2016-09-19 44 views


template <typename Alg> class AlgorithmTraits; 

template <class Alg> 
struct Heuristic { 
    using Neighbor = typename AlgorithmTraits<Alg>::Generator::Neighbor; 

template <class Alg, template <class> class HType> 
struct Generator { 
    using Neighbor = int; 
    HType<Alg> h_; 
template <class Alg> 
using GeneratorPolicy = Generator<Alg, Heuristic>; 

template <template <class> class InitialHeuristic_, 
      template <class> class Generator_> class Astar; 

template <template <class> class InitialHeuristic_, 
      template <class> class Generator_> 
struct AlgorithmTraits<Astar<InitialHeuristic_, Generator_>> { 
    using MyAlgorithm = Astar<InitialHeuristic_, Generator_>; 
    using InitialHeuristic = InitialHeuristic_<MyAlgorithm>; 
    using Generator = Generator_<MyAlgorithm>; 

template <template <class> class InitialHeuristic_, 
      template <class> class Generator_> 
class Astar { 
    using InitialHeuristic = typename AlgorithmTraits<Astar>::InitialHeuristic; 
    using Generator = typename AlgorithmTraits<Astar>::Generator; 
    //InitialHeuristic h_; // version 1 (does not compile) 
    Generator g_;   // version 2 (compiles) 

int main() { 
    Astar<Heuristic, GeneratorPolicy> a; (void)a; 
    return 0; 


P.S.如果你回答GeneratorPolicy<Astar>已完成,请解释版本1如何不编译。的g++ 5.4.0该版本的错误输出是:

temp.cpp: In instantiation of ‘struct Generator<Astar<Heuristic, GeneratorPolicy>, Heuristic>’: 
temp.cpp:17:72: required from ‘struct Heuristic<Astar<Heuristic, GeneratorPolicy> >’ 
temp.cpp:43:22: required from ‘class Astar<Heuristic, GeneratorPolicy>’ 
temp.cpp:48:39: required from here 
temp.cpp:23:16: error: ‘Generator<Alg, HType>::h_’ has incomplete type 
    HType<Alg> h_; 
temp.cpp:16:8: note: declaration of ‘struct Heuristic<Astar<Heuristic, GeneratorPolicy> >’ 
struct Heuristic { 


template <typename Alg> 
struct Generator; 

template <typename Alg> struct Heuristic { 
    using Neighbor = typename Generator<Alg>::Neighbor; 

template <typename Alg> struct Generator { 
    using Neighbor = int; 
    Heuristic<Alg> h; 

int main() 
    Heuristic<int> x; // Version 1 - compile error 
    //Generator<int> x; // Version 2 - compile fine 



您的代码非常复杂,因此难以阅读和掌握。试着用一个更简单的例子来重现你的问题 – sigy


“不完整类型”通常是一种类型,比如'class'或'struct',它只有一个声明而没有定义,就像'class Incomplete;'一样。 –




template <typename T> 
struct Bar; 

template <typename T> 
struct Foo 
    using a = typename Bar<T>::Type; 

template <typename T> 
struct Bar 
    using Type = int; 
    Foo<T> x; 

int main() 
    //Foo<int> x; // Version 1 - compile error 
    Bar<int> x; // Version 2 - compile fine 




更简单的版本可以很好地捕捉问题。我不明白你答案的最后几个字:“这很容易完成定义”。你能否详细说明一下? – AlwaysLearning


@AlwaysLearning我不是解析专家。但我会说在第二个版本中,'Bar '在实例化'Foo '时没有自动更新,而只使用别名('Bar :: Type') – Amadeus


我真的很想知道避免的确切原因这种问题在未来的设计阶段就会出现。任何人? – AlwaysLearning