2016-04-22 65 views

****如何设置进口出口产品在Opencart的****如何Intigrate导入导出CSV/XLS prodcut Opencart的

**i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..i have lots of extention its not works please help me ..** 

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我可以做到................! 10USD 我的skype:vinaysingh43



在OpenCart中没有内置模块导出/导入,因此您需要使用扩展名或一些脚本。有很多这样的模块。我使用Store Manager,但它是付费的。但是,如果您一次只需要它,则可以下载2周版本并执行无任何代价的任务。