2017-06-04 70 views




的jsfiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/develkarmy/9w6czou5/

enter image description here

var ctime = new Date(); 

Highcharts.chart('container', { 
chart: { 
    type: 'areaspline', 
    plotBackgroundImage: 'http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/background.jpg', 
    width: 700 
title: { 
    text: 'Average fruit consumption during one week' 
xAxis: { 
plotLines: [{ // mark the weekend 
     color: 'white', 
     width: 3, 
     value: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), ctime.getHours(), ctime.getMinutes()), 
     dashStyle: 'solid', 
     zIndex: 4, 
     label: { 
     text: (ctime.getHours() + ':' + ctime.getMinutes()), 
     verticalAlign: 'middle', 
     align: 'center', 
     rotation: 0, 
     style: { 
       color: '#000', 
       fontWeight: 'bold' 
    type: 'datetime', 
    //Sets tickInterval to 24 * 3600 * 1000 if display is by day 
    tickInterval: 3600 * 3000, 
    min: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate()), 
    max: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), (ctime.getDate() + 1)), 
    dateTimeLabelFormats : { 
     hour: '%H', 
     day: '%H' 
    tickWidth: 0, 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    gridLineDashStyle: "ShortDot", 
    gridLineColor: "#c1c2c3", 
    startOnTick: true 
yAxis: { 
    tickInterval: 100, 
    title: { 
     text: '(cm)', 
     align: 'high', 
     offset: 15, 
     rotation: 0, 
     y: -10 
    tickWidth: 0, 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    gridLineDashStyle: "ShortDot", 
    gridLineColor: "#c1c2c3", 
    startOnTick: true 
tooltip: { 
    enabled: false 
credits: { 
    enabled: false 
plotOptions: { 
    areaspline: { 
     fillOpacity: 0.5 
legend: { 
    enabled: false 
series: [{ 
    data: [ 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), (ctime.getDate() - 1), 00, 00), 
      y: 586, 
      marker: { 
       enabled: false 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), 4, 18), 
      y: 211, 
      marker: { 
       symbol: 'url(http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/graph_down.png)' 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), 10, 48), 
      y: 744, 
      marker: { 
       symbol: 'url(http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/graph_up.png)' 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), 17, 13), 
      y: 244, 
      marker: { 
       symbol: 'url(http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/graph_down.png)' 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), 23, 17), 
      y: 668, 
      marker: { 
       symbol: 'url(http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/graph_up.png)' 
      x: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), (ctime.getDate() + 1), 2, 17), 
      y: 200, 
      marker: { 
       symbol: 'url(http://www.khoa.go.kr/swtc/inc/img/chart/graph_up.png)' 




Fiddle demo

plotLines: [{ // mark the weekend 
     color: 'white', 
     width: 3, 
     value: Date.UTC(ctime.getFullYear(), (ctime.getMonth() + 1), ctime.getDate(), ctime.getHours(), ctime.getMinutes()), 
     dashStyle: 'solid', 
     zIndex: 4, 
     label: { 
     text: (ctime.getHours() + ':' + ctime.getMinutes()), 
     verticalAlign: 'middle', 
     align: 'right', //placement of label 
     x:-15, //adjustment of label 
     rotation: 0, 
     useHTML: true, //enables html 
     style: { 
       padding:'10px 30px', 
       color: 'black', 
       fontWeight: 'bold' 



我的天啊......我经历了几天。非常感谢你! –
