy.dll。




静态布尔IntegerFunction <Ť>(T值)其中,T:IComparable的,IFormattable,IConvertible,IComparable的<Ť>,IEquatable <Ť>,结构 {...



另一种方法是定义静态类Int64Converter<T>与静态属性bool Available {get;};和静态代表为Int64 GetInt64(T value)T FromInt64(Int64 value)bool TryStoreInt64(Int64 value, ref T dest)。类构造函数可以使用硬编码来加载代表了已知类型的,并且可能使用反射来测试类型T是否实现用正确的名称和签名的方法(如果它的东西,就像它包含一个Int64和代表数字的一个结构,但有一个自定义的ToString()方法)。这种方法将失去与编译时类型检查相关的优点,但仍然可以避免装箱操作,并且每种类型只需要“检查”一次。之后,与该类型相关的操作将替换为委托调度。




public T DifficultCalculation<T>(T a, T b) 
    T result = a * b + a; // <== WILL NOT COMPILE! 
    return result; 
Console.WriteLine(DifficultCalculation(2, 3)); // Should result in 8. 


public T DifficultCalculation<T>(Number<T> a, Number<T> b) 
    Number<T> result = a * b + a; 
    return (T)result; 
Console.WriteLine(DifficultCalculation(2, 3)); // Results in 8. 







  • 创建一个新的文本模板文件称为GenericNumberMethodTemplate.tt
  • 删除自动生成的代码(您将保留大部分代码,但有些代码不需要)。
  • 添加以下代码片段:
<#@ template language="C#" #> 
<#@ output extension=".cs" #> 
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #> 

<# Type[] types = new[] { 
    typeof(Int16), typeof(Int32), typeof(Int64), 
    typeof(UInt16), typeof(UInt32), typeof(UInt64) 

using System; 
public static class MaxMath { 
    <# foreach (var type in types) { 
     public static <#= type.Name #> Max (<#= type.Name #> val1, <#= type.Name #> val2) { 
      return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    } #> 



using System; 
public static class MaxMath { 
    public static Int16 Max (Int16 val1, Int16 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    public static Int32 Max (Int32 val1, Int32 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    public static Int64 Max (Int64 val1, Int64 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    public static UInt16 Max (UInt16 val1, UInt16 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    public static UInt32 Max (UInt32 val1, UInt32 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 
    public static UInt64 Max (UInt64 val1, UInt64 val2) { 
     return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; 


namespace TTTTTest 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      long val1 = 5L; 
      long val2 = 10L; 
      Console.WriteLine(MaxMath.Max(val1, val2)); 

enter image description here

我会提前一条评论:不,这不违反DRY原则。 DRY原则是为了防止人们在多个地方复制代码,这会导致应用程序难以维护。



<#@ import namespace="TheNameSpaceYouWillUse" #> 
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #> 


免责声明:本示例受Metaprogramming in .NET by Kevin Hazzard and Jason Bock, Manning Publications严重影响。



class Something<TCell> 
     internal static TCell Sum(TCell first, TCell second) 
      if (typeof(TCell) == typeof(int)) 
       return (TCell)((object)(((int)((object)first)) + ((int)((object)second)))); 

      if (typeof(TCell) == typeof(double)) 
       return (TCell)((object)(((double)((object)first)) + ((double)((object)second)))); 

      return second; 


 internal static int Sum(int first, int second) 
      return first + second; 

如果您使用的是.NET 4.0及更高版本,那么你可以只使用动态作为方法参数,检查在运行时,传递的动态参数类型数字/整数类型。

如果通过动态的类型是不数字 /整数类型则抛出异常。实现这个想法


using System; 
public class InvalidArgumentException : Exception 
    public InvalidArgumentException(string message) : base(message) {} 
public class InvalidArgumentTypeException : InvalidArgumentException 
    public InvalidArgumentTypeException(string message) : base(message) {} 
public class ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException : InvalidArgumentTypeException 
    public ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException(string message) : base(message) {} 
public static class Program 
    private static bool IntegerFunction(dynamic n) 
     if (n.GetType() != typeof(Int16) && 
      n.GetType() != typeof(Int32) && 
      n.GetType() != typeof(Int64) && 
      n.GetType() != typeof(UInt16) && 
      n.GetType() != typeof(UInt32) && 
      n.GetType() != typeof(UInt64)) 
      throw new ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException("argument type is not integer type"); 
     //code that implements IntegerFunction goes here 
    private static void Main() 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //Compiles, no run time error and first line of output buffer is either "True" or "False" depends on the code that implements "Program.IntegerFunction" static method. 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //Also compiles but it is run time error and exception of type "ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException" is thrown here. 
     Console.WriteLine("This is the last Console.WriteLine output"); //Never reached and executed due the run time error and the exception thrown on the second line of Program.Main static method. 








using System; 
public struct Integer 
    private dynamic value; 
    private Integer(dynamic n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(Int16 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(Int32 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(Int64 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(UInt16 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(UInt32 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(UInt64 n) { this.value = n; } 
    public Integer(Integer n) { this.value = n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator Int16(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator Int32(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator Int64(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator UInt16(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator UInt32(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static implicit operator UInt64(Integer n) { return n.value; } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value/y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value % y.value); } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value == y; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value != y; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value != y.value; } 
    public override bool Equals(object obj) { return this == (Integer)obj; } 
    public override int GetHashCode() { return this.value.GetHashCode(); } 
    public override string ToString() { return this.value.ToString(); } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value > y; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value < y; } 
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value >= y; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value <= y; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value <= y.value; } 
    public static Integer operator +(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator +(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator +(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator +(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator +(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator -(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator *(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator /(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x/y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static Integer operator %(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); } 
    public static bool operator ==(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator ==(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator ==(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator ==(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator ==(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; } 
    public static bool operator !=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator >=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; } 
    public static bool operator <=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; } 
public static class Program 
    private static bool IntegerFunction(Integer n) 
     //code that implements IntegerFunction goes here 
     //note that there is NO code that checks the type of n in rum time, because it is NOT needed anymore 
    private static void Main() 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "int" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "int", to "Integer" is known. 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer(0))); //both compiles and no run time error 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "string" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "string", to "Integer" is known. 
     Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer("string"))); //compile error: there is no overloaded CONSTRUCTOR for objects of type "string" 


如果.NET框架的版本低于/下/较小比4.0和动态是undefi斯内德在版本,那么你将不得不使用对象,而不是和做铸造整数类型,它是麻烦,所以我建议你至少使用.NET 4.0或更高版本,如果你能这样你就可以使用动态代替对象
