2014-10-02 63 views



1. Declare variables for month 1, 2, and 3. 
2. Declare variable for Total and Average Rainfall 
3. Ask user to input name of months. 
4. Then ask user to input inches of rain fall. 
5. Add all inches and then divide by number of inches asked. In this case, 3. 
6. Display average inches of rain for all months to user. 

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 

string month1, month2, month3;//Declared values for months aswell as total and average rainfall. 
double month1Inch, month2Inch, month3Inch; 
double averageInches; 
double totalInches; 
char c = 'y'; 


    cout << setprecision(2) << fixed; 
    cout << "Enter first month's name:"; 
    cin >> month1; 
    cout << "Enter rain inches for " << month1 << ":"; 
    cin >> month1Inch; 

    cout << "\n"; 

    cout << "Enter second month's name:"; 
    cin >> month2; 
    cout << "Enter rain inches for " << month2 << ":"; 
    cin >> month2Inch; 

    cout << "\n"; 

    cout << "Enter third month's name:"; 
    cin >> month3; 
    cout << "Enter rain inches for " << month3 << ":"; 
    cin >> month3Inch; 

    cout << "\n"; 

    totalInches = (month1Inch + month2Inch + month3Inch); 
    averageInches = (totalInches)/3;//calculating the average 

    //Display calculated data. 
    cout << "The average rainfall for " << month1 << ", " << month2 << ", " << "and " << month3 << " is " << averageInches << endl; 

    cout << "Would you like to recalculate? Either enter Y to run or N to not." << endl; 
    cin >> c; 

} while (c == 'Y'||c=='y'); 

if (c != 'Y' || c != 'y') 
    cout << "you must enter the correct choice" << endl; 

return 0; 


我试图把一个如果在“COUT < <”你想声明重新计算?输入Y运行或N不运行。“< < endl; cin >> c;”但我得到一个无限循环。




所以,你最终向我们展示的代码甚至没有试图做你想要的,并要求我们为你写。 SO不是代码写入服务。 – 2014-10-02 20:52:59


帮你一个忙,摆脱'main()'中的所有冗余注释。 – blackbird 2014-10-02 21:00:05


@Anton Savin,我再次添加了我之前的代码。 – user2221218 2014-10-02 21:03:24




int main() { 
    // ... 
    do { 
    // ... 

    do { 
     cout << "Would you like to recalculate? Either enter Y to run or N to not." << endl; 
     cin >> c; 
    } while (c != 'Y' && c != 'y' && c != 'N' && c != 'n'); 
    } while (c == 'Y'|| c=='y'); 

    return 0; 