2017-08-30 70 views



    <link rel = 'stylesheet' type = 'text/css' href = 'memory_game.css'> 
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    <title>Concentration - Memory Game </title> 

    <div class = headings> 
     <h1>CONCENTRATION </h1> 
     <h2>The shnazzy, feature-packed memory game! </h2> 



    <div class = 'rules'> 
     <p>RULES: </p> 
       <li>The game consists of 16 cards on a 4 by 4 grid </li> 
       <li>Initially, the cards will be faced up for a short period of time and, and will consist of 8 pairs, each with both cards having the same symbol </li> 
       <li>Once these cards are faced back down, your objective is to try and remember which cards contained matching symbols</li> 
       <li>Once you click one card, guess which one is paired with the card you just clicked, and if you get it correct, your score goes up by 1 </li> 
       <li>If you guess a pair incorrectly, the two cards you click will be faced back down </li> 
       <li>When you find all matching pairs, you win, and you get the option to play again </li> 
       <li>Your performance rating at the end of the game will be a star rating of 1 to 3, which will be based on how many incorrect guesses you make, and how long it takes for you to win the game, for a timer will be shown during the game </li> 

    <div class = 'grid'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 
     <img src = 'https://balancebest.co.uk/33349-home_default/flutter-fetti-orange-block-2.jpg' alt = 'block'> 


    <div id = 'startButton'> 

    <div id = 'reStartButton'> 

    <div id = 'score'> 
     <p>SCORE: </p> 



$('#startButton').click(function() { 





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$('#startButton').click(function() { 