2011-04-11 110 views


我设置我的应用程序有一个自定义样式。该风格继承自Theme.Light。 在我的风格,我的设置 'panelFullBackground' 到自定义颜色,如下所示:


<item name="android:panelFullBackground">@color/custom_theme_color</item> 


<color name="custom_theme_color">#ff00ffff</color> 

我试着使用panelColorForeground |背景,但他们没有达到我想要的。







有用的建议由路易Semprini here::

static Class  IconMenuItemView_class = null; 
static Constructor IconMenuItemView_constructor = null; 

// standard signature of constructor expected by inflater of all View classes 
private static final Class[] standard_inflater_constructor_signature = 
new Class[] { Context.class, AttributeSet.class }; 

protected void addOptionsMenuHackerInflaterFactory() 

final LayoutInflater infl = getLayoutInflater(); 

infl.setFactory(new Factory() 
    public View onCreateView(final String name, 
          final Context context, 
          final AttributeSet attrs) 
     if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase("com.android.internal.view.menu.IconMenuItemView")) 
      return null; // use normal inflater 

     View view = null; 

     // "com.android.internal.view.menu.IconMenuItemView" 
     // - is the name of an internal Java class 
     // - that exists in Android <= 3.2 and possibly beyond 
     // - that may or may not exist in other Android revs 
     // - is the class whose instance we want to modify to set background etc. 
     // - is the class we want to instantiate with the standard constructor: 
     //  IconMenuItemView(context, attrs) 
     // - this is what the LayoutInflater does if we return null 
     // - unfortunately we cannot just call: 
     //  infl.createView(name, null, attrs); 
     // here because on Android 3.2 (and possibly later): 
     // 1. createView() can only be called inside inflate(), 
     //  because inflate() sets the context parameter ultimately 
     //  passed to the IconMenuItemView constructor's first arg, 
     //  storing it in a LayoutInflater instance variable. 
     // 2. we are inside inflate(), 
     // 3. BUT from a different instance of LayoutInflater (not infl) 
     // 4. there is no way to get access to the actual instance being used 
     // - so we must do what createView() would have done for us 
     if (IconMenuItemView_class == null) 
       IconMenuItemView_class = getClassLoader().loadClass(name); 
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e) 
       // this OS does not have IconMenuItemView - fail gracefully 
       return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     if (IconMenuItemView_class == null) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 

     if (IconMenuItemView_constructor == null) 
       IconMenuItemView_constructor = 
      catch (SecurityException e) 
       return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
      catch (NoSuchMethodException e) 
       return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     if (IconMenuItemView_constructor == null) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 

      Object[] args = new Object[] { context, attrs }; 
      view = (View)(IconMenuItemView_constructor.newInstance(args)); 
     catch (IllegalArgumentException e) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     catch (InstantiationException e) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     catch (IllegalAccessException e) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     catch (InvocationTargetException e) 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 
     if (null == view) // in theory handled above, but be safe... 
      return null; // hack failed: use normal inflater 

     // apply our own View settings after we get back to runloop 
     // - android will overwrite almost any setting we make now 
     final View v = view; 
     new Handler().post(new Runnable() 
      public void run() 

        // in Android <= 3.2, IconMenuItemView implemented with TextView 
        // guard against possible future change in implementation 
        TextView tv = (TextView)v; 
       catch (ClassCastException e) 
        // hack failed: do not set TextView attributes 

     return view; 

若要使用此代码,请从活动的onCreate调用一次addOptionsMenuHackerInflaterFactory() ()或您的活动onCreateOptionsMenu()。

代码工作完美!希望这可以帮助 !!



<style name="MyTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light"> 

    <!-- Menu Style --> 
    <item name="android:panelBackground">@drawable/blue_background</item> 
