2012-07-31 68 views

当我使用RAPI API连接到Windows Mobile设备从PC,我可以得到它的设备ID如下:在紧凑框架中的Windows Mobile设备上获取设备ID?

using (RemoteDeviceManager r = new RemoteDeviceManager()) 
    using (RemoteDevice dev = r.Devices.FirstConnectedDevice) 
     //dev.DeviceId; <--the id 




微软在2003年发布了一篇关于Retrieving the Windows CE Device ID with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework的图书馆文章,我一直在成功地使用它。

private static extern bool KernelIoControl(Int32 IoControlCode, IntPtr InputBuffer, Int32 InputBufferSize, byte[] OutputBuffer, Int32 OutputBufferSize, ref Int32 BytesReturned); 

private static string GetDeviceID() { 
    // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446562.aspx 
    byte[] data = new byte[256]; 
    Int32 OutputBufferSize, BytesReturned; 
    OutputBufferSize = data.Length; 
    BytesReturned = 0; 
    // Call KernelIoControl passing the previously defined IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID parameter 
    // We don’t need to pass any input buffers to this call 
    // so InputBuffer and InputBufferSize are set to their null values 
    bool retVal = KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID, IntPtr.Zero, 0, data, OutputBufferSize, ref BytesReturned); 
    // If the request failed, exit the method now 
    if (retVal) { 
    // Examine the OutputBuffer byte array to find the start of the 
    // Preset ID and Platform ID, as well as the size of the PlatformID. 
    // PresetIDOffset – The number of bytes the preset ID is offset from the beginning of the structure 
    // PlatformIDOffset - The number of bytes the platform ID is offset from the beginning of the structure 
    // PlatformIDSize - The number of bytes used to store the platform ID 
    // Use BitConverter.ToInt32() to convert from byte[] to int 
    Int32 PresetIDOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4); 
    Int32 PlatformIDOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0xc); 
    Int32 PlatformIDSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x10); 

    // Convert the Preset ID segments into a string so they can be 
    // displayed easily. 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     BitConverter.ToInt32(data, PresetIDOffset), 
     BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 4), 
     BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 6), 
     BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 8))); 

    // Break the Platform ID down into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers 
    // and append them to the Preset ID. This will result in a 
    // string-formatted Device ID 
    for (int i = PlatformIDOffset; i < PlatformIDOffset + PlatformIDSize; i++) { 
     sb.Append(String.Format("{0:X2}", data[i])); 
    // return the Device ID string 
    return sb.ToString(); 
    return null; 


public static class Device 
    //These values and the definition of IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID were taken from the C++ header file, 
    // winioctl.h. 
    private static Int32 FILE_DEVICE_HAL = 0x00000101; 
    private static Int32 FILE_ANY_ACCESS = 0x0; 
    private static Int32 METHOD_BUFFERED = 0x0; 

    private static Int32 IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID = 
     ((FILE_DEVICE_HAL) << 16) | ((FILE_ANY_ACCESS) << 14) 
     | ((21) << 2) | (METHOD_BUFFERED); 

    private static extern bool KernelIoControl(Int32 IoControlCode, IntPtr InputBuffer, Int32 InputBufferSize, byte[] OutputBuffer, Int32 OutputBufferSize, ref Int32 BytesReturned); 
    public static string GetDeviceID() 
     byte[] data = new byte[256]; 
     Int32 OutputBufferSize, BytesReturned; 
     OutputBufferSize = data.Length; 
     BytesReturned = 0; 
     // Call KernelIoControl passing the previously defined IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID parameter 
     // We don’t need to pass any input buffers to this call 
     // so InputBuffer and InputBufferSize are set to their null values 
     bool retVal = KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID, IntPtr.Zero, 0, data, OutputBufferSize, ref BytesReturned); 
     // If the request failed, exit the method now 
     if (retVal) 
      // Examine the OutputBuffer byte array to find the start of the 
      // Preset ID and Platform ID, as well as the size of the PlatformID. 
      // PresetIDOffset – The number of bytes the preset ID is offset from the beginning of the structure 
      // PlatformIDOffset - The number of bytes the platform ID is offset from the beginning of the structure 
      // PlatformIDSize - The number of bytes used to store the platform ID 
      // Use BitConverter.ToInt32() to convert from byte[] to int 
      Int32 PresetIDOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4); 
      Int32 PlatformIDOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0xc); 
      Int32 PlatformIDSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x10); 

      // Convert the Preset ID segments into a string so they can be 
      // displayed easily. 
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
       BitConverter.ToInt32(data, PresetIDOffset), 
       BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 4), 
       BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 6), 
       BitConverter.ToInt16(data, PresetIDOffset + 8))); 

      // Break the Platform ID down into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers 
      // and append them to the Preset ID. This will result in a 
      // string-formatted Device ID 
      for (int i = PlatformIDOffset; i < PlatformIDOffset + PlatformIDSize; i++) 
       sb.Append(String.Format("{0:X2}", data[i])); 
      // return the Device ID string 
      return sb.ToString(); 
     // if null call 
     // "If the OEM has provided support for the IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID IOCTL, KernelIoControl will return true. 
     // If the OEM has not provided support for IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID, or the request fails, then false is returned. 
     // If false is returned, call Marshal.GetLastWin32Error for details. An error code of 122 indicates that 
     // the allocated DEVICE_ID buffer is too small to store all the information. In this situation, 
     // the first 4 bytes of OutputBuffer will contain the required buffer size. 
     //Simply reallocate the size of OutputBuffer and request the information again." 
     return null; 

然后 例如:

var deviceId = Device.GetDeviceID(); 
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Device Id {0}", deviceId)); 


我刚刚完成了点。 参考:在Windows Compact 7的

编辑工作对我来说https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee478480.aspx 2014年10月16日 这个I/O控制(IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID)已被弃用。其功能已被集成到IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICE_INFO中。



这应该是标记的答案。感谢您将它放在一起。使用Windows CE 6操作Motorola MC3190 – Migs 2015-11-23 16:34:22