2012-08-17 91 views

我有一个网页,不会(也不应该)允许在iPad上缩放。iPad Zoom在Safarai的未聚焦选项卡上的问题

1. have focus on my application's tab 
    2. change to a different tab 
    3. switch the iPad's orientation (i.e. portrait to landscape or vice versa) 
    4. switch back to my web apps tab 


我也注意到在其他网站上发生这种情况。我尝试了所有可以想象的元标记组合(禁用缩放)。我正在用iPad 3进行测试。如果我只在Safari中打开一个选项卡,则不存在任何问题。

这似乎涉及到“著名”的定位问题不作为不良变焦时出现的应用程序没有焦点 How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?




1. use the onorientationchange event to detect if the zoom is changed 
2. if the zoom has changed change the viewport meta tag to: user-scalable=yes 
3. on $(window).resize or onorientationchange change viewport back to user-scalable=no if the user has changed the zoom back to fit the screen