2012-02-17 71 views


-- This line is for testing. 
set the clipboard to "1234567890" 

set loginName to "username" 
-- Password is stored in KeyChain (you need to do manually). 

-- Create Remote path 
set folderNumber to the clipboard as string 
set subdir1 to character 1 of folderNumber 
set subdir2 to character 2 of folderNumber 

set remotePath to "/files/" & subdir1 & "/" & subdir2 & "/" & folderNumber 

-- Create Local path 
set homeFolder to (path to home folder) as string 
set localPath to homeFolder & "LOCALSTORAGE" as string 
set localStorage to localPath & ":" & folderNumber & ":" as string 

-- Create Local file 
tell application "Finder" 
     make new folder at localPath with properties {name:folderNumber} 
    on error e number n 
     -- Do nothing. 
    end try 
end tell 

-- Connect to FTP 
tell application "Fetch" 
    set tWindow to make new transfer window at beginning with properties {hostname:"ftpServerAddress", username:loginName, initial folder:remotePath} 

    tell window tWindow 
     download every remote item to beginning of alias localStorage 
     close window 
    end tell 

end tell 

-- Open folder 
tell application "Finder" 
    open localStorage 
end tell 


download every remote item to beginning of alias localStorage 


error "Fetch got an error: Can’t get every remote item of window (transfer window id 232280960)." number -1728 from every remote item of window (transfer window id 232280960)

有谁知道什么错误意味着或如何解决呢?我尝试了Fetch网站,但没有多少运气。 “取”btw是取FTP客户端。



首先,你应该检查你正在生成的remotePath确实存在(例如,通过添加log的语句,如log tWindow's remote items和脚本编辑器的事件日志中查找是否能得到这些)。

如果路径是正确的,我认为问题在于您使用的download命令引用了一个列表对象(every remote item...)。在文档中,命令期望单个项目的说明符:

download specifier : the remote file, remote folder, shortcut, or url to download

这就是为什么您需要遍历项目。 The snippet below完美的作品对我来说:

-- my settings for testing 
set theHost to "ftp.fetchsoftworks.com" 
set loginName to "anonymous" 
set remotePath to "/example/" 
set localStorage to ((path to home folder) as text) & "LOCALSTORAGE:1234567890:" 

-- Connect to FTP 
tell application "Fetch" 
    set tWindow to make new transfer window at beginning with properties {hostname:theHost, username:loginName, initial folder:remotePath} 
    set localStorage to (localStorage as alias) 
    repeat with theItem in tWindow's remote items 
      download theItem to localStorage 
     end try 
    end repeat 

    close tWindow 
end tell 

谢谢!这样可行。我还发现你可以记录“镜像文件夹”选项的AppleScript。从那里我得到了一个指令来把所有东西都拉过来。 – 2012-02-17 10:58:10



tell window tWindow 
    download every remote item to beginning of alias localStorage 
    close window 
end tell 
  1. tell块指示封闭命令到一个通用的window对象,而不是一个transfer window,和通用window对象不包含远程项目。
  2. download命令的to参数应该是别名,而不是插入位置(例如beginning of ...)。


tell tWindow 
    download every remote item to alias localStorage 
end tell 

谢谢吉姆。这为我解决了另一个问题。 :) – 2012-02-17 16:35:08