2016-02-27 119 views

我的脚本需要几年才能运行吗?这只是代码的一部分,但它是降低速度的一部分。表格报告是来自电子病人系统的报告。它包含访问日期,这些日期需要与工作表PtLog中的日期进行比较。在PtLog中,每行是一名患者,对于表格报告每次访问都是一条线。因此,患者可以在工作表报告中的多行。有11个可能的访问日期和约700名可能的患者。含义约7700日期需要检查。我希望我自己有点清楚...提​​前Excel VBA脚本真的很慢


Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
Application.EnableEvents = False 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 

For colPtLog = 11 To 20 

    For rowPtLog = 2 To lastRowUsedPtLog 

     patientNrPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, 5).Value 
     nrVisitPtLog = Cells(1, colPtLog).Value 
     dateVisitPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Value 


     For rowReport = 2 To lastRowUsedReport 

      dateVisitReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 6) 
      patientNrReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 2) 
      nrVisitReport = Sheets("Report").Cells(rowReport, 4) 

      If patientNrPtLog = patientNrReport And nrVisitPtLog = nrVisitReport Then 

       If dateVisitPtLog <> dateVisitReport Then 

        If dateVisitPtLog > 0 And dateVisitReport = 0 Then 

         lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate = lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate + 1 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate, 2) = patientNrPtLog 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate, 3) = nrVisitPtLog 

        End If 

        If dateVisitPtLog = 0 And dateVisitReport > 0 Then 

         Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog) = dateVisitReport 
         With Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Font 
          .Color = -1003520 
          .TintAndShade = 0 
         End With 

        End If 

        If dateVisitPtLog > 0 And dateVisitReport > 0 Then 

         lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch = lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch + 1 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 9) = patientNrPtLog 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 10) = nrVisitPtLog 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 11) = dateVisitReport 
         Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 12) = dateVisitPtLog 

        End If 

       End If 

       Exit For 

      End If 

     Next rowReport 

    Next rowPtLog 

Next colPtLog 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
Application.EnableEvents = True 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 





Option Explicit 

Sub SubMine() 
Dim lastRowUsedPtLog As Long, lastRowUsedReport As Long 
Dim lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate As Long, lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch As Long 

Dim ptLogDdateVisit As Long 
Dim reportPatientNr As Long, reportNrVisit As Long, reportDateVisit As Long 

Dim reportSht As Worksheet, ptLogSht As Worksheet, controlSht As Worksheet 

Dim ptLogPatientNrs As Range, ptLogPatientNrCells As Range, ptLogPatientNrCell As Range 
Dim ptLogVisitNrs As Range, ptLogNrVisitCell As Range, ptLogDateVisitCell As Range 
Dim reportPatientNrs As Range, reportPatientNrCell As Range 
Dim ptLogCellsToMark As Range 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
Application.EnableEvents = False 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 

Set reportSht = Sheets("Report") 
Set ptLogSht = Sheets("PtLog") 
Set controlSht = Sheets("CONTROL") 

' to avoid first "Union()" method call to fail, I set a dummy ptLogCellsToMark 
With ptLogSht 
    Set ptLogCellsToMark = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count) 
End With 

lastRowUsedPtLog = GetLastRow(ptLogSht, 5) 
lastRowUsedReport = GetLastRow(reportSht, 2) 
lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate = GetLastRow(controlSht, 2) 
lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch = GetLastRow(controlSht, 9) 

Set ptLogPatientNrs = ptLogSht.Cells(2, 5).Resize(lastRowUsedPtLog) 'list of PatientNr in "PtLog" sheet 
Set ptLogVisitNrs = ptLogSht.Range("K1:T1") 'list of VisitNr in "PtLog" sheet 
Set reportPatientNrs = reportSht.Cells(2, 2).Resize(lastRowUsedReport) 'list of PatientNr in "Report" sheet 

For Each reportPatientNrCell In reportPatientNrs 'loop through PatientNr of "Report" Sheet 

    reportPatientNr = reportPatientNrCell.Value ' track patientNr value from "Report" sheet 
    Set ptLogPatientNrCells = FindValues(reportPatientNr, ptLogPatientNrs) ' find ALL occurencies of that patientNr value in "PtLog" sheet 
    If Not ptLogPatientNrCells Is Nothing Then ' if there's an occurrence of that patientNr in "PtLog" sheet 

     reportNrVisit = reportPatientNrCell.Offset(, 2) ' now it makes sense to track nrVisit value from "Report" sheet 
     Set ptLogNrVisitCell = ptLogVisitNrs.Find(reportNrVisit) ' search for that nrVisit value in "PtLog" sheet 
     If Not ptLogNrVisitCell Is Nothing Then ' if there's an occurrence of that nrVisit value in "PtLog" sheet 

      reportDateVisit = reportPatientNrCell.Offset(, 4) ' now it makes sense to track dateVisit value from "Report" sheet 

      For Each ptLogPatientNrCell In ptLogPatientNrCells 'loop through ALL occurencies of report patientNr of "PtLog" Sheet 

       Set ptLogDateVisitCell = ptLogSht.Cells(ptLogPatientNrCell.Row, ptLogNrVisitCell.column) 'set the "PtLog" sheet cell with the date corresponding to patientNr and nrVisit from "report" sheet 
       ptLogDdateVisit = ptLogDateVisitCell.Value 

       Select Case True 
        Case ptLogDdateVisit > 0 And reportDateVisit = 0 
         lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate = lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate + 1 
         controlSht.Cells(lastRowUsedControlVisitNoDate, 2).Resize(, 3) = Array(reportPatientNr, reportNrVisit, ptLogDdateVisit) ' write in "CONTROL" sheet . NOTE: I added "ptLogDdateVisit" to keep track of what was date was not peresent in "Report" sheet 

        Case ptLogDdateVisit = 0 And reportDateVisit > 0 
         With ptLogDateVisitCell 
          .Value = reportDateVisit 'correct the "PtLog" sheet date value with the "Report" sheet one 
          Set ptLogCellsToMark = Union(ptLogCellsToMark, .Cells(1, 1)) ' add this cell to those that will be formatted at the end 
         End With 

        Case Else 
         lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch = lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch + 1 
         controlSht.Cells(lastRowUsedControlDateNoMatch, 9).Resize(, 4) = Array(reportPatientNr, reportNrVisit, reportDateVisit, ptLogDdateVisit) ' write in "CONTROL" sheet 
       End Select 

      Next ptLogPatientNrCell 


      ' here code to handle what to do when a nrVist in "Report" sheet is not present in "PtLog" sheet 

     End If 


     ' here code to handle what to do when a patientNr in "Report" sheet is not present in "PtLog" sheet 

    End If 

Next reportPatientNrCell 

With ptLogCellsToMark.Font 
    .Color = -1003520 
    .TintAndShade = 0 
End With 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
Application.EnableEvents = True 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 

End Sub 

Function FindValues(valueToFind As Variant, rngToSearchIn As Range) As Range 
Dim cell As Range, unionRng As Range 
Dim firstAddress As String 

With rngToSearchIn 
    Set cell = .Find(What:=valueToFind, LookAt:=xlWhole) 
    If Not cell Is Nothing Then 
     firstAddress = cell.Address 
     Set unionRng = cell 
      Set unionRng = Union(unionRng, cell) 

      Set cell = .FindNext(cell) 
     Loop While Not cell Is Nothing And cell.Address <> firstAddress 
     Set FindValues = unionRng 
    End If 
End With 

End Function 

Function GetLastRow(sht As Worksheet, column As Long) As Long 
With sht 
    GetLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, column).End(xlUp).Row 
End With 
End Function 

非常感谢您花时间回答我的问题。我会在今晚/明天尝试你的建议,我会让你知道它是如何发生的。我非常感谢你的努力! – Ottoman079


你的代码非常好!它在3秒内完成了任务!我要研究你的代码,因为我不明白它现在所做的一切。也许我会问你一些更多的问题,如果自己找不到答案,如果这对你来说没问题...... :) Thx! – Ottoman079


很高兴知道它有帮助。并且要知道你不会只是使用代码,但想要了解它。没有问题来自你的问题,但我不能保证快速的答案。最后,如果我真的满足了你的第一个需求,你可能需要提高我的答案和/或给一些代表。 – user3598756




patientNrPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, 5).Value 
nrVisitPtLog = Cells(1, colPtLog).Value 
dateVisitPtLog = Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Value 


With Sheets("PtLog") 
    patientNrPtLog = .Cells(rowPtLog, 5).Value 
    nrVisitPtLog = .Cells(1, colPtLog).Value 
    dateVisitPtLog = .Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Value 
End With 


With Sheets("PtLog") 
    patientNrPtLog = .Cells(rowPtLog, 5).Value2 
    nrVisitPtLog = .Cells(1, colPtLog).Value2 
    dateVisitPtLog = .Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Value2 
End With 

(3)声明您在代码中使用的所有变量。如果你没有声明变量,那么VBA将自动假设这些变量是variant,这是性能最差的。所以,你应该写(以前所有Sub S)以下行:

Option Explicit 


Dim rowPtLog As Long 
Dim lastRowUsedReport As Long 
Dim dateVisitPtLog As Date 
Dim dateVisitReport As Date 


Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog) 


Sheets("PtLog").Cells(rowPtLog, colPtLog).Value2 





Dim dttProcedureStartTime As Date 
dttProcedureStartTime = Now() 


Debug.Print Now() - dttProcedureStartTime 



非常感谢您的宝贵时间在回答我的问题。我会在今晚/明天尝试你的建议,我会让你知道它是如何发生的。我非常感谢你的努力! – Ottoman079