2016-12-13 130 views

我试图编译我的代码,我得到预期的“;”标识或“(”令牌之前,C“无效”的错误:?10:1 ..可以”不像是会找错字,如果有人能帮助我我将不胜感激!我提供我的代码楼下,我相信这只是一个愚蠢的错误,我什么地方做。预期';'标识符或“(”令牌之前“无效”

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

//setting up my binary converter struct 
struct bin 
    int data; 
    struct bin *link; 
void append(struct bin **, int);  //setting up append value 
void reverse(struct bin**);   //reverse values to convert to binary 
void display(struct bin *);   //so we can display 

int main(void) 
    int nu,i;    //global vars 
    struct bin *p; 

    p = NULL;    //setting up p pointer to NULL to make sure it has no sense of being some other value 

    printf("Enter Value: "); 
    scanf("%d", &nu); 

    while (nu != 0) 
     i = nu % 2; 
     append (&p, i); 
     nu /= 2; 

    printf("Value in Binary: "); 
    //setting up our append function now 
void append(struct bin **q, int nu) 
    struct bin *temp,*r; 
    temp = *q; 

    if(*q == NULL)        //making sure q pointer is null 
      temp = (struct bin *)malloc(sizeof(struct bin)); 
      temp -> data = nu; 
      temp -> link = NULL; 
      *q = temp; 
      temp = *q; 
      while (temp -> link != NULL) 
       temp = temp -> link; 
      r = (struct bin *) malloc(sizeof(struct bin)); 
      r -> data = nu; 
      r -> link = NULL; 
      temp -> link = r; 
    //setting up our reverse function to show in binary values 
    void reverse(struct bin **x) 
     struct bin *q, *r, *s; 
     q = *x; 
     r = NULL; 

     while (q != NULL) 
      s = r; 
      r = q; 
      q = q -> link; 
      r -> link = s; 
     *x = r; 
    //setting up our display function 
    void display(struct bin *q) 
     while (q != NULL) 
      printf("%d", q -> data); 
      q = q -> link; 

缺少',''后结构斌{...}' – EOF




struct bin 
    int data; 
    struct bin *link; 

此外,您main()函数应该return SOMET:;)你的结构的声明后,兴。在末尾添加return 0;


int nu,i;    //global vars 


编辑: 后两个意见显然没有导致编译错误,但我认为这是一个很好的想法,无论如何提及它们。


编译器插入一个隐含的'返回0;对于''main'。但是''''是个好地方。 – Bathsheba


当然失踪'return'它没有造成问题,但我认为这是给它这么写一个好主意。 –


但这条教条毁了一个很好的答案。 – Bathsheba
