2013-03-07 58 views


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       Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of 
       text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want 
       to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into 
       menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. 
       Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block 
       of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that 
       I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not 
       wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu 
       column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large 
       block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text 
       that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to 
       not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into 
       menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. 
       Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. 
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$(document).ready(function() { 
    var offset_left = $("#main-menu").width() + parseInt($("#main-menu").css("marginRight")); /* Also added the calculated right margin (currently 0), just in case you decided you want more spacing between the menu and content */ 

     "padding-left": offset_left 



$(document).ready(function() { 
    $(window).resize(function() { 
     // Calculate the necessary offset 
     var offset_left = $("#main-menu").width() + parseInt($("#main-menu").css("marginRight")); /* Also added the calculated right margin (currently 0), just in case you decided you want more spacing between the menu and content */ 

     // Assign left offset as padding 
      "padding-left": offset_left 

    // Note: we fire resize() once when the window loads so that everything is calculated properly the first time the page loads (because by default, resize() is not triggered upon page load) 


为了完整起见,你可能要考虑如何debounce.resize()事件 - 就像Chrome浏览器,打响事件持续发生,当用户拖动窗口的调整大小手柄时,可能会影响较慢计算机上的浏览器性能,或者如果.resize()函数中的计算过多。


嗯,我不能够复制这一结果与浮子#主视图,至少不会在IE中,我的猜测是不是文本最好的浏览器进行测试,除了我希望也能够将其用于Windows 8应用程序,我很确定使用ie引擎。至于填充,由于菜单列的min,max和%,就我所知,这不是css可解的。你能编辑我的jsfiddle来显示你的工作解决方案吗? – rickstockham 2013-03-07 18:52:04


在试图修复宽度时,您仍然可以使用填充 - 只需使用“box-sizing:border-box”即可。 ;)刚刚编辑我的答案,检查新的小提琴。 – Terry 2013-03-07 18:55:10


我不确定你是否与视图大小混淆,但这不是一个正确的解决方案。如果我可以用桌子做,我会很开心,但内容会变得疯狂。我知道它是一个棘手的问题,它可能需要一个沉重的JS解决方案。 – rickstockham 2013-03-07 19:06:44


我不确定这是否适合您,但为您的div设置高度将帮助您实现自己想要的效果。我已将min-height设置为某个值,并且设置height:auto以在有更多数据时提供帮助。它避免流入菜单部分 这是的jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/gGt9S/2/


这不适用于大块文本或页面宽度减小。无用的文本块的目的是为了证明这一点。好镜头,它隐藏了一些文本块的问题,但它不是一个解决方案。 – rickstockham 2013-03-07 18:49:41