2016-01-20 60 views

我正在按照Meteor Chef的教程进行操作。我正在使用它来创建一个Meteor的路由/ API,它将接收来自eBay的通知。但我遇到的问题是,我从eBay收到的request.body是一个空的对象。我可以看到它发送给我的头文件,在请求中发送的头文件中,它有soapaction:'“http // developer.ebay.com/notification/AskSellerQuestion''。 (我通过询问一个问题来测试它,所以它似乎工作)如何从eBay通知中获取数据

在eBay Notifications的请求中,我是否可以找到具有关于通知信息的XML?还是我以错误的方式去解决它?我发现eBay的文档不是很有帮助。



API = { 

    authentication: function(apiKey) { 
     // Authenticate with the app's API Key 
     var getKey = Meteor.settings.auroraAPIKey; 
     if (apiKey === getKey) { 
     return true; 
     } else { 
     return false; 

    connection: function(request, key) { 
     var getRequestContents = API.utility.getRequestContents(request), 
      //apiKey    = getRequestContents.api_key, 
      validUser   = API.authentication(key); 

     if (validUser) { 
     //delete getRequestContents.api_key; 
     // return data 
     // This object is refered to as 'connection.data' 
     return { owner: 'Aurora', data: getRequestContents }; 
     } else { 
     return { error: 401, message: "Invalid API key." }; 
    handleRequest: function(context, resource, method, key) { 
     var connection = API.connection(context.request, key); 
     if (!connection.error) { 
     API.methods[ resource ][ method ](context, connection); 
     } else { 
     API.utility.response(context, 401, connection); 

    methods: { 
     ebay: { 
     GET: function(context, connection) {}, 
     POST: function(context, connection) { 

      // HERE: is where I want to access the request.body but it is empty 

      console.log(connection.data, context.request); 
      // Response of 200 is required for eBay Notifications 
      API.utility.response(context, 200, connection.data); 

      let soapaction = context.request.headers.soapaction; 
      let split = soapaction.split('/notification/'); 
      let notification = split[ 1 ]; 

        createdAt: new Date(), 
        soapaction: soapaction, 
        notification: notification 
     PUT: function(context, connection) {}, 
     DELETE: function(context, connection) {} 

    utility: { 
     getRequestContents: function(request) { 
     switch(request.method) { 
      case "GET": 
       return request.query; 
      case "POST": 
      case "PUT": 
      case "DELETE": 
       return request.body; 
     hasData: function(data) { 
     return Object.keys(data).length > 0 ? true : false; 
     response: function(context, statusCode, data) { 
     context.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); 
     context.response.statusCode = statusCode; 
     validate: function(data, pattern) { 
     return Match.test(data, pattern); 



Router.route('/api/ebay/:key', function() { 
    this.response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); 
    // https://api.ebay.com/ws/api.dll 

    if (this.request.method === "OPTIONS") { 
     this.response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); 
     this.response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, OPTIONS'); 
     this.response.end('Set OPTIONS.'); 
    } else { 
     API.handleRequest(this, 'ebay', this.request.method, this.params.key); 
}, { where: 'server' }); 

这成功接收eBay平台的通知。我只是不确定在哪里访问XML,因为request.body是空白的。我无休止地搜索了谷歌我需要的信息。易趣有文档:SetNotificationPreferencesWorking With Platform NotificationsGetting Notifications我已经签出,但似乎没有帮助我的情况。


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     _monotonicStartTime: 898918969, 
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     on: [Function: addListener], 
     pause: [Function], 
     resume: [Function], 
     read: [Function], 
     _consuming: true }, 
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    _monotonicStartTime: 898919231, 
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     finished: false, 
     _hangupClose: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
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     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
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     end: [Function] } }, 
    { _connecting: false, 
     { fd: 32, 
     writeQueueSize: 0, 
     owner: [Circular], 
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     reading: true }, 
     { highWaterMark: 16384, 
     buffer: [], 
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     ended: false, 
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     reading: true, 
     calledRead: true, 
     sync: false, 
     needReadable: true, 
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     readableListening: false, 
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     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     ranOut: false, 
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     decoder: null, 
     encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
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     { end: [Object], 
     finish: [Function: onSocketFinish], 
     _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd], 
     drain: [Object], 
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     error: [Function], 
     close: [Object] }, 
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     onwrite: [Function], 
     writecb: null, 
     writelen: 0, 
     buffer: [], 
     errorEmitted: false }, 
    writable: true, 
    allowHalfOpen: true, 
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    bytesRead: 4987, 
    _bytesDispatched: 1231, 
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    _pendingEncoding: '', 
     { domain: null, 
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     _maxListeners: 10, 
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     _slaves: [], 
     allowHalfOpen: true, 
     httpAllowHalfOpen: false, 
     timeout: 5000, 
     _connectionKey: '4:' }, 
    _idleTimeout: 120000, 
     { _connecting: false, 
     _handle: [Object], 
     _readableState: [Object], 
     readable: true, 
     domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _maxListeners: 10, 
     _writableState: [Object], 
     writable: true, 
     allowHalfOpen: false, 
     onend: null, 
     destroyed: false, 
     bytesRead: 14384, 
     _bytesDispatched: 1798, 
     _pendingData: null, 
     _pendingEncoding: '', 
     _idleTimeout: 30000, 
     _idleNext: [Object], 
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     _idleStart: 1453475881306, 
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     addListener: [Function: addListener], 
     on: [Function: addListener], 
     pause: [Function], 
     resume: [Function], 
     read: [Function], 
     _consuming: true }, 
    _idlePrev: { _idleNext: [Circular], _idlePrev: [Object] }, 
    _idleStart: 1453475881568, 
    _monotonicStartTime: 898919231, 
     { _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     onHeaders: [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     onHeadersComplete: [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     onBody: [Function: parserOnBody], 
     onMessageComplete: [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     socket: [Circular], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function] }, 
    ondata: [Function], 
    _paused: false, 
     { domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _maxListeners: 10, 
     output: [], 
     outputEncodings: [], 
     writable: true, 
     _last: false, 
     chunkedEncoding: false, 
     shouldKeepAlive: true, 
     useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true, 
     sendDate: true, 
     _headerSent: false, 
     _header: '', 
     _hasBody: true, 
     _trailer: '', 
     finished: false, 
     _hangupClose: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     connection: [Circular], 
     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
     write: [Function], 
     end: [Function] } }, 
    httpVersion: '1.1', 
    complete: false, 
    { host: '/*...omitted...*/', 
    'user-agent': 'eBayNioHttpClient 1.0', 
    'content-length': '2840', 
    'cache-control': 'max-age=86400', 
    connection: 'keep-alive', 
    'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=utf-8', 
    soapaction: '"http://developer.ebay.com/notification/AskSellerQuestion"', 
    via: '1.1 phx7b02c-718782 (squid)', 
    'x-forwarded-for': '/*...omitted...*/', 
    'x-forwarded-proto': 'http', 
    'x-mod-region': '/*...omitted...*/', 
    'accept-encoding': 'gzip' }, 
    trailers: {}, 
    _pendings: [], 
    _pendingIndex: 0, 
    url: '/api/ebay//*...omitted...*/', 
    method: 'POST', 
    statusCode: null, 
    { _connecting: false, 
     { fd: 32, 
     writeQueueSize: 0, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     reading: true }, 
     { highWaterMark: 16384, 
     buffer: [], 
     length: 0, 
     pipes: null, 
     pipesCount: 0, 
     flowing: false, 
     ended: false, 
     endEmitted: false, 
     reading: true, 
     calledRead: true, 
     sync: false, 
     needReadable: true, 
     emittedReadable: false, 
     readableListening: false, 
     objectMode: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     ranOut: false, 
     awaitDrain: 0, 
     readingMore: false, 
     decoder: null, 
     encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
    domain: null, 
     { end: [Object], 
     finish: [Function: onSocketFinish], 
     _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd], 
     drain: [Object], 
     timeout: [Function], 
     error: [Function], 
     close: [Object] }, 
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     { _connecting: false, 
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     domain: null, 
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     writable: true, 
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     _idleNext: [Object], 
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     _monotonicStartTime: 898918969, 
     pipe: [Function], 
     addListener: [Function: addListener], 
     on: [Function: addListener], 
     pause: [Function], 
     resume: [Function], 
     read: [Function], 
     _consuming: true }, 
    _idlePrev: { _idleNext: [Circular], _idlePrev: [Object] }, 
    _idleStart: 1453475881568, 
    _monotonicStartTime: 898919231, 
     { _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     onHeaders: [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     onHeadersComplete: [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     onBody: [Function: parserOnBody], 
     onMessageComplete: [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     socket: [Circular], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function] }, 
    ondata: [Function], 
    _paused: false, 
     { domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _maxListeners: 10, 
     output: [], 
     outputEncodings: [], 
     writable: true, 
     _last: false, 
     chunkedEncoding: false, 
     shouldKeepAlive: true, 
     useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true, 
     sendDate: true, 
     _headerSent: false, 
     _header: '', 
     _hasBody: true, 
     _trailer: '', 
     finished: false, 
     _hangupClose: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     connection: [Circular], 
     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
     write: [Function], 
     end: [Function] } }, 
    _consuming: false, 
    _dumped: false, 
    httpVersionMajor: 1, 
    httpVersionMinor: 1, 
    upgrade: false, 
    originalUrl: '/api/ebay//*...omitted...*/', 
    { protocol: null, 
    slashes: null, 
    auth: null, 
    host: null, 
    port: null, 
    hostname: null, 
    hash: null, 
    search: null, 
    query: null, 
    pathname: '/api/ebay//*...omitted...*/', 
    path: '/api/ebay//*...omitted...*/', 
    href: '/api/ebay//*...omitted...*/' }, 
    query: {}, 
    body: {} } 

你需要提供你已经为这个和一些链接到您查阅过的特定易趣文档编写的代码,否则就更难有人来帮助你。谢谢! –


我没想过要么。我的问题是eBay发送的回复中我可以找到XML。因为response.body是空的。 – Omgabee


@omouse好的,我添加了所需的信息。如果有人打算低估这个问题,会提供一些关于他们为什么拒绝投票的信息,我会觉得这很有帮助。我只是想获得一些帮助。谢谢:) – Omgabee





response.on('data', function handleResponse(data) { 
    console.log("data from the response"); 

我的意思是说在请求没有回应,我的错误。但我尝试添加该功能,并没有记录任何内容。我正在编辑我的问题与什么是记录(我正在记录请求)。我还添加了我正在尝试登录/访问数据的评论。 – Omgabee


我最终得到了它的工作:)我确实使用了你的答案,但它花了我很长时间,所以很多试图让它记录我想要的。我重写了我的路线并在response.end()之后使用了它,并且它看起来有效。感谢您的帮助 – Omgabee


真棒很高兴它为你工作! –