2012-02-28 52 views

我寻找类似的公式,如下: How to copy data from sheet1 to sheet2 with a condition in Excel从一个片复制值到另一个时列内容匹配


= IF(EXACT(Sheet 1中B4,Sheet 2中! A7),Sheet1!A4)




寻找公式中的“下一行”是不可能的,除非你使用数组公式,这有点棘手。因此,请向我们解释预期产出并向我们描述您的投入,以便我们能够帮助您。顺便说一下,如果你不介意,这种问题也可以用VBA轻松处理。 – JMax 2012-02-28 16:04:01


感谢您的快速响应。 这是复制电台(1-16上午和下午)的一周。时间表上的每个人站将被复制到具有“当日队伍阵容”的第二张纸上 在表1上,每个人的姓名按字母顺序列出,每周他们被分配一周的电台。 在工作表2上,工作站按照上午和下午的数字排列。人员名称必须填写在他们在工作表1上分配的工作站旁边。 我想自动将日程安排复制到团队工作表中(工作表2) – MikeT 2012-02-28 16:50:04


您可以使用问题左下角的链接编辑您的问题,以添加问题中的所有元素。您能否显示一个数据样本(链接到isntance的截图)? – JMax 2012-02-28 20:12:59





下方图像的左侧是我的源表单。请注意,列C包含一个日期,我已格式化为“ddd dd”,因为我发现这种类型的列表方便的格式。在右边是输出的打印图像。列的宽度,边框和单元格合并由宏设置。




enter image description here


Option Explicit 

    Type typStationBooking 
    NamePerson As String 
    NameStation As String 
    BookDate As Date 
    BookTimeStart As Long  ' Time in minutes 540 = 9:00 
    BookTimeEnd As Long   ' Time in minutes 900 = 15:00 
    End Type 
Sub ListByNameToListByStation() 

    Dim ColDataCrnt As Long 
    Dim DateCrnt As Date 
    Dim DateLatest As Date 
    Dim DateEarliest As Date 
    Dim Found As Boolean 
    Dim InxBookCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxBookMax As Long 
    Dim InxStatCrnt As Long 
    Dim NumRowsPerDay As Long 
    Dim NumStations As Long 
    Dim NumTimeSlots As Long 
    Dim Occupied As Boolean 
    Dim RowDataCrnt As Long 
    Dim RowDataDayFirst As Long 
    Dim RowDataLast As Long 
    Dim RowDataTimeSlot As Long 
    Dim StationBooking() As typStationBooking 
    Dim StationName() As Variant 
    Dim SheetDest As String 
    Dim SheetSrc As String 
    Dim TimeCrnt As Long 
    Dim TimeEarliest As Long 
    Dim TimeLatest As Long 
    Dim TimeInterval As Long 

    ' Names of stations in desired column sequence. Names must match 
    ' those used in worksheet Source. LBound = 0 
    StationName = Array("Station2", "Station3", "Station1") 

    SheetDest = "Dest"  ') Change to your 
    SheetSrc = "Source"  ') sheet names 

    DateEarliest = -1 
    DateLatest = -1 

    TimeInterval = 30  ') Values in minutes. Change as necessary 
    TimeEarliest = -1 
    TimeLatest = -1 

    With Sheets(SheetSrc) 

    ' First Last used row 
    RowDataLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 

    ' Reserve space for rows 2 to RowLast 
    ReDim StationBooking(1 To RowDataLast - 1) 

    InxBookMax = 0  ' No current entries 

    ' Load data from Sheet1 table into array 
    For RowDataCrnt = 2 To RowDataLast 
     ' ### The source data should be checked: 
     ' * Person name non-blank 
     ' * Station name matches value in StationName() 
     ' * Day is date in range DateFirst to DateLast 
     ' * Start and End times are times in range TimeFirst to 
     ' TimeLast+TimeInteval with Start time before End time 
     ' and both are of the form TimeStart + N*TimeInterval 
     ' where is a positive integer 

     InxBookMax = InxBookMax + 1 
     StationBooking(InxBookMax).NamePerson = .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 1).Value 
     StationBooking(InxBookMax).NameStation = .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 2).Value 
     StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate = .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 3).Value 
     StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeStart = _ 
      Hour(.Cells(RowDataCrnt, 4).Value) * 60 + _ 
            Minute(.Cells(RowDataCrnt, 4).Value) 
     StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeEnd = _ 
      Hour(.Cells(RowDataCrnt, 5).Value) * 60 + _ 
            Minute(.Cells(RowDataCrnt, 5).Value) 
     If DateEarliest = -1 Then 
     DateEarliest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate 
     DateLatest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate 
     If DateEarliest > StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate Then 
      DateEarliest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate 
     End If 
     If DateLatest < StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate Then 
      DateLatest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookDate 
     End If 
     End If 
     If TimeEarliest = -1 Then 
     TimeEarliest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeStart 
     TimeLatest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeEnd 
     If TimeEarliest > StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeStart Then 
      TimeEarliest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeStart 
     End If 
     If TimeLatest < StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeEnd Then 
      TimeLatest = StationBooking(InxBookMax).BookTimeEnd 
     End If 
     End If 

    End With 

    With Sheets(SheetDest) 

    ' Lay out destination sheet 
    ' Format per day 
    ' Row 1 : Date 
    ' Row 2 : Station names 
    ' Row 3+: One row per time interval from TimeEarliest to 
    '          TimeLatest + TimeInteval 
    ' Row N : Blank row 
    ' Col 1 : Time 
    ' Col 2+: Station name 

    ' Delete current contents 

    NumRowsPerDay = (TimeLatest - TimeEarliest)/TimeInterval + 3 
    NumStations = UBound(StationName) + 1 

    ' Set column widths 
    .Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 6 
    For ColDataCrnt = 2 To NumStations + 1 
     .Columns(ColDataCrnt).ColumnWidth = 14 

    RowDataCrnt = 1 
    DateCrnt = DateEarliest 
    Do While DateCrnt <= DateLatest 
     RowDataDayFirst = RowDataCrnt 
     .Range(.Cells(RowDataCrnt, 1), .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 1 + NumStations)).Merge 
     With .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 1) 
     .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter 
     .NumberFormat = "dddd d mmmm" 
     .Value = DateCrnt 
     End With 
     RowDataCrnt = RowDataCrnt + 1 
     InxStatCrnt = 0 
     For ColDataCrnt = 2 To NumStations + 1 
     .Cells(RowDataCrnt, ColDataCrnt).Value = StationName(InxStatCrnt) 
     InxStatCrnt = InxStatCrnt + 1 
     RowDataCrnt = RowDataCrnt + 1 
     TimeCrnt = TimeEarliest 
     Do While TimeCrnt < TimeLatest 
     With .Cells(RowDataCrnt, 1) 
      .NumberFormat = "hh:mm" 
      .Value = DateCrnt + TimeSerial(TimeCrnt \ 60, TimeCrnt Mod 60, 0) 
     End With 
     RowDataCrnt = RowDataCrnt + 1 
     TimeCrnt = TimeCrnt + TimeInterval 
     With .Range(.Cells(RowDataDayFirst, 1), _ 
        .Cells(RowDataCrnt - 1, NumStations + 1)) 
     With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     With .Borders(xlEdgeTop) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     With .Borders(xlEdgeRight) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     With .Borders(xlInsideVertical) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     With .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal) 
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous 
      .Weight = xlThin 
      .Color = RGB(192, 192, 192) 
     End With 
     End With 
     RowDataCrnt = RowDataCrnt + 1 
     DateCrnt = DateSerial(Year(DateCrnt), Month(DateCrnt), Day(DateCrnt) + 1) 

    ' Now place each entry in StationBooking in the appropriate cell(s) 

    For InxBookCrnt = 1 To InxBookMax 
     'Debug.Assert InxBookCrnt <> 17 
     DateCrnt = StationBooking(InxBookCrnt).BookDate 
     RowDataDayFirst = (DateCrnt - DateEarliest) * NumRowsPerDay + 1 
     TimeCrnt = StationBooking(InxBookCrnt).BookTimeStart 
     RowDataTimeSlot = RowDataDayFirst + 2 + _ 
             (TimeCrnt - TimeEarliest)/TimeInterval 
     NumTimeSlots = (StationBooking(InxBookCrnt).BookTimeEnd - TimeCrnt) _ 
     Found = False 
     For InxStatCrnt = 0 To UBound(StationName) 
     If StationBooking(InxBookCrnt).NameStation = _ 
                StationName(InxStatCrnt) Then 
      Found = True 
      Exit For 
     End If 
     If Not Found Then 
     MsgBox ("Row " & InxBookCrnt + 1 & " of worksheet " & SheetSrc & _ 
       "contains an unknown station name") 
     ColDataCrnt = InxStatCrnt + 2 
     ' Check space for this entry is not already occupied 
     Occupied = False 
     For RowDataCrnt = RowDataTimeSlot To RowDataTimeSlot + NumTimeSlots - 1 
      If .Cells(RowDataCrnt, ColDataCrnt) <> "" Then 
      Occupied = True 
      Exit For 
      End If 
     If Not Occupied Then 
      If Range(.Cells(RowDataTimeSlot, ColDataCrnt), _ 
        .Cells(RowDataTimeSlot + NumTimeSlots - 1, _ 
             ColDataCrnt)).MergeCells Then 
      Occupied = True 
      End If 
     End If 
     If Occupied Then 
      MsgBox ("Row " & InxBookCrnt + 1 & " of worksheet " & SheetSrc & _ 
        " overlaps a previous entry") 
      ' Entire slot is free 
      .Cells(RowDataTimeSlot, ColDataCrnt).Value = _ 
      If NumTimeSlots > 1 Then 
      With .Range(.Cells(RowDataTimeSlot, ColDataCrnt), _ 
         .Cells(RowDataTimeSlot + NumTimeSlots - 1, ColDataCrnt)) 
       .WrapText = True 
       .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter 
      End With 
      End If 
     End If 
     End If 

    End With 

End Sub 

很好的解决方案:)(和+1) – JMax 2012-03-01 13:12:21



Sub TodaysActions() 

Dim listSheetRange As Range 
'Sheet to copy data From 
Dim listSheet As Worksheet 
'Sheet to copy data To 
Dim actionSheet As Worksheet 

Set listSheetRange = Worksheets("List").UsedRange 
Set listSheet = Worksheets("List") 
Set actionSheet = Worksheets("Action") 

'Clear the To Sheet 

'Row 1 of From Sheet contains the data to match 
'Copy Header Row i.e Row 2 of From Sheet 
listSheet.Rows(2).Copy Destination:=actionSheet.Rows(1) 

currentActionRow = 2 

For i = 3 To listSheetRange.Rows.Count 
    'Comparision Condition 
    If InStr(listSheetRange.Cells(i, 1), listSheetRange.Cells(1, 3)) Then 
     listSheet.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=actionSheet.Rows(currentActionRow) 
     currentActionRow = currentActionRow + 1 
    End If 
Next i 

'hide any unwanted columns 
actionSheet.Columns(1).Hidden = 1 

End Sub 