2009-08-27 115 views

我想重写一些旧的SQL到LINQ to SQL。我有一个使用GROUP BY WITH ROLLUP的存储过程,但我不确定LINQ相当于什么。 LINQ有一个GroupBy,但它看起来并不像它支持ROLLUP。LINQ到SQL版本的GROUP BY WITH ROLLUP


| City | ServicePlan | NumberOfCustomers | 
| Seattle | Plan A  |     10 | 
| Seattle | Plan B  |     5 | 
| Seattle | All   |     15 | 
| Portland | Plan A  |     20 | 
| Portland | Plan C  |     10 | 
| Portland | All   |     30 | 
| All  | All   |     45 | 

关于我如何能使用LINQ to SQL获得这些结果的任何想法?




基本上,您会对您自己进行排序和分组,然后拨打WithRollup()以获得子项合计和总计项目的List<>。我无法弄清楚如何在SQL端生成小计和总计,以便使用LINQ to Objects完成这些操作。下面的代码:

/// <summary> 
/// Adds sub-totals to a list of items, along with a grand total for the whole list. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="elements">Group and/or sort this yourself before calling WithRollup.</param> 
/// <param name="primaryKeyOfElement">Given a TElement, return the property that you want sub-totals for.</param> 
/// <param name="calculateSubTotalElement">Given a group of elements, return a TElement that represents the sub-total.</param> 
/// <param name="grandTotalElement">A TElement that represents the grand total.</param> 
public static List<TElement> WithRollup<TElement, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TElement> elements, 
    Func<TElement, TKey> primaryKeyOfElement, 
    Func<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>, TElement> calculateSubTotalElement, 
    TElement grandTotalElement) 
    // Create a new list the items, subtotals, and the grand total. 
    List<TElement> results = new List<TElement>(); 
    var lookup = elements.ToLookup(primaryKeyOfElement); 
    foreach (var group in lookup) 
     // Add items in the current group 
     // Add subTotal for current group 
    // Add grand total 

    return results; 


class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     IQueryable<CustomObject> dataItems = (new[] 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan B", Charges = 20 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan B", Charges = 20 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 } 

     IQueryable<CustomObject> orderedElements = from item in dataItems 
                orderby item.City, item.Plan 
                group item by new { item.City, item.Plan } into grouping 
                select new CustomObject 
                 City = grouping.Key.City, 
                 Plan = grouping.Key.Plan, 
                 Charges = grouping.Sum(item => item.Charges), 
                 Count = grouping.Count() 

     List<CustomObject> results = orderedElements.WithRollup(
      item => item.City, 
      group => new CustomObject 
       City = group.Key, 
       Plan = "All", 
       Charges = group.Sum(item => item.Charges), 
       Count = group.Sum(item => item.Count) 
      new CustomObject 
       City = "All", 
       Plan = "All", 
       Charges = orderedElements.Sum(item => item.Charges), 
       Count = orderedElements.Sum(item => item.Count) 

     foreach (var result in results) 


class CustomObject 
    public string City { get; set; } 
    public string Plan { get; set; } 
    public int Count { get; set; } 
    public decimal Charges { get; set; } 

    public override string ToString() 
     return String.Format("{0} - {1} ({2} - {3})", City, Plan, Count, Charges); 

我明白了!一个通用的GroupByWithRollup。它只分成两列,但可以很容易地扩展到支持更多。我可能会有另一个版本,接受三列。关键类别/方法分组为<>,GroupByMany <>()和GroupByWithRollup <>()。当您实际使用GroupByWithRollup <>()时,SubTotal()和GrandTotal()方法是助手。下面是代码,后面是一个如何使用它的例子。

/// <summary> 
/// Represents an instance of an IGrouping<>. Used by GroupByMany(), GroupByWithRollup(), and GrandTotal(). 
/// </summary> 
public class Grouping<TKey, TElement> : IGrouping<TKey, TElement> 
    public TKey Key { get; set; } 
    public IEnumerable<TElement> Items { get; set; } 

    public IEnumerator<TElement> GetEnumerator() 
     return Items.GetEnumerator(); 

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
     return Items.GetEnumerator(); 

public static class Extensions 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Groups by two columns. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <typeparam name="TElement">Type of elements to group.</typeparam> 
    /// <typeparam name="TKey1">Type of the first expression to group by.</typeparam> 
    /// <typeparam name="TKey2">Type of the second expression to group by.</typeparam> 
    /// <param name="orderedElements">Elements to group.</param> 
    /// <param name="groupByKey1Expression">The first expression to group by.</param> 
    /// <param name="groupByKey2Expression">The second expression to group by.</param> 
    /// <param name="newElementExpression">An expression that returns a new TElement.</param> 
    public static IQueryable<Grouping<TKey1, TElement>> GroupByMany<TElement, TKey1, TKey2>(this IOrderedQueryable<TElement> orderedElements, 
     Func<TElement, TKey1> groupByKey1Expression, 
     Func<TElement, TKey2> groupByKey2Expression, 
     Func<IGrouping<TKey1, TElement>, IGrouping<TKey2, TElement>, TElement> newElementExpression 
     // Group the items by Key1 and Key2 
     return from element in orderedElements 
       group element by groupByKey1Expression(element) into groupByKey1 
       select new Grouping<TKey1, TElement> 
        Key = groupByKey1.Key, 
        Items = from key1Item in groupByKey1 
          group key1Item by groupByKey2Expression(key1Item) into groupByKey2 
          select newElementExpression(groupByKey1, groupByKey2) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns a List of TElement containing all elements of orderedElements as well as subTotals and a grand total. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <typeparam name="TElement">Type of elements to group.</typeparam> 
    /// <typeparam name="TKey1">Type of the first expression to group by.</typeparam> 
    /// <typeparam name="TKey2">Type of the second expression to group by.</typeparam> 
    /// <param name="orderedElements">Elements to group.</param> 
    /// <param name="groupByKey1Expression">The first expression to group by.</param> 
    /// <param name="groupByKey2Expression">The second expression to group by.</param> 
    /// <param name="newElementExpression">An expression that returns a new TElement.</param> 
    /// <param name="subTotalExpression">An expression that returns a new TElement that represents a subTotal.</param> 
    /// <param name="totalExpression">An expression that returns a new TElement that represents a grand total.</param> 
    public static List<TElement> GroupByWithRollup<TElement, TKey1, TKey2>(this IOrderedQueryable<TElement> orderedElements, 
     Func<TElement, TKey1> groupByKey1Expression, 
     Func<TElement, TKey2> groupByKey2Expression, 
     Func<IGrouping<TKey1, TElement>, IGrouping<TKey2, TElement>, TElement> newElementExpression, 
     Func<IGrouping<TKey1, TElement>, TElement> subTotalExpression, 
     Func<IQueryable<Grouping<TKey1, TElement>>, TElement> totalExpression 
     // Group the items by Key1 and Key2 
     IQueryable<Grouping<TKey1, TElement>> groupedItems = orderedElements.GroupByMany(groupByKey1Expression, groupByKey2Expression, newElementExpression); 

     // Create a new list the items, subtotals, and the grand total. 
     List<TElement> results = new List<TElement>(); 
     foreach (Grouping<TKey1, TElement> item in groupedItems) 
      // Add items under current group 
      // Add subTotal for current group 
     // Add grand total 

     return results; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns the subTotal sum of sumExpression. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sumExpression">An expression that returns the value to sum.</param> 
    public static int SubTotal<TKey, TElement>(this IGrouping<TKey, TElement> query, Func<TElement, int> sumExpression) 
     return query.Sum(group => sumExpression(group)); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns the subTotal sum of sumExpression. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sumExpression">An expression that returns the value to sum.</param> 
    public static decimal SubTotal<TKey, TElement>(this IGrouping<TKey, TElement> query, Func<TElement, decimal> sumExpression) 
     return query.Sum(group => sumExpression(group)); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns the grand total sum of sumExpression. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sumExpression">An expression that returns the value to sum.</param> 
    public static int GrandTotal<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<Grouping<TKey, TElement>> query, Func<TElement, int> sumExpression) 
     return query.Sum(group => group.Sum(innerGroup => sumExpression(innerGroup))); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Returns the grand total sum of sumExpression. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sumExpression">An expression that returns the value to sum.</param> 
    public static decimal GrandTotal<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<Grouping<TKey, TElement>> query, Func<TElement, decimal> sumExpression) 
     return query.Sum(group => group.Sum(innerGroup => sumExpression(innerGroup))); 


class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     IQueryable<CustomObject> dataItems = (new[] 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan B", Charges = 20 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan B", Charges = 20 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Seattle", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan A", Charges = 10 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 }, 
      new CustomObject { City = "Portland", Plan = "Plan C", Charges = 30 } 

     List<CustomObject> results = dataItems.OrderBy(item => item.City).ThenBy(item => item.Plan).GroupByWithRollup(
      item => item.City, 
      item => item.Plan, 
      (primaryGrouping, secondaryGrouping) => new CustomObject 
       City = primaryGrouping.Key, 
       Plan = secondaryGrouping.Key, 
       Count = secondaryGrouping.Count(), 
       Charges = secondaryGrouping.Sum(item => item.Charges) 
      item => new CustomObject 
       City = item.Key, 
       Plan = "All", 
       Count = item.SubTotal(subItem => subItem.Count), 
       Charges = item.SubTotal(subItem => subItem.Charges) 
      items => new CustomObject 
       City = "All", 
       Plan = "All", 
       Count = items.GrandTotal(subItem => subItem.Count), 
       Charges = items.GrandTotal(subItem => subItem.Charges) 
     foreach (var result in results) 


class CustomObject 
    public string City { get; set; } 
    public string Plan { get; set; } 
    public int Count { get; set; } 
    public decimal Charges { get; set; } 

    public override string ToString() 
     return String.Format("{0} - {1} ({2} - {3})", City, Plan, Count, Charges); 

Bah,那里还有bug。当我根据实际的SQL数据运行它时,它会抛出异常,因为我需要使用表达式而不是仅仅使用Func <>。我也不能在表达式中使用“from x in y”语法。本文帮助:http://www.richardbushnell.net/index.php/2008/01/16/using-lambda-expressions-with-linq-to-sql/。所以我仍然需要清理干净。 – Ecyrb 2009-08-31 18:50:33


这种方法比必要的要复杂得多。我无法完全在SQL方面进行分组。最后,我放弃了这种方法,并提出了更简单的接受解决方案。 – Ecyrb 2009-09-09 19:39:15



我只是模糊地熟悉LINQ to SQL,超越标准LINQ(对象)。但是,由于您的“LINQ”标记与“LINQ-2-SQL”标记分开,因为您似乎主要对结果感兴趣(而不是注册数据库更改),并且因为这是唯一的当我搜索LINQ相当于SQL Server的“Rollup”分组功能时,出现了一些真正的相关资源,我将为今天有类似需求的任何人提供我自己的替代解决方案。基本上,我的方法是创建一个类似于“.OrderBy()。ThenBy()”语法的“.GroupBy()。ThenBy()”可链式语法。我的扩展期望收集IGrouping对象 - 从运行“.GroupBy()”获得的结果作为其源。然后,它将采集并取消分组,以在分组之前返回原始对象。最后,它根据新的分组函数重新分组数据,生成另一组IGrouping对象,并将新分组的对象添加到源对象集合中。

public static class mySampleExtensions { 

    public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> ThenBy<TSource, TKey> (  
     this IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> source, 
     Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector) { 

     var unGroup = source.SelectMany(sm=> sm).Distinct(); // thank you flq at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/462879/convert-listlistt-into-listt-in-c-sharp 
     var reGroup = unGroup.GroupBy(keySelector); 

     return source.Concat(reGroup);} 


您可以使用该方法通过把常量的值到“.ThenBy()”函数的相应区域,以匹配SQL服务器的汇总逻辑。我更喜欢使用空值,因为它是投射最灵活的常量。投射非常重要,因为您在.GroupBy()和.ThenBy()中使用的函数必须导致相同的对象类型。使用您在08月31 '09你的第一反应创造了“dataItems”变量,它应该是这样的:

var rollItUp = dataItems 
    .GroupBy(g=> new {g.City, g.Plan}) 
     .ThenBy(g=> new {g.City, Plan = (string) null}) 
     .ThenBy(g=> new {City = (string) null, Plan = (string) null}) 
    .Select(s=> new CustomObject { 
     City = s.Key.City, 
     Plan = s.Key.Plan, 
     Count = s.Count(), 
     Charges = s.Sum(a=> a.Charges)}) 
    .OrderBy(o=> o.City) // This line optional 
     .ThenBy(o=> o.Plan); // This line optional 


你可以在“.ThenBy()”的帮助下模拟SQL Server的分组集合,也可能模拟立方体。另外,“.ThenBy()”对我来说工作正常,而且我不担心任何与“.OrderBy()”方法的“.ThenBy()”等效的问题,因为它们具有不同的签名,但如果出现问题,您可能需要考虑将其命名为“.ThenGroupBy()”以区分。
