2012-01-01 70 views

我试图启动API级别8的模拟器,并且在ANDROID简介闪烁后仅显示黑屏。Android模拟器(API级别8) - 介绍ANDROID消息后只显示黑屏


01-01 17:56:51.315: E/System(120): Failure starting core service 
01-01 17:56:51.315: E/System(120): java.lang.NullPointerException 

01-01 17:56:51.344: E/SystemServer(120): Failure starting DevicePolicyService 
01-01 17:56:51.344: E/SystemServer(120): java.lang.NullPointerException 

01-01 17:56:51.685: E/SystemServer(120): Failure starting StatusBarService 
01-01 17:56:51.685: E/SystemServer(120): java.lang.NullPointerException 

01-01 17:56:51.735: E/SystemServer(120): Failure starting Input Manager Service 
01-01 17:56:51.735: E/SystemServer(120): java.lang.NullPointerException 

01-01 17:56:51.825: E/AndroidRuntime(120): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: ConnectivityThread 
01-01 17:56:51.825: E/AndroidRuntime(120): java.lang.NullPointerException 


[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] ------------------------------ 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] Android Launch! 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] adb is running normally. 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] No Launcher activity found! 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] The launch will only sync the application package on the device! 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] Performing sync 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 
[2012-01-01 17:52:39 - find_an_event] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'avd' 
[2012-01-01 17:53:02 - Emulator] emulator: WARNING: Unable to create sensors port: Unknown error 
[2012-01-01 17:53:02 - find_an_event] New emulator found: emulator-5554 
[2012-01-01 17:53:02 - find_an_event] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched... 
[2012-01-01 18:11:31 - find_an_event] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'sync'! 




这意味着你必须关闭你已经运行的Emulator,或者真的删除那个模拟器并创建一个新的模拟器。我不知道你使用哪个工具,但是这个链接可以帮助你: Help